About Fan Fics

By Mr. David R. Dorrycott

edited July 17th, 2012

Okay here are three pure FanFics. FanFics, Fan Fiction or Fanaticism Fiction are stories written within the universe of another creator. Normally (as in these cases) without the original creator/copyright holders permission or knowledge. Thus though I am able to claim the plot lines and various creations of my own as within my copyright, I cannot and will never claim the original characters or universe as my own. I simply wanted to prove that I could write a fan fiction that was just as bad as everyone else’s. These three stories are Sailor Moon, Ranma ½ and the Pokemon Universe based stories, all original characters are still copyright whomever owns the Sailor Moon, Ranma ½ and Pokemon copyright in whatever country you happen to be reading this in.

As a friend once asked, (something like) “Why are people who write poorly crafted fan fiction praised highly while those who write original characters are despised or ignored.”

My experience when writing the Naorhy stories were comments like “The Enterprise could kill those ships easily.” Actually no it couldn’t as I proved four times in a row against different players on a 5,000+ hex Star Fleet Battles battle board, using Hydran ships as slightly weaker fill in’s for the Naorhy. Even with the Kaufman Retrograde used against me Star Fleet failed, which in that case the ragged remains of the Federation Fleet surrendered on impulse sixteen of turn two. Don’t mess with me, I battled against the best players in San Antonio at the time and held my own.

It is truly difficult to create a completely new universe when the majority of those who read your material continue to consider it against others works, refusing to set aside even for a moment that their most cherished fanaticism (which is what FAN actually means) has no bearing upon what they are currently reading.

Still why do you see racks of Star Trek, Star Wars, DnD and other famous television/movie/game worlds pressed into print? Simple, it takes real imagination to create a character in your mind that you haven’t already seen on television or read in a book while races, societies and their culture/laws are even harder. Star Trek’s nose problem comes to mind. Today the average ‘I want it now’ reader can’t do that or at least refuses to bother to try. After all, we authors are warned by our publishers and our instructors to write at a sixth grade level or lower simply BECAUSE the average reader today cannot easily comprehend anything higher.

Please note that I said AVERAGE.

It is also why artists are more popular than writers. Artists, though no less talented one for one than writers, must always appeal to the lowest common denominator and apparently that lowest common denominator in my experience is skin, sex and more sex. That lowest common denominator is also an unimaginative viewer who wants it NOW NOW NOW!

To the creators of Sailor Moon, Ranma ½ and Pokemon, my deepest regards to your own imaginations, your hard work and my apologies for barging into your living room. It will probably happen again to someone else next time.

Mr. David R. Dorrycott




A Passing
Sailor Moon Universe  
Hard Choices, New Paths
Ranma ½ Universe

Gotta Catch The Pretty Ones

A Pokemon World Based Lemon Fanfiction
