This menu opens a small window into the world to you as seen by SEARS customers from 1921 to 1944. Currently there are five (5) SEARS catalogs in my scanned collection, each page scanned at 300 DPI full size full colour. The same twenty (20) pages have been selected from each archive, reduced to 800x600 & 72 DPI. You will find here catalogs from;

          1921 Fall-Winter

          1924 Fall-Winter

          1926 Spring-Summer

          1930 Fall-Winter

          1934 Fall-Winter

          1937 Spring-Summer

          1944 Spring-Summer

I have another six (6) catalogs yet to scan. These are;

          1930 Spring-Summer

          1932 Fall-Winter

          1941 Spring-Summer

          1967 Spring-Summer


I hope that these pages give you an insight to the period. As to why I am scanning these, well many are in very poor condition when I buy them and fall apart at the slightest touch. Currently I use the period ones (1921 - 1937) for both my Spontoon Island writing & Lakefront and Mrs. Grey.

Due to the difficulty in finding these, and the high price each draws at auction I may never complete 1920-1945. Still it is worth the effort to try.

Mr. David R. Dorrycott

San Antonio, Texas