by Mr. David R. Dorrycott

Chapter Fourteen

An Understanding

Finding the culprit in this case wouldn’t be difficult for anyone like Marcus. It had to be someone at the school Amanda attended and most likely a student. Even though he could probably limit that number to those in her classes, it was still a large number. So Marcus did what was easiest. He simply changed his appearance to look exactly like Amanda.

It was in Biology that he eventually found his culprit. A young dark furred boy who reeked of Chaos. Had Amanda been of Journeyman level she would have spotted him as easily. Oddly he was a popular boy with several friends around him. Marcus had expected that he would find a moody creature, wearing dark clothing and surrounded by rough characters. Instead this boy, Chaos though he was, was no different than any other teenager. Perhaps he was wrong Marcus thought. There were always those of Chaos who were almost of Order, just as there were those of Order who skirted the edge of Chaos. There was but one way to find out.

Gathering Amanda’s books after end of class Marcus was unsurprised to see the boy walking towards him. “Is something wrong Lollypop” he asked, his own ability in no way able to pierce the spells Marcus had used. “We need to check the mold experiments. Surly your not going to dodge out on me now. It’s a whole lab grade.”

“Cold” Marcus lied, sniffling. “Haven’t felt well all week.”

“Neither have I” the boy admitted. “Everyone’s sort of sick it seems. Its taken all I can manage just to come to class today. I keep sneezing and sometimes I wake up unable to breath. Think it might be the flu?”

“Donno” Marcus admitted, not knowing what this flu’s symptoms were. “Lets look at the molds.”

“Gotcha. Don’t forget to grab a mask, stuff can be dangerous Professor Hamilton claims.” He grinned, almost laughing. “That offer of dinner is still on the table you know.”

Marcus let that comment pass, not knowing how Amanda normally responded to it. Following the boy into a separate room he was surprised when the boy let him in first. “You are sick, you didn’t even swing at me this time. Ladies first. I’ll get the experiment. Will you get me a mask too please?”

Finding the masks was easy, they were in a box next to the doorway. Nothing more than simple painters masks Marcus realized as he studied them. There was something odd about them though, a touch of greyness in the seams. He couldn’t chance a spell this close to the Chaos apprentice, so he slipped one of the masks into Amanda skirt pocket. Then offering a mask to the boy he slipped another over his face.

Mold, a mass of yellow-grey filaments that seemed to reach out to touch you. Icky Marcus thought. He’d done very badly in Biology himself, though the course had been much simpler than this one. “Better take notes” the boy reminded Marcus.

Looking through Amanda’s books he found one marked Biology - Lab. Opening it Marcus found several pages broken into columns, numbers and observations on each page with Amanda’s and a boys name on top of each. Billy, so this must be Billy. Flipping to the pages he found the last entries. Pulling out Amanda’s pen he waited. “Ready Billy” Marcus announced.

“Right Lollypop. Okay...” Marcus carefully wrote down the observations as Billy gave them, then closed the book as Billy replaced the plastic boxes lid. “That’s it for this class” Billy announced, stipping off his mask to throw it in a yellow and red metal box. “See you Thursdays class?”

“Like always” Marcus agreed, following Billy’s example. They hadn’t walked three feet when Billy suddenly gasped, grabbed his face and started fighting to breath.

Marcus didn’t wait, didn’t care. A moment later they were both in the nearest hospital Emergency room. “Mold Allergy” Marcus screamed in a nurses face. “He can’t breath.” As two with dressed nurses ran up to grab the teenager Marcus shifted his disguise just a bit. Lollypop was in the hospital already, having two Lollypop’s around would be insanity. Though his change was minor, it would be enough. More importantly he had to find the apprentices Master and get him, or here fast. None of his spells would affect Chaos, just as Chaos magic could not affect Order or either Neutral. Stepping into the Ladies room Marcus opened his hand. Within it lay a button from Billy’s shirt. It would be more than enough. Making certain that he was alone, Marcus called to the others Master.

What arrived minutes later surprised him. Expecting some grizzled old male he found himself facing a young male mouse no older than Amanda herself. “Ladies room, wonderful” the other complained. A moment later Marcus was facing what Amanda would call an attractive young lady. “Why the ladies room dragon” the other asked.

“Because my apprentice is female, and I was hunting her attempted murderer” Marcus answered. “Only to discover he who I was searching for is no murderer, but a victim as well. Your apprentice is in this hospital. Very ill he needs you. I will wait until you heal him, it is his lungs, a modified mold.”

“Very well. There should be a garden outside. We will talk there.”

Walking out the door the other left Marcus alone. What was going on the dragon wondered.

“So this thing” the other was saying as they walked in the garden, “Is responsible for the near deaths of both our students.” Again male, the Chaos Mage was holding that mask Marcus had liberated. “It has been changed, most likely by radiation from what I can feel of it.”

“I have read of this word” Marcus admitted. “Does it not simply destroy all it comes in contact with? I am Marcus by the way.”

“Celine” the other offered. “Normally yes. It destroys by damaging cell walls, ionization of cellular material. In very low doses or very short exposures it is possibly that the genetic codes were scrambled, resulting in this hideous monster. It is where you say?”

“Your students Biology class, the laboratory.”

Celine shook her head. “So this is where the new Neutral studies. I shall make a pact with you dragon. You have saved my students life, for that I will withhold all information I have, or suspect of your students whereabouts until she becomes Journeyman. For one price.”

“That being” Marcus asked carefully.

“I would like to be invited to her Journeyman party. She will be completely safe from all by then, and to be truthful I have never been invited to any Order or Neutral party. For cause of course. For Cause.” He laughed softly. “I was one of the first Chaos Mages. Billy will replace me. I am tired, and in the beginning I did many evil things. I am still Chaos, but not as I once was.”

“Subject to investigation, I will promise nothing” Marcus answered. “Other than if my investigation shows your words true, then I will be happy to invite you.”

“Thank you” Celine said. “Chaos parties are rather dismal affairs, I have been reduced to crashing wedding parties these last three hundred years. Now what do we do about this mold?”

“I think that we should destroy it, then release a counter to heal everyone else exposed to it.”

Celine thought about the idea, then abruptly in a flash of fire the mask in his hand vanished. “For one time Order, Chaos agrees.”