by Mr. David Reese Dorrycott

Chapter Nineteen

Amanda, now known only as Lollypop to the world, was sitting silently in her Chemistry class listening intently as her instructor droned on in what had become a sleep inducing monotone. This was the main reason that she was failing his class. Although her instructor was a very bright man, at the age of sixty-six his hearing had failed enough that he had fallen into the habit of speaking in a monotone, which was all he could hear clearly. Being tenured, there was no way any of his students complaints resulted in anything but gentle prodding by the Dean that he retire, but the man loved teaching, so his students endured. With nothing to do but endure herself, Amanda buckled down and studied all the harder each night, and she was still failing even with Sara’s tutoring.

After class she picked up her books, intending to get to her Philosophy class on time for once, however she heard her named called by her professor so resigned herself to another useless ‘pep talk.’ Making her way down to where the lecture podium was she waited her turn as student after student was given the same ‘Why are you in this class if you won’t apply yourself’ speech as the clock ticked away. Finally it was her turn, so she steeled herself for the professors disdain.

“You have been improving Miss Karst” he announced in that same monotone, catching her completely off guard. “I had feared that you would fail, now it appears that you will pass, though barely. Have you taken a tutor perhaps?”

“Yes sir” Amanda answered respectfully. “A Freshman who finds Chemistry a rather easy course sir, though she has problems with history.”

“Ah yes, and as I recall from speaking with your other Instructors you seem to have a talent for history. Tit for Tat then, this appears to be a good pairing then. Still, though you will pass if you keep up your present improvement, it is my suggestion that you drop my class and take it over next semester. As it stands, your grade here will only bring your GPA down.”

“Sir” she answered slowly. “If I drop any courses I will lose my scholarship. It is better to retake this course in my senior year in the hopes of raising my grade than dropping it now, and losing my scholarship. A warning from the committee is much better than a certain letter.”

“Scholarships yes, very important things for orphans. I see Miss Karst, then it is my hope that you will continue to improve. Thank you for your time, and thank you for your improved efforts. Good day.”

Leaving the gray furred mouse behind her Lollypop hurried out, her next class was European History and she didn’t want to be late, besides the instructor was such a hunk. She hated the fact that Sara was head over tail in love with her, but there was nothing that she could do about it. When it came to bedroom antics, something she had become involved in once she realized it was possible, women didn’t even come as a shadow in her dreams. Thinking about her Philosophy Instructor the young mouse felt her heart race. Now that was one hunk of male mouse, even if he strictly adhered to the ‘no teacher/student’ rule. She could still fantasize couldn’t she?

A by now well known young man eased up next to her as she walked. “Lollypop, we have to work on that research project” Billy reminded her. “We are two days behind with the report and that idiot janitor spraying moldicide in the room was a disaster.”

“We are late because you were the Hospital for those days” Lollypop reminded the slightly older boy. “Hacking your lungs out. From what I heard it was pure luck the entire class wasn’t killed, that Fusarium mold was terrible, why it wasn’t spotted in the last duct cleaning isn’t understandable. That janitor wasn’t an idiot, he saw the problem and called in his boss, who called in the right people. Its just sad that they flooded everything with moldicide. A real bummer that they killed everything. Professor Listrim has allowed us to make our reports on the data we have.” She gave the older, and quite handsome mouse a warm smile. “Because of your diligence we have more data than any other team.”

Billy shrugged, “It’s a public school, even if it is a University” he reminded his companion. “Do you really think the contractor actually did everything he was paid to do?”

“In this case yeah” Amelia admitted. “They brought in the health inspector afterwards, with over a hundred students and two Instructors ill, yep. In this case the man did his job right.” They stopped outside Amelia’s next lecture hall, its closed doors telling them that the Instructor had already started. “I’ll see you at four in the Library, we can work it out then.”

“Four, Library, got you” Billy agreed. He leaned slightly forward but Amelia was already going through the door. Dejected at yet another failed attempt to catch a kiss from the woman he wanted, the young mouse headed off to the Café.