by; Mr. David R. Dorrycott

copyright 1987

Teleportation in CHAMPIONS(tm) is the ability to move between two places without physically travelling the intervening distance. This ability may be based on any source but is normally based in Magic or Science. Another power used is commonly known as PSI or Esper powers. In many cases observers have miss identified PSI as Magic due either to poor education, superstition, or simple error.

As above, Teleportation involves moving an object from Point A to Point B without moving through the intervening physical distance. This is accomplished by a rather simple effect. The potential energy fields of the originating and destination points are equalized causing them, to Natures point of view, to become a single point on the potential energy map. Then the destination points potential energy field is bled off a minute amount causing the object to 'move' into its field without transversing the intervening distance.

This movement is alternately explained as 'Opening a hole in space', 'Creating a warp', 'Travelling through another dimension', 'Walking the Elf path', and many many more. In any case energy must be expended to equalize the two points and more energy is used to control the entire event. This is much like the energy used to drill a well in the Earth and the energy used in the form of a steel casing pipe to hold the hole open. Without the controlling energy anything could occur during the transition period.

As teleportation is a 'violation of natural laws' during such movement reality is weakened a minute amount. Therefore a failure of this control by becoming complacent, accident, or other fault can be disastrous. This disaster is totally uncontrollable and occurs without the knowledge of those involved. Failures are normally caused by hasty or faulty spells, errors in settings, failed components, too much power, a stray thought or outside interference.

What occurs is simple to understand yet difficult to explain. Imagine if you will a bubble of energy surrounding our hero while performing a teleport. This bubbles movement is controlled by the potential energy thread between the originating and destination points. When a major error occurs what happens is the anchor point of the destination end of the thread releases. This thread then whips about space and time 'looking' for another place to anchor. This thread will not have a positive or negative charged end, but a potential energy end. Much like the anchor points of a virus this potential energy anchor has a unique shape and will anchor to the first point it locates with the same shape.

When a small amount of energy is used the anchor point will be another place. Thus our hero finds herself some place other than the one she aimed for. The distance will be from meters to any place on the planet depending upon the extra amount of energy used. They (or their power source) will also be exhausted if the distance involved is greater than two times their normal maximum teleport distance.

When a large amount of energy is involved, say 'pushing' a teleport or when transporting someone else with them (two times or more normal mass) then the anchor point will always be one of time, and of negative time (the past). As above that time displacement may be from a few seconds to hundreds of years. Whenever more than a few minutes of time is involved the character will arrive exhausted (zero endurance). If days or more are involved the Game Master will have to decide what happens, it is even possible to arrive badly injured but never dead or dying (exception, non player characters can arrive dying in order to transfer some cryptic final bit of information involving the campaign).

What time does the character arrive in? This is a Game Master decision. However a quick rule of thumb would 1D6 in minutes/hours/days/etc per every five points involved in the movement, the decision as to which being up to the GM.

Having arrived the character will not realize that something is wrong until they makes a perception roll, for when the thread moves through time it does not move through space. Returning will be the hard part for even though there is a thread connecting them to theirr real time it is fragile and will easily be broken by any major interference in this times events (such as saving the life of someone who was supposed to die) In other words the longer she remains in the past the more she belongs there and the less she belongs to the future. Yet if they can recreate the cause of their original time travel then they can return home, plus the intervening time involved. In other words, if it takes her a day to recreate the accident then they will return to their time, plus a day. Conservation of Energy.

Once the character has discovered how the travel occurred they will be able to repeat it any time that they want, with practice. With practice the character will be able to travel to specific times rather than general times and return with the same carefree attitude that they have with their 'normal' teleportation.

As long as they do not violate the natural law of non-interference with major events.

Of course there is the same possibility that the original accident may have been from reality to reality. However as the walls between realities are of potential time rather than potential energy these accidents are a bit rarer. Potential Time has two possibilities. The first is that which we experience every day, second to second. The other we also experience, but not as often. This is the Event Possibility.

An Event Possibility is best expressed as 'Did, Did Not, may Have'. Meaning you did, did not, or may have done something. These possibilities occur almost every micro-second. As they do they spin off short or long lived realities. Each reality has a life based on the severity of the event that birthed it. Thus a reality where you wore red socks instead of black would last perhaps a few minutes, but no longer than the time you were wearing the red socks that day. Then there are those realities where an accident occurred and you were killed, or were not, or were injured. These realities last longer, perhaps your lifetime or a bit longer.

Then there are the permanent realities, where Patton invaded Russia, Rome never fell, Dinosaurs never died out. These realities are forever (or as long lived as any reality can be). No less real simply because you were not born in them than your reality is real because you were born in it. Entering one of these realities can be more dangerous in the long run than fighting a squad of murderious robots while you are naked. A black or Jewish character entering a reality ruled by the Third Riech could measure their life expectancy as short to non existent. Then again, your Latin speaking Italian character might not try to return to his home reality simply because in the Roman reality they find themselves a member of the ruling class.

Arriving in a new reality is always a shock no matter how close it is to 'home'. There is always a different feel, pollutants exist or don't exist. Plants and people are different. It has a different 'feel' about it that is not 'right'. As with time travel there is a thread that connects you to your own reality. However this thread is much stronger. So strong that for all intents it cannot be broken. Unlike time travel nothing you do in this new reality can affect your home reality, unless of course you let one reality invade another. You can even meet yourself without danger. Unless of course you are a super villain in the new reality. That might prove a tad dicey.

How many possible realities are there? This is unknown, they are being born and are dying every micro second. As for the longer lived ones, perhaps a few trillion. There was a scientific theory released around 1986 called the STRING THEORY. In it was proposed that the Universe is formed of tiny strings. Mathematicians determined that if this theory was correct then the 'string' should be a certain size. Mathematically they set out to prove or disprove the String Theory. They proved a particle existed at the size required. But where they expected to find a single particle they found tens of thousands. Their decision was that one of two things were true. The first was that the actual particle is much smaller than expected. The second was that our Universe is only one of tens of thousands of possible Universes.

I theorize that there are tens of trillions of Universes, say 50k Trillion possible permanent realities that exist until times end. Now each reality also has a separate probability level. Unlike time however this probability level changes in reference to each reality. Thus a human would find a reality populated by intelligent dinosaurs more acceptable than one populated by intelligent squids. However if you are standing in a reality of lizards the probabilities of intelligent humans, squids, cats, or dogs is about equal You would have a far journey to locate intelligent space faring cockroaches, but who would want to?