Introduction: Artist-Writer named DUNNO and I had written a few things back and forth. Nothing planet shattering, mainly just notes and trading our own works. I liked the style, even though the artists work was then adult. Well, Dunno asked me to write a piece between my character and his android doctor. This I think was around the time of the television show Voyager. A few months latter Dunno decided to change styles (from Adult works to Non-Adult) and dumped his site. Vanishing. No contact since. Names have been changed. The piece MINA in the Gallery is of this story.

Killing Two Birds

by Mr. David R. Dorrycott

Rendill System, armpit of Cruiser Grendal's long assigned patrol sector. Rendill was filled with nothing more than rubble, the occasional wreak (long ago scavenged of anything useful) and an occasional oversized comet. There was big rubble, little rubble, rubble-rubble. You get the idea. Currently Grendal drifted silently, orbiting a massive asteroid, itself slowly tumbling along in its orbit of the KO class star Rendill. A deadly hunter hungrily searching for prey. Or so it appeared, to anyone viewing the ship from the outside. Within its metal skin the truth was much less deadly.

Captain Vanith Neah was, as normal after the activities she'd just been through, hiding in her cabin. She was nursing a growing hangover, at the same time trying to deal with a problem. That problem, as seemed always when she was under the weather, was her main engineer. Mina Yano, as Vanith vaguely remembered, was a feisty little redhead who happened not to drink. Or at least never seemed to. She'd never been seen drunk, or complained of any hangover effects..

"I told Nandana not to pour her wine glass in there" the engineer screamed over the intercom, her normally delightful voice now sending needles of fire through Vanith's skull. "But she was so damned drunk I might as well have saved the effort."

"Understood" Vanith managed to get out, before her engineer started off again. Gently, as if afraid she'd break it, she turned down the intercoms volume until Mina's voice was bearable, if not exactly understandable. It'd be easier to speak with Jacob, the ships long suffering, official, gentle giant of a Chief Engineer. If he hadn't passed his position over to his young protégée sometime last year. Why he stayed on Vanith couldn't quite remember, but that wasn't important. Mina was still yelling, and her head hurt even worse. To Neah's delight Mina abruptly stopped making noise. "Fix it" she ordered. "Just... fix it." Gently she shut off her intercom. Nursing her headache Vanith remembered her sofa. It was large, soft and was within easy falling distance. It had been a wonderful birthday party. It just, sort of went a little too far. She gave a soft sigh of contentment as her couch accepted her weight. Just a short nap, then she'd really have to get dressed. It was nearly half way through first shift after all.

Far behind the now sleeping Captain in Grendal's oft-times cramped engineering section the fiery redhead known as Mina slammed her fist into the intercoms speaker grill, denting it rather badly. "That won't help" a male voice behind her commented. "It didn't the last four times, as I recall."

"But it feels so good" Mina answered. "Okay Jacob, lets go see if we can get the engines back on line. Captain Vanith had a birthday party last night, so half the ships still soused. Those that aren't still drinking." She turned around, following the much larger and older man towards the heat exchanger coils, sealed supposable in a difficult to access chamber. One Nandana had taken only a moment to breach, while nearly falling down drunk at the time. Cadmium alloy coils that normally ran several thousand degrees centigrade were now nearly at room temperature. All due to the actions of one woman, a woman who only wanted to see if wine really could burn.

It had, and while doing so the temperature difference had cracked a coil forcing an automatic emergency shutdown of the main engine. Of course, if Vanith hadn't been nursing a hangover she would have remembered that Grendal had two backup systems. All it'd take to get back underway was her ordering Mina to shunt the work to one of them and off they'd be, but Mina was feeling vindictive. Besides, once Vanith woke from her 'nap' and remembered she'd storm down to engineering ready to take Mina to the cleaners. Not that Mina minded, Vanith was as cute as a button on a rug, to use an ancient catch phrase.

As Mina crawled onto the now cold coils Jacob started handing her the tools she'd need. "You really like pulling her chain, don't you" he asked. "Is it because she reminds you of Lucy?"

"Your right. I do like yanking her chain Jacob" she answered. "When she's got a hangover, and we're not in combat." Mina stretched, causing her small but very elastic uniform to mold like a second skin against her body. "But Lucy? Not really. What makes you say that old man" she asked.

Jacob smiled. More to himself than the woman he'd spent the last three years guiding into her current position, officially just one step below himself as Chief Engineer. "Just wondered is all. So, think you'll ever get in her pants. Or is she just that much out of your league?"

Mina looked up, surprised at her friend and mentors sudden bluntness. She had been examining her rebreather mask, she certainly hadn't expected that question. "Jacob, who is my immediate commander and needs seriously to lose several kilograms, Vanith is our Captain. Sure, she's damn cute. Especially when she forgets who she is and smiles. But she's straight. As in read my mind, not available. Besides there's two major problems. One, she is our Captain after all and two. Well, I don't share. Vanith likes her men in pairs. As I recall from our last shore leave."

"That's the most personal information I've gotten out of you in years" her companion admitted, stopping long enough to double check the tools she'd need. Mina was right about one thing he had to admit, he'd gained way too much weight to fit where she was going. It was one of the reason's he'd taken active retirement. Officially he was still the ships Chief Engineer, actually he was Mina's mentor. She was the true Chief Engineer and everyone important knew that, though she still deferred to him whenever it was important. "You've been aboard what. Three years now? In that whole time how many romantic involvements have you had. Honestly."

"None, I'm too busy. I have friends though, it's not like I'm wasting away my life. I just haven't found anyone yet. This mask looks good, I better get to work." She pulled it over her head, pressing it tightly against her skin for an air-tight seal. It wouldn't do to breath the vapors her welding would create. Not if she wanted healthy lungs so that she could keep on breathing that is. It also ceased any further conversation and gave her time to work out a new defense for Jacob's current picking at her older, crumbling defenses.

Lucy had been a long time ago. Three and a half years to be exact. Though the Captain didn't really look like her there was a slight resemblance. Of course, Mina decided as she worked her way through the intercoolers. When you looked at it from his perspective, as an old married man, all women resembled each other. A little. Vanith and Lucy were the same height, same hair color, same race. But Lucy had been twenty years or more older. Besides, Vanith didn't have that cute little butterfly tattoo on her face that Lucy had.

While she worked her thoughts out, Mina located the main crack, spending hours to carefully weld it shut. Her work let mind clear with its repetition. No, Vanith didn't resemble Lucy enough to matter. It was the other thing, the mortality thing, that kept bothering her. Waking up to find your love had passed on in her sleep, while holding you in her arms, had been shattering. Half a year of 'assistance' had brought Mina back to reality, that and more than one weekend passed out, to wake not knowing what, or if anything had happened since that last drink. Which was why Mina didn't drink anymore. It was also why every time she started to get interested in someone she carefully forced herself to back out. There was no way she could survive waking up with another dead body wrapped around her. Not someone she loved. Or was that the real reason. Being honest with herself, she had to admit it really wasn't the full reason, though it was part of it. A large part yes, but not insurmountable. That nightmare she'd gotten over. After a couple of years.

Of course left alone, time had only made the wound of Lucy's death that much deeper. But it wasn't why she hadn't had anyone in her life. In truth, and she had told Jacob the truth, she really had been too busy. Busy catching up with technology, busy keeping this hunk of junk running. A hunk of junk she'd fallen in love with as all really good engineers eventually did with their ships. Grendal was her baby. Captains and crew came and went, but Grendal was always there. "He's right though" she told herself, her voice sounding odd in the mask. "I do need to get back into society again. But not Vanith, certainly not Nandana. Not after this mess. But someone. Being alone isn't any way to live. Not if I want to remain sane." Setting up her flux screen she examined her work, it needed heat treating but that seemed all. No, she studied the shadow. There was another tiny crack. A light touch of the welder made her happy. With luck and by missing lunch, Grendal would be back hunting imaginary pirates again. Long before the Captain woke from her hangover.

While Mina worked Jacob watched carefully. It was his job to hand her the tools she needed, more importantly he was her safety line. Just in case something unexpected happened. Even the most careful worker could get tripped up in space, so everyone worked in pairs or more. Jacob too was remembering, remembering the half person who'd arrived aboard three years ago, assigned to him as his new assistant engineer. He'd seen something there, through the shattered emotions Fleet had glued back together, and he'd been proven right. His careful support over the years had helped her recover her confidence, helped her climb the ranks and become Second Engineer. Now she was basically Chief Engineer, since he dumped most of his work on her. It was how he had been trained, and like him the little redhead had shouldered the extra load and carried on.

It didn't hurt that Mina reminded him of his youngest sister, long ago lost on an expedition that never came back. Next year he'd take that teaching position the Admiralty kept offering him. Mina wasn't going to leave Grendal, not as long as two plates held together. He'd seen this kind of bonding before. Time passed quickly as the two worked.

In her cabin Captain Vanith slowly woke, her pounding headache had ebbed to a dull throbbing. One that matched her heartbeat perfectly. Feeling almost human again she sat up slowly, previous experience having taught her that sudden movements were a major mistake. Carefully she made her way to her still unused bedroom, grabbing a duty uniform to change into. Her ship was still silent, missing the deep thrum of functioning engines. Though her crew might be enjoying a bit of time off Vanith didn't like just sitting like this. Besides, while she'd slept she'd remembered her ship had backups for those damaged systems. It was long past time that she had a talk with a certain redhead.

Mina was studying her work before making one last pass with the torch, its heat relaxing stress lines left by her welding while Vanith dressed. Killing the torch she handed it out to Jacob, then made her own way out of the compartment. One thing about rote work, it gave you time to think and work out your problems. Mina thought she might have an idea or two, but bouncing them off Jacob wasn't a good idea. At least not in her sight. He was a man after all. She waited until he'd politely turned his back before slipping out of her work clothes, which left her naked seeing as she never wore anything under them. They'd have to be spaced, she could never wear them again. Vaporized heavy metal had settled into their fibers, the deposits had made them deadly. Too dangerous to even wash because they recycled their water. Even her next shower would be dumped overboard. Heavy metals were not something to play with. Not in closed environments. After slipping her work clothing into a waiting plastic bag she dressed in a new set. As she dressed she talked to Jacob about the problem, the two trying to work out just how Nandana had so easily bypassed all the safety interlocks.

She'd just finished dressing when the Captain's voice interrupted them. "Why are we still floating in space" Vanith's voice asked. Both engineer's turned towards the main hatch in surprise. "I thought we had backups."

"We do" Jacob started to reply, only to have Vanith wave him quiet.

"This was Mina's idea. I want to hear her answer. Jacob, would you be so kind as to give us some privacy? You need to see the doctor after this kind of work, right?"


That was a cue he well knew. Someone was going to get a royal butt chewing and it wasn't going to be him. With an ease of generations of practice he vanished.

As the hatch slid shut behind Jacob's departing back Vanith turned her full attention on her up and coming engineer. "Now explain yourself" she demanded. 

"Mam?" Mina asked. She wasn't exactly certain what her Captain wanted explained, and darned certain she wasn't going to explain the wrong thing.

"You missed my birthday party. Why?"

"Oh, that." Mina mentally sighed with relief. "Patterson wanted to go so I covered for him. I've done it before."

"Every time" Vanith filled in "There has been a social event aboard this ship, Mina Yano isn't there. It appears to be your standard operating procedure. So explain yourself. Try your best to make me not want to send you to our dear sweet doctor, For a complete mental evaluation."

"I don't drink anymore" Mina offered.

"Recovering?" Vanith asked, her voice softening.

"Three years, eleven months, twenty three days" Mina admitted. "But that's not the only reason. I... I just have so much work to do. I'm still catching up with what I missed, while I was..." Her left hand fluttered, her only other admission that her drinking had cost her way too much for what little it had given her.

Vanith looked around, finding a safe place to sit before she continued the conversation. "And you also like giving your Captain hell, when its safe to do so. Don’t you dare think that I haven’t been keeping track. What is it, you don't like me? Would you prefer a male like your old Captain? Or is it just something about me that just turns your stomach."

Mina swallowed, running dozens of lies through her head before deciding on the truth. Besides, whether or not she admitted it the woman was damned attractive, especially in poses like that. "Nothing about you turns my stomach Captain" she admitted. "Your awful good, better than Grendal's last Captain. I'd follow you through Hades and back, holding the engines together with my bare hands. If that's what you needed to do. Your easy to trust Mam."

Vanith's eyebrows rose just a bit. "Nice bullshitting, you've had practice I see. So tell me. What's the real reason you seem to avoid everyone, especially me. Especially any social occasions I happen to be at."

Mina threw her hands up in defeat, playing word games had never been her style. She'd always preferred the truth anyway. "Your just too cute to ignore Captain, okay? There. I've said it. Your attractive and I'm trying my best not to be attracted okay? So shoot me, toss me out an airlock or something. Because truth be told your worth chasing, if there was a chance. Unfortunately there isn't, so I just avoid okay?" She sat on the cold deck, now looking up at Vanith. "Well?"

For once Vanith was at a loss for words. Here she'd expected resentment, anger at losing a favored Captain, or some other exotic reason to cause problems. "You?" she asked, hunting for words. "Me?"

Mina stuck out her tongue, just like a little girl. "Yeah, in my dreams okay? Only in my dreams. Look Captain, honestly. This time it was better to shut down and fix the problem. I could have done the work under power but it would have taken three times as long, and honestly been a dozen times more dangerous. Yes I've been jerking your chain, because, well... Because."

"It'll never happen" Vanith warned. "You and I. Can't. Even if I was interested. I made that mistake once. I ended up here. I won't make that mistake again. No matter how sweet the offer."

"Point taken" Mina agreed. "And accepted. For the record I asked to come to this ship. I was running away at the time, and now I find that I really like it here. I'm not shipping out unless you toss me out. And I accept your personal decision without reservation."

"You'll just 'pull my chain' now and then right?"

Mina grinned. "Only if you want me too. Friends?"

"Friends. That I can do. Now, what were you running away from? Your drinking? Cause if you were this is really the wrong ship for it."

"No Mam" Mina admitted. "I'm no alcoholic by nature. But someone I really loved died, died holding me while we slept. I dealt with it wrong. Firewand is a fleet carrier, always on the line. Grendal, and her mission is about as far away from that as I could get. I. I needed time to get my head together Captain. Jacob's been real good at helping me do that. There's still a few parts bouncing around free, but not much more than the average person by now I guess."

"He's got you tagged as his replacement. In all but record you have replaced him. That means your too good to replace. I need the best on this ship, there are too many slackers already. But before I'll allow you to take the position officially you seriously have to get a life. By that I mean go to some of these parties. Anyone who tries to get you drunk, if they don't take no for an answer then tell me. Even if I'm asleep, wake me up. I consider such things that important. I'll remind them of what's right and wrong. There's a party next week, Myron's birthday as I recall. You'll be there."

"I know Captain. He's security. We talk now and then." She shook her head no. " Can’t make it. It's scheduled for a Saturday and I've normal duty that day."

"I'm certain someone can cover for you, you've covered for enough people. Tell me though. Who are your friends? So I can get them to help watch out for you."

"Jacob's all that's left" Mina admitted. "All the rest rotated out when you came aboard. I guess Myron, Jacob and maybe a couple of the science crew."

Vanith closed her eyes, thinking over the possibilities. "Then Jacob needs to cover for you I think, I want one of my best on duty or available at all times. That him and you in Engineering. So who." She racked her brains, currently still working with the efficiency of cottage cheese. Maybe the doctor had a shot. The doctor, of course. "Doc's an android, she doesn't drink either. I'll have her be your companion."

Mina shrugged her indifference. "I guess so, as long as its not Nandana. Not after this mess. Besides I've always wanted to ask doc about herself. I mean, her engineering specs and stuff."

"Not at that party" Vanith ordered. "Treat her like you'd treat any date. After talking with her a few times I'm certain she could use the social experience anyway. This is actually rather a good idea. I'll be taking

care of two problems at once. Killing two birds with one stone so to speak. Your introversions and her lack of social experience. Can do?"

"Yes Mam"

"Good, and I like that tattoo. Nice butterfly."

Mina blushed in embarrassment. "You saw?"

"Rather well, and having it perch right on the top of, well it must have been painful. Do you shave or dilapidate?"

"Donno about the pain" Mina admitted. "I was sort of drunk at the time and for about a week after. Apparently I had it all removed at the same time."

"I see. Which explains why you shouldn't drink anymore. Now report. Is my ship ready to return to duty?"

"I need half an hour mam to pressure check the repair. If it passes, you're ships back to normal."

"Our ship Engineer. Remember that. It's our ship. Get one of your underpaid minions to do the tests, they need the experience anyway. Now go see the Doctor, get something to eat and then your off duty until tomorrow. I want you to see the doctor for that physical examine before you eat though. Standard procedure after working in dangerous environments." Vanith pointed to the now sealed intercooler chamber. "And if a cadmium vapor environment isn't a dangerous environment, your not human. No matter how attractive a red head you are. While your with our dear doctor check her out. See if you can figure out what you need to do in order to pull her into our little social group. And for the record Mina. Just between us. If I was interested, you'd be top of the list. Now get."


Mina got, only taking a few seconds to get one of her 'minions' in to do what was needed. By the time she arrived at medical Jacob was already leaving. He gave her a thumbs up, then vanished again. Returning to engineering more than likely she knew. "Number three" Ruth ordered as Mina entered. "Disrobe please."

'Lack of social experience' thought as she followed orders, 'is putting it mildly.' She noted Ruth did seal the medical bay hatch before coming over to inspect her new 'specimen.' "We've been ordered to appear, together, at Myron's birthday party" she informed Ruth as the android set a tray of equipment on the table next to her.

"I will inform the Captain that I am unable to attend" Ruth answered. "Now, shall we begin?" She held up a rather shiny and very sharp needle. Mina flinched as she held out her arm. She hated needles.

"I tried that" she admitted, jerking as the needle slid into her arm. "Didn't work and I'm tons better at making up excuses you know."

"Yes, you have missed your last two physicals" Ruth agreed. "Since you are here now, we shall take care of that."

"Oh nuts" Mina whimpered. Ruth was an android, an ex-sex toy as Mina remembered. Having gone over her specifications several times. With her military designed programming getting out of a full physical wasn't in the cards. It was turning out to be a very long day.

Nearly four hours later Mina was settling, gently, into a chair with her meal. There wasn't a place on, or in, her body the android hadn't poked, prodded, opened up or taken a sample from. Right now she felt like she'd been kidnaped by aliens, tested then discarded. Still it had given her time to 'check out' the android. There was a personality there, but it wasn't really developed much. She sipped her soup while she thought. There was a learning program installed she knew, she’d started it up herself when the android had arrived just a month after herself. Yet in three years it hadn't done more than give a shell of a personality to the android. What Ruth needed was some serious time off. Time with people, time interacting. Time for her learning program to gather the data it needed to flesh out that personality. In the least she needed to learn to be more gentle. From rumors she'd heard Sita might like the rough treatment, but not many other people did. Mina knew she didn't.

"What's the verdict" Vanith's voice asked as the Captain settled down across from Mina. "Any chance she's salvageable, or should we just sell her and hire a civilian doctor."

Mina carefully sat her spoon down, having almost splashed soup on herself. "Mam, please don't do that. Surprise me I mean."

"You can dish it out, but you can't take it I see."

Mina looked up into Vanith's eyes. "Mam, I can take it. But I've never purposely frightened anyone. Besides, I just had a full physical."

"Understood engineer, Ruth is a bit rough isn't she?" Vanith opened her sandwich, studying its contents as if it was something just brought in from a new planet. "Still I do need your report. There's no one else here right now so be blunt." She sprinkled a bit of pepper on her meal before taking a bite.

"She has a personality Mam, but its just a shell" Mina reported. "After this long online I have to believe its because she's had almost zero real social interaction. Maybe if she were to spend more time with someone, or a group. Make her take time off. As I recall she almost never leaves medical unless its to respond to a call. Get her a friend, some real clothes. Maybe get her laid."

Vanith almost swallowed wrong with that last remark. Clearing her throat she took a drink of water before responding. "She's a sex toy, why would she need to, as you put it, get laid" Vanith asked.

"Because the military removed all that programming. I talked to Jacob after she let me go, he tells me she showed no more interest in his naked body than she did mine. If she'd retained even a line of code from her original programming there would have been some response. She's just a blank slate."

"Then fill that slate Miss Yano, and that's an order."


"You're an engineer, and a woman right? How long has it been since Ruth had a tuneup?"

"You don't 'tune up' and android Mam" Mina explained. "They are self repairing just like us. As far as I know the only reason I'd have for examining Ruth would be if she suddenly malfunctioned, or simply broke down."

"I see. So that won't work. But do you have a baseline on her? To refer to I mean, if you had to work on her."

"One arrived with her when she was assigned to Grendal. There's no record of any being done since then" Mina admitted.

"Then that's your excuse" Vanith decided. "I want you to make a new baseline, then compare it to her original. It's supposed to be done every year anyway as I recall the regulations. Oh, and I'll be assigning you two as bunkmates, your both in single quarters. Tomorrow your moving. I'll have some people help you." Vanith almost kept from giggling at Mina's crushed look. "I'm not asking you two to become lovers after all. I'm using you to turn our doctor into something more human, and her to yank you out of your little hole. It's what Captain's do. Mess with peoples lives."

"I'll get you for this" Mina whispered. "You, and your little dog too."

Vanith laughed, leaning over the table to put her face close to Mina's. "You create Rose a personality, one I can live with and I'll have a present for you. One I know your enjoy. If you don't, I'll cross train you into say flight operations. With Nandana as your personal instructor. How does that sound?"

"Like blackmail" Mina admitted. "Do what I say, or your life is no longer worth living. But Vanith, I mean Captain. No ones ever really tired to give one of these things a real personality before. Sure, they can be programmed to act human but a real live personality? What am I. A God?"

"If you can pull this off" Vanith answered, "I'll certainly put in the paperwork to make you one. Now finish your meal and get some sleep. Your moving tomorrow. Oh, one other thing. I'm putting our good doctor on the same schedule as yours. That should be some help." 

Mina closed her eyes in pure defeat. "Oh.. Joy" she whispered. When she opened her eyes Vanith was again sitting normally, those deep dark eyes no longer so close that Mina could have fallen into them. Looking up at the ceiling she groaned, then whispered. "Okay you, what did I ever do in my last life to deserve this?"

Thankfully Vanith didn't answer.

Halfway through the next day and Mina was carefully arranging her small book collection. Somewhere behind her Ruth had finished her unpacking. Considering how long the android had been aboard the fact she had one small box, and that nothing but data cards, made her efforts a breeze. "You require assistance?" Ruth asked from behind Mina.

Mina shoved the last three books in place before turning around. "Ruth" she answered quietly. "You do not walk up behind someone and abruptly speak like that. It frightens them."

"Understood. I have never been in this situation before" Ruth answered in way of an apology. "Should I lower my voice, or simply talk slower."

Mina groaned in dismay. Logical to a fault. Pointing to the bunk across from her's Mina nearly growled. "Sit down. We need to seriously talk." She waited for the android to sit, unsurprised when she settled into a very correct posture. 'This is gonna kill me' Mina thought. "Make a small noise or clear your throat, it helps. Look Rose, have you any idea why we two are suddenly stuck together?"

"Certainly" the android admitted. "You are to teach me how to 'be human.' I believe that is how the Captain explained it. By doing this I will force you to become involved in social situations. That you might find a mate I would guess. Have you decided to start?"

"I started when you walked in here" Mina admitted. "Look, I guess the best way to do this is by example." She laid on her bed, holding up her head with one hand. "Lets deal with your posture first okay? That's simple enough. You look like a toy doll with a broomstick shoved up her butt, or a career marine. First you have to learn to relax. I know your body doesn't care what position your in, but it matters to the people around you. Your our doctor, we need to feel relaxed around you. Not like you're a machine simply doing things by rote."

"Yet I am a machine" Rose admitted. "Class..."

"NO!" Mina snapped. "As of this moment you're not to think of yourself as a machine, but as a woman. Understand?"

"I do not" Rose admitted.

"Then I need to teach you. But I can't just tell you 'do this, don't do that.' And its not going to be easy or fast. You have to help. First, relax will you?"

Rose blinked, then slowly copied Mina's position. "Like this?"

To Mina Rose appeared just as stiff, only in a new position. "I do not feel differently."

"Sort of like that. Look, your body uses polyfiber muscles designed along human muscles." Mina searched for words. "Your muscular structure is basically the same as ours, right?"

Rose seemed to think before she answered. "Yes. Below my artificial skin is multiple layers of fibers that, if they were the same color as yours, would appear exactly like your muscles. I was designed to appear, and feel exactly like the human woman I was modeled after. My original designation was a series fourteen sex toy. As such I was designed to appear, feel and react as humanly as possible. Is this important?"

Mina sat up, she wasn't sure if this was the right way to do things but Ruth's programming was still literal. Unlike her original, open ended programming. Mina didn't want anyone to know it but she'd done some small design work on the series sixteen models. It had helped her get over Lucy's death. Quietly she began to undress, all the while Rose watched impassively.

"Yes" Mina finally answered. "It is. Come over here and watch how my muscles react as I move around. Your always so stiff, what you need to learn first is how to relax, and a single position isn't it." Now wearing only her underwear, she waited until Rose was standing next to her bunk. "Now watch how my muscles react to each movement, how they flow from position to position, continuing to adjust even when I'm in a static

position. Then check your own programming. There should be a way to update your movement routines, so you can mimic a real humans movements."

"There is" Rose reported. "It does require that I shut down for several hours in order to make any modifications to my programming. Please proceed."

"Fine. Now I'm going to go though my Yoga routines so that you can see how the muscles interact, then I'm going to relax, act like I'm asleep, then walk, stuff like that. When you think you have enough raw data let me know." She took a deep breath, it'd been a long time since anyone had watched her do Yoga. Still Rose's medical programs only gave her the basic structural data, not how they reacted during movement. Slowly she moved from position to position, until she forgot the android was even there. How long Mina continued her demonstration she wasn't aware, as once she'd entered her 'zone' the world seemed to melt away. It wasn't until Rose cleared her throat that she remembered that she had an audience.

"I was unaware" Rose commented. "That the human body could attain such a position. Without extreme pain."

Mina opened her eyes slowly, bringing herself smoothly from her calm. It took a moment to realize what the android meant. "Years of careful stretching" she explained, still holding the position. "If the average human tried to say" she eased her other leg behind her head, crossing both at the ankles, "attempt this position. They would tear muscles and rip ligaments. I need to be supple, my job requires it. Yoga is the best exercise to keep me supple. There are a lot of places I have to go that, in all honesty the human body wasn't meant to go. Even one as small as mine."

Rose stepped forward, placing a hand on one of Mina's thighs, feeling the muscle constantly adjust as it helped Mina retain her balance. "Interesting. I do not think I would be able to attain such a position." She studied Mina's muscles as she returned to a more normal position. Watching as they flowed from one extreme to another. "I think I understand. I have been using my 'muscles' more as an engineer would use structural cabling. How difficult would it be to learn this exercise?"

"I need to check your specs first" Mina warned Ruth. "It depends on what artificial muscle fibers they used with your construction. Only the better grades are able to stretch as much as well trained human muscle. You could download the instructions, then simply start yourself but you wouldn't know when you were trying something you weren't ready for. Even the best artificial muscle tends to set over time, and you were in storage for years. Your muscles will have to be eased into full extension again. Just like organic muscles. I'll teach you if you want."

"That may be the best choice" Rose agreed. "You said you would show me other movements?"

"I did, didn't I?" Mina lifted from the bed, continuing her demonstrations until finally Rose finally informed her that she had enough data.

"I can see that my programing has been very limited in every area other than medical. And my own self repair" Rose reported. "There is a large memory area meant for non-duty related routines. If you will allow me to shut down I will attempt to reprogram my movement functions."

"Its your bunk" Mina answered. "While you sleep I'll check on your specs. It's better if I'm up to date. I certainly don't want you to try something your not capable of. And Rose. I don't 'allow' you to do anything. Off duty you decide what you do and do not want to do subject to the Captain’s orders. Okay?"


Mina watched silently as the android lay flat on her back on her bunk, then seemed to become boneless as she shut down her external operations. "This is a mistake Vanith" she whispered. "A big mistake. I'm no where near qualified to help her. I haven’t a clue when I’m doing the right thing, or the wrong thing." Leaving he room she went on to complete her unpacking, while behind her the android lay, breathing slowly.