
by Mr. David R. Dorrycott


came only the sound of tiny waves lapping...

teasing a great ships sides....

came a hiss to any who listened.....

electrical sound of water pouring through rents....

occasional low moaning groan as something huge deep within failed....

letting ever eager water wash yet another area.....

she sat on the great ships bow.....

legs dangling over.....

watching death rise slowly, one rivet at a time.....

they had left her.....

so deep in the past....

she could have taken a lifeboat.....

except that her race condemned her.....

none had allowed her safety.......

she came to this place.....

deciding to be the first.....

they had left her......

she held no anger within her......

water touched her shoes......

she kicked them off......

fingers of ice gripped her feet.......

it would only be minutes now......

then she would sleep.........