In the time of Oharu

Spontoon Who’s Who for 1937

Mr. David R. Dorrycott

This Appendix lists all characters and places within this series of stories created by

Mr. David R. Dorrycott. Subject to update without notice.

Characters Created by Mr. David Reese Dorrycott

Appendix B

From September 1935 C.E. to Present

Characters on Spontoon & Related Islands;

Character names in italics are dead by November 25th, 1936.

Anything in BOLD is usually a Ship, Group or Business name.



Benevedo, Nikki Ibarra Lily       Female. Mare. About 27 years old. Lesbian. Songmark graduate, second

                                                   Class. Owns not quite half of Kart-Tombs Charter Flights. Extremely

Dominate. Has a very long term crush on Oharu. Member of ‘The Committee.’ Very long term open ended business visa. Also known as The Red Lily. Fillypino.


Brighton-Sapohatan, Elizabeth Kathleen 

Female. Bobcat. Half owner (by inheritance) Of the Bar Everything ranch, Denver Colorado. In her guise as ‘Sandy Doecan,’ A Mata Hari style agent for Spontoon she was Oharu’s contact. An American half-bred (Cipangan/Whitefur.) Age around 26, Female, Semi-Straight (anything for the information.) With her cover completely blown ‘Sandy’ dies while Elizabeth ‘Returns.’ Foster daughter of one rather secretive Ferret belonging to Simon Barber. Marries Simon’s character Albert Sapohatan. American-Spontoon.


Brown, Mark                               Male. Fox. Married to a ratel. Of German decent, original surname Isbraun. One of Spontoon’s best actors. Pilot. Speaks English, Spontoon and German. Not so good with English. Native Spontoon.


Cartwheel, Alexander                 Male. Wombat. About 19. Has a crush on Tina Humber. Lives on Meeting Island and is a Guide. Has a younger sister named Carthagen aged 16. Native Spontoon.


Cartwheel, Carthagen                 Female. Wombat. 16 years old. Acts as Chaperon to her brother when he dates Tina Humber. Not that she pays much attention as she has a boyfriend of her own. Wants to be a Doctor. Native Spontoon.


Chaiki                                         Female. Vixen. About 17 years old in 1935. Wife of Cipangu agent who ‘accidently drowned.’ Has not been seen since. Fate currently unknown.

She may actually be alive, but I wouldn’t bet any serious shells on that.

                                                   Still one never knows on Spontoon. She could be hidden someplace.                                                    Japanese.


Conchita                                     Female. Mixtexa Hairless. Female. About 19 years old. Part of crew on Peppers Delight. Attacked by unknown creature while swimming several miles offshore of the islands. Mixtexa.

Conroy, Teresa                           Female. Otter. Student at S.I.T.H.S. American.


Dassher, Jacob                          Male. Border collie. About 37 years old. Second ‘in command’ of the English Consulate. Polite, rather handsome. Highly intelligent. English.


Dia-Kura                                     Female. Feline, Calico. Priestess on Meeting Island who has taken non-sexual interest in Helen Whitehall and her son. She helped Helen work through the worst of her madness. Prefers Dia or Kura. Native Spontoon.


Dal, Avonaco                              Male. Hound. Around 40. Extreme sense of humor (not interested in practical jokes.) In charge of Communications for the Spontoon Intelligence Agency. Native Spontoon.


Evers                           Male. Hound, common. Around 50 years old. Contact man for an otter cloth peddler on Eastern Island. Native Spontoon.


Farrson, Lord                              Male. About 65 years old. ‘Old Stovepipe’ for his predilection to wearing high topped hats. In charge of the English Consulate. Not playing with a full deck. English.

Garner, Albert Fennigen, Esquire

                                                   White Tailed Deer. ‘Enforcer of Prussian Justice.’ Uses a female skunkas his assistant. Said assistant is an ex-Prussian athlete for the 1932 Olympics (swimming) who is kept in control by a combination of drugs and hypnotism. P. Callie’s actual duty to locate local young ladies or men whom she then drugs. They are then usually instructed by Garner to kill a specific target, then themselves. To date is has been a highly effective plan with over eleven ‘expatriates’ liquidated. Note, the drug used does not allow short termed memory to be sent to long term memory. Once P. Callie is removed from the drug her last memory will be of a meal while held in solitary confinement. Nothing else. She will have lost several years of her life, forever. Moldavian.


Girarad, Dalphas Filiberht Oberon

Male. Brittany Spaniel. About 35 years old. Homosexual. Dapper

                                                   German agent that contacted Oharu for her ‘special art.’ Works as a

                                                   courier for the Japanese on occasion. Exceptionally dangerous. French.

Fumiyo                                        Female. Vixen. About 15 years old. Assistant to the Miko Urako. Native Cipangu-Spontoon.


Grankvist, Blossom                   Female. Housecat. About 22 years old. Heterosexual. Beginning writer. Married American writer Harcourt Fenton Swordfire (see Rictor, Boguslaw.) Moved to America with husband. Spontoon.


Guzemon, Doctor Leopard. Male. Effeminate. Owns a large share in Kanaka & Muumuu

                                                   Coconut Wine. Native Spontoon.


Hanson, Robert                         Male. Brown Bear. About 21 years old. Related to owner of Peppers Delight. Attacked by unknown creature while swimming several miles offshore of the islands. Deceased. American.


Harkness, Samuel                      Main villain in the Mary Wrightwood novels. Heros are Donald and George (who are fey in truth.) N/A.


Hawkins, Carter                          Alias for Two Red Stones. Native American.


Himee, Hinatea                           (see Lolo)

Hoffman, Elsia                            Female. German Spitzmäuse (mouse.) Bi-sexual. About 33 years old.

                                                    Native Guide, private eye, part time secret agent, general nosy

character. Very competent. Member of ‘The Committee.’ Native Spontoon.


Humber, Alexia                           Mink. Female. About 19 years old. Eighteen months older than her sister Tina. Originally mentioned in passing by Mr. Simon Barber. One of two sisters who sailed an ocean going yacht BLACK ROSE from England to Spontoon in the hopes that their actions would find them a place in Songmark. Unfortunately this was not so. Currently works for the Spontoon medical establishment taking care of an American F2F DUCK amphibian, in the hope that next year they will both be accepted. Has an earthy voice when compared to her sisters lighter, more energetic tones. English.


Humber, Tina                              Mink. Female. About 17 years old. Younger sister to Alexia, has a young native very much interested in her (see Alexander Cartwheel.) Has decided not to become serious unless either Songmark rejects them a second time or she completes the course. Very much the romantic, tends to step on paths not exactly safe at the moment, yet somehow manages to avoid disaster. Very much respects her older sisters decisions. English.


Heartford, Alice K.                      Female. hedgehog. Married. Works as Executive Secretary at the English Consulate on Spontoon. Husband works in “ the ultra do not admit it exists secret area.” English.


Mr. H’shoshon                            Male. Groundhog. About 40 years old. Portly, a solicitor land & lease agent based on Meeting Island. Deals with mid-to high value equipment as well. Completely legal. Has three wives (all live together.) Helen Whitehall’s solicitor (lawyer.) Native Spontoon.


Huakava                                     Female. Panther. Very old, sexuality never mentioned. Spontoon High Priestess. Has taken Oharu as her last student. Dies in October, 1936. Selects Saimmi Hoele’toemi as her replacement in October, 1936. Saimmi is Mr. Simon Barber’s character. Native Spontoon.


Illie Fishhunter                            Female. Arctic Fox. About 29 years of age. Professional body-guard/assassin. Only speaks Cantonese. Native. Kitnapped from Spontoon Island & enslaved around 1912 at the age of five years. Extremely deadly. Apparently has ‘talent’ as well. Speaks only Cantonese as of March 1936. Re-learning her native language slowly (she has trouble with learning new languages.). Native Spontoon.


Kildar, Oscar                               Male. Mastiff. About 45 years old. Lawyer for Helen Whitehall vs her brother in law. Loves to pull strings and shaft the opposition. Native Spontoon.


Kjellfrid                                        Female. Rabbit. About 45 years old. Heterosexual. Mr Sapohatan’s Private secretary & ex-sister in-law. Plain looking, married, mentioned children, nothing more. Scandinavian decent as is husband (who’s name will never be mentioned.) Member of ‘The Committee.’ Native Spontoon.


Leela                                           Female. Dormouse. S.I.T.H.S. student learning Hula. Native Spontoon.


Leokau                                    Female. Otter. About 20 years old. Heterosexual. Priestess. Never equal to Saimmi. Was exposed to scarlet fever in mothers womb, thus has minor brain dysfunction. She cannot become angry. In fact all but the most gentle emotions are denied her. Has a husband and at least one child. Native Spontoon.


Landers, Lieutenant                    Male. About 20 years old. Helldiver Squadron leader off the American CV RANGER. Fooled by Sandy Doecan & Annette Riverstone. American.


Lolo (Hinatea Himee)                  Female. A ‘tiny’ gerbille Student at S.I.T.H.S. in one of Mrs. Whitehall’s classes. Shows promise as a teacher, often used as a teachers assistant by Helen or to cover a class when Helen has to leave for a short period of time. Native Spontoon.


Martin                                         Male. Crow. Principle of S.I.T.H.S. Old school hard liner in regards to punishment. “Twenty wacks, that‘ll learn ‘em.” Native Spontoon.


McGee, Butterfly                        Female. Wife, Generic Bovine, about 45 years old. Runs the McGee Resort on Casino Island. Hides a secret. Native Spontoon.


McGee, Taza                           Male. Husband to Butterfly. Buffalo Wolf, about fifty. Fisherman, part time Casino bouncer. Native Spontoon.

McGee Children


  Reiko McGee                     12 year old daughter.                  Spontoon. 

  Paul McGee                    11 year old son                           Spontoon.

   ?? McGee                    9 year old son                             Spontoon.

   ?? McGee                    7 year old son                             Spontoon.

  Rainbow McGee                    5 year old daughter (twin)           Spontoon. 

  Sunrise McGee                     5 year old daughter (twin)           Spontoon.


McMaster, Katherine           Female. Dalmatian. About 29 years old. Hetrosexual. Songmark graduate, second class. Owns controlling half of Kart-Tombs Charter Flights as she is native. Buddhist. Native Spontoon.


Miller, Rabbi Hirsh                      Male. Mink. About sixty or more. Chief Jewish leader in Spontoon. Hebrew.


Montrose, Herbert K.                 Male. Grey Owl. About 50 years old. Lawyer. Extremely Honest. Prefers to deal in Euro vs Euro cases (where he can milk his client.) Native Spontoon


Moro                                           Male. Wolf. About forty. Water Taxi pilot and special agent for a certain ferret. Has for some unknown reason decided that oharu Wei is his special project (not love or sex.) Amerindian tribe decent. Spontoon.


Natasha                                      Female. Hound. About 34 years old. Spontoon priestess. Native Spontoon.


O’Tool, Katrina Lt.                      Female. Badger. About 28. Police Administrator (not officer) assigned to von Toews. Spontoon.


Passan, Doctor                          Porcupine. Male. Grey from age. Has been ‘About to retire’ for so long people can’t remember. Native Spontoon.


Patricia                                       Female. Prairie Dog. Heterosexual. About 18 years old. Songmark First year that stumbles onto Oharu after enraging Red Dorm (ref: Simon Barber.) 1936/1937 Songmark School Year. Story was a Tossoff that was accidently released too far. Will be folded into later chapters. Released to Mr. Simon Barber, Feb. 2006. United Moaru Chiefdoms.


Polychronopoulos, Henrika        Female. Skunk. 21 year old. Second year Songmark girl captured by trickery on Krupmark Island. Sold to Kuo Han to be broken into slavery. Purchased by Oharu and returned to Songmark. Greek.


Ray, Tasha Lee                          Female. Haliaeetus leucocephalus (eagle.) About 30 years old. Air Traffic Controller. Heterosexual (maybe) and very (very) open minded about partners, as long as they are pilots. Unmarried. Member of ‘The Committee.’ Native Spontoon.


Reeds, Captain AliciaCode name used by Sandy Doecan. Code name has, now been retired. N/A


Rewa                                          Female, a grandmother. Hired by Helen Whitehall to be her son’s nanny while she is at work teaching, or otherwise called away and unable to take her son with her. Native Spontoon.


Rictor, Boguslaw                        Male. Rabbit. About 36. Tourist. Writer of the Mary Wrightwood adventures, in the style of Linda Carlton / Nancy Drew. From Logansport, Indiana. American.

aka Bog

aka Harcourt Fenton Swordfire

Riverstone, Doctor Annette Patricia

Female. Otter. Around 25 years old. Bi-Sexual. Half blackfur. Former Pan Am Air Hostess (Flight Attendant) American. Medical Doctor, floats between hospitals, clinics and dragging her mangey carcass from village to village. Came up with the idea to turn the DUCK she arrived on into an Air Ambulance. Given Asylum on Spontoon from American Government (falsely accused of being a spy.) American.


Rousseau, Phil                           Male. Fox. About mid-50's. Works for the Spontoon Intelligence Agency. Native Spontoon.


Shirane, Fumiyo                         Female. Red Fox. About 16. Assistant to the Spontoon Miko Urako. Of Cipangu stock is a born native.


Shiva                                          Female. Star nosed mole. About 55. Works for the Allthing apparently unwillingly though the reason has never been given. Spontoon.


Silvertow, Ille                             Female. Mephiti (skunk). Age about 60. Owner of a legal cargo warehouse and shipping company called SILVERTOW STORAGE. Part time hack writer. Ille is one of those few who come up with many of the crazy myths and rituals tourists believe are real. Part of ‘The Committee.’ Native Spontoon.


S.P.Q.R.                                     Spontoon Private Quixotic Rescue. A single American F2F DUCK amphibious aircraft painted lavender on the top, blood red on the bottom. Marked with Red Cross Medical Symbols. Official owned by Annette Riverstone. Used by entire medical community for emergency flights only.


Two Red Stones                         Male. Cougar, around 29 years old. USN Intel Officer posing as Embassy Marine. Native Apache. Actually an American Secret Agent, ex-Marine. Native American.


Steinhauer, Major                       Character in the Mary Wrightwood novels. Love interest. N/A


Toews, Antonius von                  Male. Schnauzer. 53 Years old. Ex-Prussian Military Intelligence run out by political changes. Never married. Denied by family 9though mainly for those same political reasons.) Hates Hitler. Jovial attitude in most cases, ignores the standard Prussian mold unless it suits him. Long term Spontoon resident. Prussian.


Underwood, Miss P. Callie         Female. Skunk. Exceptionally small (4'11") she was one of Prussia’s proposed 1932 Olympic contenders for diving (swimming.) Vocally against the revolution (Hitler) but considered too important to liquidate, she was placed into Doctor A.F. Garner’s care ‘for experimentation.’ P. Callie turned out to be an excellent subject, falling so deeply under the Doctors control that she publically renounced her previous statements and shot her best friend to death in public ‘as an example to the people that weakness cannot be permitted.’ She is Garner’s ‘assistant.’ Prussian.


Urako                                          Female. Vixen. Around 17 years old. Heterosexual. Miko for Spontoon Island

                                                   Shinto Shrine on Casino Island. NOTE: Miko’s are not romantically or

                                                   sexually active. Upon becoming such, they are no longer Miko’s. It is an

                                                   extremely serious life change. Native Spontoon.


Viper, Becky                              Female. Lynx. About 32 years old. Lesbian, dominate. In my writings she is part owner of The Double Lotus with her four ‘life companions.’ Usually the bartender for The Double Lotus (TDL copyright Mr. Simon Barber.) Native Spontoon.


Vundebund, Elisha                     Female. Poodle. About 57 years old. Extremely high society, extremely rich. Lost over three million dollars (1933 value) worth of jewels and all her clothing when she fell off U.S.S. Moonsprite in 1933 enroute to Spontoon Island. American.


Wallsome, Jaco                          Male. Fox. Second in charge to Elizabeth Sapohatan. Native Spontoon.


Wazuka                                      Female. Vixen. About 5 years old. Potential candidate for Miko on Spontoon Island. Native Spontoon.


Wei, Oharu                                 Female. Mouse, around 27 years old. Lesbian. My Main Character Martial Art is Yawara Misogi Training. Learning to be an Island Priestess. Non-combative (physically.) Cipangan (Japanese.) Dark walnut colored fur with golden highlights in private areas. Birth name Eizawa (Eizawa Oharu) took name of Osui (Filth) upon arriving upon Spontoon. Was given the name Wei by the Natives of No Island. Wei means Fresh Breeze. Sometimes called Kahuna Wei. Has Arrived. Cipangu-Spontoon.


Whitehall Antonius James          Male. Bulldog. Son to Killian Whitehall and Helen Whitehall. Born May 20th, 1936 after a long, dangerous labor (he was much too large for his mother to birth normally.) Native Spontoon.

Whitehall, Helen Maggy Sneed

                                                   Female. Half Afgan, half Pine Marten (Cat Crainn). Age around 27

years old. Bi-Sexual but has sworn off men in honor of her now dead husband. Mother to Killian Whitehall’s only legitimently known child, Antonius James Whitehall, a son. Phd in Palenotology. Teaches at S.I.T.H.S. Killian Whitehall’s widow (see Nightmares are not always dreams.) Extremely well off, founder and soul owner of Aviation Airways, a fact only weekly magazine about all things regarding aviation, with a heavy leaning to true (verifiable) stories. Maiden name Sneed. From a ranch in Wyoming. Southern Baptist. Considered Arrived though not officially. Maiden name was Doctor Helen Maggy Sneed, Phd (Palenotology.) Given asylum from Brotherhood of the Boneless. American.


Wilfred                                        Male. Hedgehog. ‘Ancient.’ Butler at the English Consulate. English. He knows things.


Wrightwood, Mary                       Female. Vixen. Maybe 20? Fictional Character created by Boguslaw Rictor in the vein of Nancy Drew, Perils of Pauline and Linda Carlton. Always in trouble, always barely getting out of it. A series of at least twenty books published by 1936. Written on average one every two months. N/A


Yoana                                         Female. Rabbit. About 30 years old. Died of influenza around 1931. Kjellfrid’s younger sister. Married to Mr. Sapohatan (Simon Barber’s character.) Left no children. Native Spontoon.

Characters Not On (or originally on) Spontoon Island;


Rear Admiral Hiroaki Abe           Male. About 50 years old. In overall command of IJN Tone and IJN Chikuma. Cipangu.


Ah-lam                                        Male. Ratel. About 50 years old. Pirate. DOA on Cranium Island. Macao Pirate. Unknown.


Taisa (Colonel) Akimoto Heiji     Male, About 40 years old. IJN Navy Intelligence officer that selected Oharu for Spontoon. DOA. Cipangu.


Biff Armstrong                             Doberman. Male. About 37. American bit-part actor who stayed on Spontoon, acting as an ‘explorer.’ Actually an act to get favors from female tourists. DOA Cranium Island. American.


Atsuko                                        Rabbit. Female. About 23 years old. Personal Maid for Lady Tsukiyama



Billy                                             Mongoose. Male. About 70 years old. Alcoholic customs agent at Toonabo, Mildendo Island. Milendo Island.


Bunrakuken                                Male. About 38 years old. Ships stoker for the Burat Maru. Murdered on Tilamooka Island. Cipangu.


Commander, The’                     Bulldog. Male. About 51 years old. Commander of GR team, widower.

Ultra-Nationalist. Died on Eastern Island while attempting to murder Molly Procyk (Simon Barber’s character.) American.


Deckard                                      Male. About 32 years old. Pilot. One of the group Sandy Doecan was navigator for. Known as Deck. Sweden.


Eddy                                           Cocker Spaniel. Male. About 16 years old. Works for Pan American Airlines on Midway Island. Energetic, friendly. Guam.

Emperor for Life Bubba Joe Bob Willy Two Toes Junior

                                                   Male. Ram. Maybe 30? Ruler of South Thomas Island.


Floral and Marley                        ref: Laurel and Hardy. American.


Flumbulger, Doctor                    Male, Groundhog. Zoologist, grey furred. Tillimook. 


Francine                                     Female. Pan Am Air Hostess stationed in Hawaii for the Clipper aircraft. American.


Albert Flintstine                           Fox. Male. Late 40's. Pan Am lawyer in Ohau, Hawaii. Dapper. Views business in a rather odd light ‘Let them know everything, it blows over much more quickly that way.’ American.


Major William Forrester           Panther. Male. About 42 years old. Naval Officer USN, Hickam Field

                                                   Security. American.


Georgette                                   Female. Works in the Miami (Florida) main office of Pan American Airways. Contact for the lawyer Albert Flintstine. American.


Captain Shiba Granite                Female. About 49 years old. Half owner of the private freighter Three

                                                   Moons (crew own other half.) Part time slaver, whatever puts silver in

                                                   her pocket. No morals. Originally mentioned (unnamed) by Mr. Simon

                                                   Barber. American.


General Harper                         Bulldog. Male. About 51 years old. British Naval Officer. Reassigned by The Major from Hawaii to the Falkland Islands. British.

Major Thomas William Hawkins

                                                   Bulldog. Male. About 42 years old. Of the Royal Hampshire. ‘The

                                                   Major.’ Saved Annette and Oharu’s life on Big Island (Hawaii.) Claims to

                                                   be retired, actually a very good British Agent. Appeared upon Spontoon

                                                   Island interested in several people, Amelia Bourne-Phipps (Mr. Simon

Barbers Character) being one of them. No known relationship to the American agent Carter Hawkins, commonly known as Two Red Stones. British.


Kathleen Tiddles Hightower        Otter. Female. About twenty five years old. Flight Attendant for Pan American Airways. Actually a very successful US Navy intelligence agent. Very smart, very deadly, very good actress. She can fool a star nosed mole. American.


Hikaru                                         Seamstress in Oahu. Works for the Hilton Hotel. Hawaiian.


HiYung                                        Porcine. Male. 60's. Member Brotherhood of the Boneless. Killed in a duel by Killian Whitehall. DOA NANAD. Chinese/Korean.


Hokes, Captain Sherman           Male.   Bloodhound, around late twenties. American Naval officer,

                                                   Personnel. Stationed at Guam, bought enslavement drug from Doctor

                                                   A.F. Garner. Eventually went into business with the buck. American.


Horace                                        Male. 60's? Scientist on Cranium Island. Creates energy generating devices seen only in Science Fiction. Successfully tapped and drained the fragment on Cranium Island of all its power, though there was a great deal of leakage. Unknown.


Whitehall-Hunter, Elizabeth        Female. Bi-sexual. 33. Artist who befriended Oharu while the mouse was still a Miko (though wavering heavily.) Lives on Tahng Island, Tilamooka with her husband. Tilamooka.


Huntley, Louise                           Female. Vixen (fox.) About 29. News reporter for the San Frisco Eclectic Examined. American.


Ambassador Ischinger                Doberman. Male. About 60 years old. German Ambassador to Hawaii. German.


Jacob                                          Male. About 50 years old. One of the group Sandy Doecan was navigator for. Canadian. 


Doctor Johansson                      Ring Tail. Male. About 70. Mad Scientist on Cranium Island. Works with Mind Control and Mind Exchange (and anything else he can dream up involving fiddling with a subjects brain.) Swedish.

The Kaaloa family.                    NeNe (a type of Goose, known as the Hawaiian Goose.) Two adults, three children. Hawaiian.


Kakalina Kaaloa                   NeNe Female. About 17 years old. Female, involved in the Ohau Goddard Club (OGC.) Hawaiian.


Kension                                      Male. About 50 yeas old. Star Nosed Mole. Monk dropped off with twin sister chipmunk nuns at Krupmark. (Or were they really of a religious order?) All now unrecoverably mad (insane.)


Ki                                                Male. Young boy that took over Oharu’s stall when she left the temple in Cipangu. Cipangu.


Kanonier Knopf                           Doberman. Male. About 23 years old. One of the four German military ‘aids’ sent to kill Oharu, Annette and Kathleen on Oahu. They failed. German.


Babbet Marie LeBatelier            Female. French Poodle. Killian Whitehall’s first true love. Was eight months pregnant when died. Killed in Hun heavy artillery barrage in later part of the Great War. Killian couldn’t even find her street afterwards. French.


Sheen & Chi Li                           Female. Panda sisters. Around 30 years old. You name it. Servants of

                                                   Brotherhood of the Boneless. Ran off to West China with Sying at end of

                                                   NANAD. At least one is carrying Killian Whitehall’s child. Perhaps both.



Lien aka Furball                         Female. Siamese. Around 19 years old. Captain Granite’s latest ‘Ships Cat.’ Mentally & emotionally shattered now. Chinese. 


Ruth Ester Leibowitz                   Female. Mink. Heterosexual. Around 24 years old. Helen Whitehall’s best friend and assistant. Murdered and ‘processed’ by Madam Xiùme in China. NANAD. Jewish American.


Malou                                          Female. Saimese .About 25 years old. Lesbian by choice ( a rareity.) Currently lived in Macao. She is the woman Nikki supposable sold to Kou Han. Rescued by Nikki, Mark and Oharu. Very much in love with the mare. Speaks Cantonese and some Spontoon. Chinese.


Mark/Franklin                              Male. Bulldog. About 33 years old. Grunt & Communications Expert for GR Team, unmarried. American.


Miguel Gomez                            Male. Human. About 12 years old. Treated by Annette Riverstone for a burned hand (boiling water.) Note; Humans are exceptionally rare (dying out) in my version of this world. Hawaiian.


Mrs. Gomez                                Female. Human. About 30 years old. Husband is a fisherman. Brought her twelve year old son Miguel to Annette Riverstone for treatment in Hawaii. Hawaiian


Professor Jural Jenkins              Male. Mink. About 59. Rational, with rare moments of enlightened insanity. Cranium Island Mad Scientist. He works with plants. His theory that intelligent mobile plants are the future rulers of Earth. His American wife Suzanne was eaten alive by one of his giant Venus Flytraps while he was away, his only son discovered ‘The Guardian’ and was.. Absorbed. His eldest daughter is missing, presumed by him to be dead as well. Only his youngest daughter Sarah survives. If you could call madness survival. German.


Megan Jenkins                           Female. Mink. About 27. Archeologist. Prisoner of her younger sister Sarah. Locked in what was either a tomb or Holy Chamber (rather large.) She is deathly afraid of both her sister and father. The only surviving Jenkins family member not in some way changed by the creatures of the ancient temple they live in. Has made a study of the carvings she has access too and learned ‘things.’ American.


Sarah Jenkins                             Female Mink. About 23. Scientist on Cranium Island, prefers animal biology, specifically sea life. Her younger brother Bill was eaten as she watched by some kind of Guardian within the temple complex they have taken over. Her mother was later eaten by one of her fathers giant Venus Flytraps, again in front of her. Locked her older sister in a hidden chamber to protect her from their father after her mothers death. Quite insane, though hers is a very logical insanity, thus exceptionally dangerous. American.


Markham                                    Couple. Agents of Sandy Doecan in Hawaii. No other data.

Bartholomew Matthews              Male. Rabbit. Mid 50's. Heterosexual. Pan Am. Top Manager (CEO) on

                                                   Ohau, Hawaii. Married (Ellen, wife in Boston.) Not a happy marriage. He keeps

                                                   hoping she will file for a divorce. Enamored with Annette’s friend Kathleen and

                                                   Susy White, his paw-selected bat secretary. Specist vs Moles, mice and the like

                                                   (but strangely not bats.) American.


Professor Merker                        Male. Archeologist. About 80 years old. Crazy about lost civilizations like Atlantis, Mu, Lemur and the Seven Rainbow Cities of Antarctica. Died of heart attack on site in the summer of 1935. British.


Captain Edger ‘Bill’ Merryman   Male. Husky. About 29 years old. Naval Officer USN Hickam Field Security. American.


Miller                                           Male. ‘Empath’ Alice/Diane claimed could control anyone. Note; ‘Empath’ is one who has very delicate control of their ability to scent and release scents. Able to instill fear or love by adjusting their own scent. Rarer than Humans. American.


Mina                                            Female. About 20 years old. Secretary to Taisa (Colonel) Akimoto Heiji

                                                   Cipangu. Cipangu.


Mindy Saracen                           Female. House Cat. About 26 years old. One of the group Sandy Doecan was navigator for. Canadian.


Unteroffizer Nieman                    Male. German Shepard. Leader of the Germans sent to kill Oharu, Annette and Kathleen on Oahu. He failed. German. 


General Panahi                          Male. Meercat. About 57 years old. In Hawaii to secretly meet with British and American representatives regarding a mutual defense pack with his country (Persia.) Official (secret) representative of ruling Persian Government. Wife was attacked on the China Clipper en-route to join him. Saved by Oharu. Persian.


Mrs. Shariat Panahi                    Female. Meercat. About 28 years old. Mother of twin boys (about 6 years old.) Wife to an important military officer, General Panahi. Was attacked on the China Clipper by Oberst Unruh and badly injured. Expected to recover fully. Persian.


Ensign Parker                             Male. Dalmatian. About 19 years old. Assistant to Bill Merryman in Naval Intelligence. Transferred ‘elsewhere’ due to lack of imagination (Little America?) American.


Patterson                                    Male. About 21 years old. Secondary navigator of the group Sandy Doecan was navigator for. Scotland.


Obergefreiter Pfrommer              Male. Doberman. About 24 years old. One of the four sent to kill Oharu, Annette and Kathleen on Oahu. Only survivor, crippled for life. German.


Pion                                            Male. Chinese Warlord killed by Sying in NANAD for his two aircraft. Chinese.


Potterman, General Williak         Male. Army officer mentioned by Mrs. Lynette Harkens. American.


Reinholst, Amelia                       Female. Captains the Sea Fairy. Tramp freighter.


Reiss, Alice/Diane Ester            Female. Racoon. About 33 years old. Interrogator for GR team, married, husband is Jewish. Highly Homophobic. American.  


Robert                                         Male. About 38 years old. One of the group Sandy Doecan was navigator for. French.


Roger                                          Male. About 22 years old. Customs agent at the international airport on Ohau. American.


Saggath                                      Male. Age ? Species ? Brotherhood of the Boneless. Hunts in Western Australia, mainly Roo’s. Unknown.


Schwarzkopf, Pfalzgrafin            Vixen. Female. Around 22 when hung during the Great War. Very upper society. Head hangs on the wall of the French Assemble Hall as a warning. Spy. Prussian.


Shaiming                                    Male. About nineteen years old. Traitor. Macao National. Chinese.


Shazeer                                      Female. Fennec. Around 22 years old. Sying’s great love. Servant of

Brotherhood of the Boneless. Ran off to West China with Sying at end of NANAD. Carrying Killian Whitehall’s Child. Chinese.


Doctor Shi                                   Male. Goat. About 50 years old. Member Brotherhood of the Boneless. ‘He fell down the stairs and broke his neck’ Sying said. Chinese.


Nesbeit Sincere                         Male. About 37 years old. Action Adventure movie star, quite popular. Very handsome. Has rather interesting contacts in Germany. Once married to Annette Riverstone. American.


Sying                                          Male. Bull. Member Brotherhood of the Boneless. Lives in China. Runs various ‘farms.’ Helped Killian, Helen & Illie escape China. Chinese.


Susy White                                 Female. Pipistrelle bat. Age 20. Bright red fur. Secretary to Bartholomew Matthews. Scottish.


Takana                                       Female. Rabbit. Sandy Doecan (aka Elizabeth Brighton) mother. Died a little after childbirth from complications. American.


Takana                                       Female. Rabbit. Age unknown (elderly). Painter who also creates maps for the temple Oharu served. Was known by Oharu while the mouse was still a Miko. Cipangu.


Titto                                            Female. About 19. Cranium Island servant of Sarah who was ‘experimented’ upon. Nothing will attack her now, even her own mother is deathly afraid of her. Her eyes glow a deep gold all the time. Only Sarah is completely comfortable around her. Titto is secretly completely in love with Sarah (much as Oharu is with Molly), else she would have killed her a very long time ago. Kills by draining life force, which makes her stronger for a short period of time. She must ‘eat madness’ once a month. This returns the victim to sanity for a period of five to seven days. Very talented artist (great at making ‘ancient maps.’) Cranium Island Native.


Tullio                                           Male. Pot Bellied Pig. About 40 years old. Speaks Italian and fair German. Purchasing agent for an unnamed lioness who loves the Blood Hunt. Offered 5,000 English pounds for Nikki. Has a male Lemur assistant. Italian.


Lady Tsukiyama                         Female. Mouse Age 27 A military advisor to His Imperial Majesty Akihito. Oharu’s missing oldest sister. Extremely intelligent & well versed in Military/Government matters. Attempted suicide after arranging the deaths of all those involved in her sisters defilement. Stopped by the Emperor in person. Japanese/Cipangu.


Ulani                                           Female. Hound. S.I.T.H.S. student learning Hula. Native Spontoon.


Oberst Unruh                              Porcine. Male. About 40 years old. Involved in an assault on the China Clipper, stopped by Oharu. Served in WWI as a sniper. Killed by his own people. German Military agent. German.  


Vidhyalakshmi                            Female. Mongoose. S.I.T.H.S. student studying Hula. Native Spontoon.


Wallsome, Jaco                         Male. Fox. Around fifty. Works for the Spontoon Intelligence Agency. Native Spontoon.


Wambenger, Latakia                  Female. Marsupial Mouse. Heterosexual. About 49 years old. Australian Abroginie female. Wiradjuri clan. Very deadly. Hawaiian.


Wambenger, Justin                     Male. Pack Rat. Hetrosexual. About 57 years old. Native Hawaiian, Insurgent Master Spy. Master aircraft mechanic & metal fabricator. Has a really strange sense of humor. Excellent mechanic, horrible shot. He could ‘Miss the barn wall from inside, with a scattergun. At two paces.’ Hawaiian.


Whitehall, Killian James              Male. Bulldog. Age about 40. Attempted to break the Boneless story. Long time field reporter for the London Thymes and others. Started reporting at the beginning of The Great War. Somehow involved with Inspector Stagg (in the past.) Occasionally used the name Captain Samuel Wilde Parker. Of the 1st Middlesex Regiment. Buddhist. Dies of a brain tumor in Nightmares are not always Dreams in November, 1935. British.


Whitehall, Willy                           Female. Bulldog. About 35 years old. Adventuress. Killian’s only sister. British.


Wolten, Annie                             Female. Captains the Bright Whale. Tramp freighter. Australian.


Worst, Kapitanleutnant von        Fox. Male. About 23 years old. Arranged the death of Oberst Unruh. German.


Xiùme, Madam                            Russian wolfhound. Female. Bi-sexual. Vicious. Member Brotherhood of the Boneless. Thanks to Killian’s actions she was accidently ‘processed.’ Russian/Chinese.