When the Sun Turns to Darkness

by Mr. David R. Dorrycott

copyright 2002 - 2006 C.E.


Some little explanation; The following material is converted from yet another PBeM game I was in. ISS Explorer. A promising game that died an ignoble death. Seems the GM’s younger brother wanted to bring in this android army run by a madman and somehow hidden aboard the ship... well... Every player bailed no more than a week after this was announced. There are simply certain rules that you have to follow when creating a game others will live in. Letting your little brother bring in 30th century tech in a 20th century story to enslave all the player characters isn’t the way.

Plot. Basically, the sun is about to be hit by a minimum Black Hole. Yep, real stretch but I wasn't the GM. Some 1500 people were picked by (pseudo) random draw to leave on a starship that looks a tonn like FREEDOM STATION on the (defunct) website. Two bits of ‘TechMagic’ existed to make the game work. A Jump Drive that allowed short jumps for pseudo-faster than light travel and a sort of Stasis Pod. Both apparently Area 51 Tech. Anyway I wanted to let someone besides the half dozen or so players involved see this. It has been rewritten, new material created in order to replace material and characters written by others (or simply lost over the years), technical material has been corrected and such. But basically the long dead I.S.S. Explorer PbeM is still somewhat visible here. If you like it I might go ahead and build from this. Thanks for your time.


                                                                                                       Mr. David R. Dorrycott

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14 (Final Chapter)