Millicent Steps Into the Fire

by Mr. David Reese Dorrycott

the usual suspects copyright Mr. Simon Barber


“Good afternoon Millicent. Please place your secrets case on my desk.”

Millicent followed the terse instructions of her superior, stepping back after she was through. “Sir. Is there a problem?”

“There are always problems Millicent. At the moment my problem is you. Ah, your key please?” He waited as Millicent removed the chain holding her key from about her neck, accepting the still warm shaped metal piece from her while ignoring the delicate scent attached to it. “Thank you.”

Millicent watched as he opened her case, carefully taking out every last paper before inspecting its interior. After that he checked each paper carefully, even the red covered ones. “I see. Everything as it should be.” Abruptly he opened a drawer, withdrawing a revolver that he placed in front of him. “Would you please explain your sudden interest in the Russian Spy, Tatiana Bryzov.”

Fear washed over the young woman at the sight of that weapon. Tatiana had warned her. Warned her to tell nothing but the truth in this case. “Certainly sir. She offered me information, for a price. I felt that the price was well within my budget to pay. I have given that information to Mr. Green.”

“Very useful information at that. Millicent. Why didn’t you contact your superior first? You are not trained as an agent. In fact you are a snobbish little know it all stuck up Diplomats daughter. One whom I would love to see shipped home in disgrace. Or rub my bare feet through her pelt as a rug.”

“Sir. I... I...” Millicent stopped. “Yes sir, that is the truth.”

“And the reason you failed to contact Mrs. Henderson?”

“Mrs. Henderson was on South Island sir. I am not aware of her superiors name or office. Without sufficient time to find that person I decided to act upon my own initiative. After all sir, only my life was at risk. Certainly I know nothing of importance worth kidnaping me for.”

“Really? Well, that may be true here. Have you thought of your fathers position?”

“Sir. I will die before I endanger Crown or Country. My father may be of some small importance, still he has much more than one daughter. He also has several sons. I am aware of my worth to him. That he brought me out here only at mothers insistence.”

“I see. Then you have decided to try and make a name for yourself.”

“I.. Yes sir. But not right now. I saw an opportunity with little risk of failure. No large risk to this station or anyone within it. I was told in training sir, that very rarely will a chance like this will come to one of my status. That when it does, no matter what do not waste it. It is very true sir that I wish excitement. But field work? No sir. Tatiana had been working here several months. Her own controllers, both Russian and British are well known. Her affiliation with the Russian Government is well known. I have checked her sponsor, he has never been accused of being a fool. She has been adopted by a native Priestess, who herself was once an agent for the Japanese government. I took a chance yes sir. I was probably wrong. I would do it again given the chance.”

“You would do it often, by my order. Millicent, I have noticed two changes in your normal behavior. Well three. First, you no longer attend any parties. Why?”

“Oharu, the native Priestess, opened my eyes to the social mistake of attending uninvited any function. I realized that I have been a fool. My father has often called me a fool. This is the first time I have totally agreed with him.”

“I see. Madam Maxines? You are aware what that place is.”

“She teaches Hunters, yes sir. She also teaches social etiquette, how to listen without seeming to listen. Many, many things Tatiana believes I need to know to please her. Things that I believe I need to know to be effective in the future.”

“As do I now. Are you in love with this Russian?

“Yes sir. I still will never turn my tail on Crown and Country. She knows this. She has accepted this.”

“Amazing. Though you are not aware of this, we have lines of communication within all government offices here. You have released no information, no information that could even be suspected of coming from you has surfaced. Therefore you retain your Secrets position.”

“Had I violated your trust sir. You would have shot me in the back of my head long ago.”

“Quite correct. I may still do so. Then personally throw your naked body into this Embassy’s septic system. You would simply disappear. Is Tatiana in love with you?”

“I believe so, yes sir.”

“You are not certain though.”

“No sir.”

“Very good. Remember that. She may be acting of course. Now, as you have so abruptly placed yourself on the active list I have a new mission statement for you. You will retain your current position. You will retain your current attitude in public within these walls only. You will also continue studying at Madam Maxines. Who is paying that cost?”

“Tatiana sir. As she is now Oharu’s daughter and I am her lover, she is paying native rates.”

“Interesting. Very well, your orders are to turn this Russian to England’s side. I do not care how you do so, or what you must do in order to manage this. As long as you do not give up secrets. Certain information will on occasion be given you to pass on to this woman. You will do so should she ask for information. Turn against England my little spy and you will never be seen again. Your death will be neither quick, nor pleasant. You understand this?”

“Yes sir. Sir, I never wanted to be a field agent.”

“Nor will you be one Millicent. Madam Maxines is teaching you what your father failed to allow you to learn. You will use this with good effect. There is a birthday party for the Swedish Ambassadors daughter in eleven days. You will attend.”

“Sir. I have not been invited.”

“An open invitation has been sent to us for one young lady. I was going to send Rose, until I discovered your new life. You will attend, you will act as you are supposed to act. Not as you have acted before. This will probably be the last chance to redeem yourself in the eyes of this community. Do not fail. Any questions?”

“One sir. Is Amelia Bourne-Phipps an English spy? Or is she a traitor.”

“Millicent, never again ask who is or is not an English Agent. When you need to know you will be told. Otherwise it is not your concern who is what. Certainly she is no traitor. Anything else?”

“Nothing sir.”

“Gather your things.” He watched in silence as Millicent gathered her secrets papers, checking them against the list she carried.  

“One is missing sir.”

Quietly he returned the single slip of paper. “Very good. You pass. Today. You may leave. For now.”


“Thank you sir.” Locking her case she slipped the key chain around her neck, the little key vanishing from sight between her ample breasts. “Is there anything else sir?”

“Very good. One little thing. At least you have one advantage in your mission Millicent. You will not suddenly become a mother. Dismissed.” He watched as the young woman departed, remembering a certain mouse and her gift of an agent long thought lost. Most likely poor Millicent would be found floating face down in the bay one morning, her throat a mangled mess from a garrote. Still he was no fool to worry about her fate. She had freely placed herself within the Russian’s jaws. When the day came that Russia was hungry, well there are many sons and daughters of Ambassadors. Losing one would be nothing. Especially one as foolish as Millicent. She would provide information for a while. That was all that was important to him. At the moment.

Millicent though was barely able to walk after she left that office. Her entire body wanted to collapse. He had intended to kill her, only speaking the truth had saved her life. Tatiana had warned her this day would come. Warned her to never lie to her people. Now she was certain the Russian loved her. Why else give her the one warning that she needed to live. Without that warning she would have lied, she would have been dead by now. Her left paw raised as though to cover her heart, instead it rested upon her left breast. The breast Tatiana had bitten last weekend. Bitten until her fangs had met. Her love had such beautiful fangs.

Pushing away from the wall Millicent returned to her duties, now certain that Amelia was an English spy. Tatiana had told her the truth about that. Millicent knew she was finally useful, and had just been given orders to do almost anything. Those passports she had worried about, the ones hidden, could now be released without worry. ‘I will work for Amelia, though she may never know this. And one day. One day my beautiful Russian Sable will feast upon my body. I am so happy’ she thought as she returned to work.

In the office behind her a hidden door opened. From it stepped a bulldog she would have recognized instantly. “An interesting case” Major Hawkins noted as he sat. “I would have thought she would lie.”

“As did I” Jacob Dassher agreed. Reaching out to retrieve his weapon the border collie examined it. “I would so have been upset to use this on her. She is quite attractive.” Replacing his weapon he turned to face his companion. “My most sincere regrets regarding the loss of your wife.”

“I will miss her” Hawkins admitted. “As much as I miss my first wife, though for much different reasons.” He shook himself, an action that for a moment frightened his host. “I am quite surprised that Tatiana selected this one to subvert. I had expected her to go for young Willcock.”

“Too obvious a target I think” Dasher admitted. “Should have made the boy harder for her to connect with. I do much agree. Young Millicent is the least popular member of our organization here. She has made herself unwelcome in too many places. It will be a dicey bit of work for your girl to repair that damage.”

“I wager you twenty pounds she is successful.”

“Really? Twenty pounds” the collie answered. “How long. Two years?”

“Oh please Jacob. Tatiana has but one full year of school after this. A year where she must have young Millicent up and running on her own, as she will be much out of pocket for the majority of her time. One year. Before the beginning of Tatiana’s third year.”

“Forty pounds. Sterling.”

“Forty Quid? Are you mad?”

“Forty or nothing.”

Hawkins walked over to the rooms single window, looking out over gardens accessible only from certain offices. “You will not interfere?”

“She must pass our one last interrogation. Should she pass, which I think she shall after today, I will agree. As long as you do not interfere. I shall not.”

“Forty it is then.” He turned around, offering his right paw. “My paw upon it.”

“DONE!” Dasher cried, standing and slapping his paw into the others. “Oh I am so going to enjoy taking your money from you.”

“We shall see my friend. We shall see. Now about your security officer.”

Two days later Millicent found herself abruptly surrounded by two rather large British Marines as she stepped out of an office. “You will come with us” the ancient Sergeant announced. There would be no argument with that one. This she was certain. Meekly following his command the young feline eventually found herself in the basement of one of the buildings. There awaited a certain bulldog, standing beside him was a very well dressed greyhound. Captain Heller, the station Security Chief. As she stepped through the rooms door it was closed behind her. Her two guards remained outside.

“You may sit Millicent. For now” Captain Heller explained, looking over to his companion. “You are certain that simply cutting her throat now wouldn’t be easier? After all, the guard dogs are a bit hungry.”

“There is potential. There is time” Hawkins answered in a dry voice. “We shall see.”

Millicent sat, though in truth she simply could not have stood after that blatant admission that she probably would not leave this room alive. Hadn’t Mr. Dassher cleared her already? What was this?

Hawkins remained standing though Heller sat, picking up a rather large stack of papers. “Six passports Millicent. Please inform us what you need with six passports, and what names that they might be under ?” He held up a paw, stopping her from speaking. “You see Millicent, passports are controlled by a rather strictly regulated number system. Now, I admit that Charles is not the brightest boy on the block. He simply follows those orders given him. What you could not know is that, though you control the presentation of forms that create passports, another report comes to me. This one is a rather short report. How many passports were created. How many forms authorizing those passports are on file. We seem to be short six. Don’t we.”

“Yes sir” Millicent admitted. “Six is the correct number.”

Heller widened his eyes in surprise. “No lies? No begging? No attempt to wiggle out of this. I am much surprised. You realize that this is an offense that is punishable by death. Correct?”

“Yes sir. Where do you wish me to stand, so that my blood makes as little mess as possible.”

“Over the drain will do if you please.”

Millicent stood, first placing her Secrets pouch on the desk, then her key. Shattered she walked to where a rather large and oddly stained metal grate lay in the floor and stood. Waiting. A sound came from behind her and she shivered again in fear. ‘Tatiana will never taste me’ she cried within her mind. ‘I will not be eaten after all.

“Names please” deaths voice asked from close behind her. Millicent couldn’t help it, she lost control of her water. Then, embarrassed by her weakness she calmly gave each name, though in a voice devoid of much life. When she had finished there was another sound. Sshe felt more than sensed that Major Hawkins had moved away from her.

“This is Tatiana’s doing” the bulldog asked from some distance away.

“It was by her request sir. It was completely by my doing sir.”

“Millicent. Do not lie. There is a star nosed mole listening. He will know if you lie.”

“Ask him then. I am not lying” she answered.

She could hear the sound of pencil on paper behind her as the two conversed. Finally Major Hawkins spoke again. “Please explain exactly how this was done.”

Haltingly Millicent explained. Explained how she had slipped the forms out of the building under her skirt. How she had carefully filled out each form under Tatiana’s careful guidance. How, from examples that Tatiana had supplied her she had signed each name in the style of its owners paw. How she had then returned those forms to her tiny office hidden within the daily paper. From there, how it had been easy to slip one form each week into her pouch, making a simple modification to the official forms, then remodifying them before returning them. How she had slipped each passport out. Again held carefully under her skirt.

“Tatiana never touched those forms” Hawkins asked.

“No sir. She felt that if her scent was upon them that Charles would notice. He is a bloodhound after all.”

“It was my understanding that you hate Amelia” Hawkins continued. “What changed your mind.”

“I believed Amelia was a traitor sir. When I discovered she was an Imperial Agent, of course my opinion had to change. Privately, not publically.”

“Where did you discover this information” Heller asked.

“Tatiana first sir. Then from Mr. Dassher.”

“Dassher told you that Amelia was an English agent” Heller asked. There was disbelief in his voice, but Millicent hadn’t the courage to turn and see it in his face.

“Yes sir. I asked him if Amelia was an agent or a traitor. He told me never to ask, that I would be informed if someone was an agent, had I the need. Then he mentioned that Amelia was not a traitor. Sir, if one is not a traitor and one places ones life within the jaws of ones enemies to defend ones country, one must then be an agent. Officially or not.”

“Amazing” the greyhound admitted. “Now as I understand this, you freely work for Tatiana. In fact you admit being in love with her.”

“Yes sir.”

“And you do not consider yourself a traitor to England? Tatiana Bryzov is a Russian spy. You well know this. It was briefed to you when you were assigned to disrupt her plans while here.”

“Sir. Tatiana was a Russian spy. Her time with her mother has opened her eyes. Sir, she is a Russian patriot. As much as I would be an English patriot should Germany have invaded England. She understands that her government is corrupt, are in truth criminals. Tatiana now works to free her country from Starling. She works for Amelia because through such work she is able to disrupt Starlings plans. Yes sir, she is a Russian Agent. She is not a Soviet agent. Not for a long time now.”

A rustle of paper came to the frightened girl. “Oharu Wei, Priestess of Spontoon Island. Ex-Japanese agent. Tatiana Bryzov, Soviet agent who claims to have turned against her own government. Millicent. These are not good references.”

“I understand sir.”

“Major Hawkins. Should we have the prisoner disrobe herself, or simply throw her living body to the dogs as it is?”

“Does it honestly matter” the bulldog asked. “Millicent. You do realize that once you entered that door you would never leave as you were.”

“I do now sir.” With tears falling she began unbuttoning her blouse. Her mother had embroidered it herself. Letting it be ripped to shreds by feeding animals would break her mothers heart. As she slipped her blouse off both men first noticed what she was doing.

“Do you think you get out of here alive by offering your body” Captain Heller asked.

“My mother embroidered this blouse herself sir. Its making took weeks. If you would be so kind as to send it back to her in one piece. And no sir, I am not offering myself. My body belongs to Tatiana.”

“I see. Please keep your back to us if you will. Millicent. What are your plans for this passport you had made.”

“For myself sir? Tatiana explained that no matter how careful I was, eventually I would be discovered. Having a way to slip back to England alive for reassignment was important.”

“Not to escape say, to Russia?”

“SIR!” Forgetting herself she turned to face both men. “I am not a traitor. You fully intend to dispose of me. Good. Do so in any way you please. Feed me to your dogs, I will walk into their mouths without argument. But do you not ever dare to accuse me of turning against Crown and Country. DO YOU NOT DARE!” With those last words she stamped her foot hard against the grate, the action causing her rather large breasts to move in interesting ways.

“Feisty” Heller observed.

“Hot tempered” Hawkins agreed.

“We must dispose of her then. There is just no choice. You agree?”

“I certainly do Captain” Hawkins agreed. “Our young secrets courier must vanish. Unfortunately, she was so good at her job.”

“Very well.” Selecting a folder from his desk Captain Miller stood and walked to Millicent. “Take this to assignments. Turn over your secrets case, your key. You will spend the next two weeks under Sergeant Proud’s gentle care. He is waiting outside for you. Each morning at zero-seven-hundred you will report to him. At zero seven oh one he will throw you out of bed. Dressed or naked. He will then take you to the marines compound. Dressed or naked. There you will receive extensive training in the pawgun of his choice. You will also be given a basic paw to paw defense training. On weekends you will attend to your duties with Miss Bryzov. Whatever they may be. After two weeks training you will be assigned to carry Most Secret materials. This position requires you to carry a weapon at all times. You will do so. You will remain proficient with its use. When again you need certain documents you will come to me. They will be supplied without comment.”

Millicent accepted the offered folder. “I am not going to die?” she asked.

“If you were going to die young lady, you would have died the moment you stood on that grate. It is after all easily electrified from my desk. Millicent, as Mr. Dassher said you are useful to us now. Before Tatiana. Before you became important to her you were nothing to us. In truth you were a bothersome self centered useless...” He paused. “I will not insult you with that word Millicent. As of now you are an official agent of Her Majesties Intelligence Service. Amelia is able to get into places we cannot. Your Tatiana is able to get into places we cannot get our agents. You will continue your training under Tatiana, because even after Pfalzgrafin Schwarzkopf. Even after Sandy Doecan, men simply cannot seem to keep their muzzles shut around pretty women. I, or the Major here will give you certain assignments. You will preform your duties as best you can. You’re a beginner Millicent. Do not expect to be sent into dangerous territory for many years. You may be sent to test the strength of someone within this building. To test the loyalty of someone in another Consulate. Or simply to observe native events.”

He paused, stepping back to study Millicent’s form. “You do not have the body pure seduction requires, but there are more ways to seduce someone than simply with a body like Molly Procyk, who has apparently taken a Priestess’s heart with no effort of her own. Military secrets are not the only thing important to us. Social information, rituals, who in the Swedish Embassy is sleeping with whom for example. What diplomatic aircraft is going where with whom aboard it. No, no field work for you dear Millicent. We need you alive, not rotting at the bottom of the harbor, weighted down in a fishing net bound with stones. You will though maintain your abusive personality within these walls until further instructed.”

He returned to his desk, but did not sit. “Dress, then report to Sergeant Proud. Secrets Courier Millicent no longer exists. Agent Millicent now exists. Pray you do not let this get to your head girl, or I may one morning find a package delivered to my office with that head packed in it. I will be honest with you young lady. I would not like that at all. Not at all. Now leave this room and do not ever again give me reason to bring you here. Because if I do.” He shrugged. “Maybe you will be lucky and able to convince me to simply sell you to Kau Hon. With only your voice and eyes removed. Now there is the door. Take your key, case and use that door.”

Still shaking Millicent struggled to get her blouse back on. Again she was going to live. Again Tatiana’s instructions had saved her life. Now though it was fully official. She was a agent of her government. She had attained a goal never within her imagination. And it was all because of Tatiana. Truly she was in love.


“Wake UP!” a harsh voice snapped as Millicent left the room.


Staggered by the verbal assault Millicent actually stepped back, but the door had somehow sealed behind her causing her to bounce forward again. Looking up she found herself staring into the no-nonsense face of a Scottish Terrier.

“You are my meat for two weeks girl” the man snapped. “You will be instructed. You will learn. Or so help me by the Crown I will rip you a new one. Is this fully understood?”

“Yes Sir” the feline answered.

“Sergeant. It is SARGENT. I am no fat bellied office sitting brain dead OFFICER! I am a SARGENT! UNDERSTAND?

“Yes Sargent.”

“Very good. Now march yourself to the ladies room. Get rid of those stinking unders and wash yourself. THEN we will turn in that case and key you carry. After that, I think we will begin teaching you basic self defense this bright morning. Now MARCH!”

It wasn’t until late that night, when she staggered into her own bathroom that Millicent realized that she had spent an entire day of training with no unders on. Giggling she drew a bath. Why, just a few months ago the thought of being without such clothing would have shocked her to no end. Now. She glanced at the unmarked utility uniform she had been issued. Her only clothing for the next two weeks. Now it was completely unimportant. Slipping into her hot bath she flexed her right paw. Remembering how it felt to fire a real automatic for the first time.

Of course, she had never come close to the target, but that too was unimportant. Tatiana would protect her. Tatiana had already protected her. With a smile she ran her paws down her flanks. As long as she pleased the Russian, Tatiana would always protect her.

In a very closed office two men stood looking at a strange chart mounted on the office wall. Normally hidden behind a map of the world, it showed hundreds of coded names with links to each. Were an enemy agent to discover this he would believe that he had found a gold mine, until he realized that this gold mine was written in a code created by these three alone. That the key to this code was an ancient Sanscrit text known to perhaps a pawfull. Breaking an alien language might prove easier.

“As you can see Hawkins. I have placed your Tatiana in this grouping” Mr. Dassher explained. “This is of course keyed outside of your normal lines of communication. I will not have a Doecan or Schwarzkopf on my watch. Young Millicent is the only connection to her.”

“You will eventually connect my sweet little Tatiana to your Amelia and her group?”

“Once they have accepted that they are also English agents. Not simply Spontoon ones of certainty” Dassher agreed. “I must admit. Having this young girl on our suspect list has forced her paw. You dealt with the young lady who created this problem?”

“Oh yes” the bulldog admitted. “I am most certain that she is finding Nefta rather interesting. We simply must keep track of German and Italian actions in that area.”

“Remind me never to anger you” Captain Heller admitted as he tasted his tea. “You have such interesting posts for those who do so.”

“Anger?” Hawkins laughed. “No. She did not anger me. Certainly she went out of channels. Her actions did cause the two of you serious problems. Recruiting this Amelia will prove even the more difficult because of her actions. Yet it does give you a bit of a leverage against her. These passports. They are not to be destroyed?”

“No” the greyhound admitted. “Millicent proved exceptionally talented. I have gone over the papers she surrendered. After instructing her that should she ever have to do something like this again, destroying the evidence is her best choice. I have examined those signatures. She is a natural Major. I cannot tell the difference between her false signature and Miss Bourne-Phipps actual signature. Should we need certain materials created I will see what she can do. It is possible that she is better than Margaret. I truthfully believe that this girl is a natural. Losing her might be a very bad idea after all.”