Preparations for London

© 2010 Mr. David R. Dorrycott

edited July 3rd, 2010


As she did twice a day, the housecat that was Most Secret Courier Millicent Wei walked into Mr. Dassher’s office. Her red covered notepad held in one paw, her secrets case carefully belted to one side of her shapely waist and her revolver attached to the other side she appeard the professional that she had learned to be. This of course was her scheduled afternoon delivery of messages, reports and other things and she was looking forward to the evening to come. And the coming weekend as well. Tatiana had promised to take her sailing this afternoon. They would have a picnic supper on one of the small Tourist islets that the sable had reserved. That they would not be able to return until morning was a given, as to what would occur on that little spit of sand and coral. Millicent was looking forward to the event. Very much looking forward to the event.

Stopping in front of the border collie’s desk she gave the Consulates second in command a warm smile. “Not too much for you this afternoon sir” she announced. “Two red folders, three yellow and a sealed cable-gram from your wife sir.”

Looking up from what he was reading the collie returned that smile. “And the cablegram says what my dear Millicent” he asked.

Opening her case Millicent carefully retrieved the items that she had mentioned, checking them against her list before placing each one on her superiors desk. “That sir, I would love to know. But you selected Sergeant Yarrow yourself. He is as closed mouthed as a clam. Even if he is a ferret.” She placed the cablegram on Dassher’s desk last, which placed it on top of the pile. “Why sir, not even my offering him Monica for the weekend would open his lips.”

“And how is your little pet vixen” Dassher asked as he picked up that cablegram. “She will, I am afraid, never advance further than she is now. Not after what you did to her. Though we know it was not by your own desires. Nor may we officially send her to Madam Maxines, as we have now discovered that place to be simply to dangerous. Something we are officially certain of now. This thanks to your own efforts, and sacrifice.” He retrieved the pages within the cablegrams envelope, glancing at the first one. “Yet I am afraid that even the Major could find no other use for her, other than the position as a low level secretary.”

“I understand sir” Millicent agreed. “Will you sign here please” she asked, bending over the desk to not only place the correct form in front of him, but to whisper her next words. “And my other self frightens me as well sir. Were there a way to remove her, but even Mother Oharu admits it is impossible. Not without causing myself great harm. Thus making me useless to my Tatty, and more importantly to the Crown as well. She is teaching me how to control her.”

Silently Dassher signed the receipt, after carefully checking its list against what Millicent had given him. He had learned to be careful with this feline. Because of his Sherly Shrine attempt, Millicent had managed to turn the tables on him once already. Since her capture by the Kuo Han slavers the feline had shown a wicked sense of humor, and had almost managed to get him to sign the entire consulate over to the Russians just last week. “There were thoughts that you were already harmed” he admitted as softly, knowing full well that his office was bugged. Why, he had helped in selecting the places for those microphones. He also enjoyed the scent and wonderful view of his Most Secret Courier as she retrieved the paper, then moved away. For all things, though married to the Russian, Millicent was still a very desirable young woman. “Only by speaking to certain people was the Major satisfied that you were not” he finished.

“Thank you sir. Had I been harmed, I am certain that my widow would have grieved over her dinner. Then taken Monica in my place, as my new will demands. I serve Crown and Country sir. When I stop doing so, I hope that you will swiftly deal with the problem.” She gave the collie a warm, friendly smile, returning to a normal voice. “Thank you sir. For your time and understanding. I have but one delivery left, then it is home.”

“And Tatiana” the collie added.

“Oh I certainly do hope so” Millicent agreed. “She has taken the weekend off, just to be with me after all. I am to leave for London very soon, and she will begin her third year at Songmark soon after. Worse, she and Carmen are ferrying an aircraft to Fryson sometime before Songmark opens. It is a large contract for them, one that they were very lucky to get it. You see, the original pilot was arrested. I fear that my Tatty may return only a day or two before my own departure. Then it may be years before we are together again. Depending upon our fates, and postings.” She turned to leave, only to be stopped by the collie clearing his throat. “Sir?” she asked.

“This is from my wife. Will you stay to hear the news?” he answered. “Though I am your superior Millicent, I do like to share certain information. What with the Major off to who knows where, you are my second choice in this case. I may wish to share this news today.”

“Very well sir” she agreed. “May I sit as you read?”

“Please do.”

And thus it was that Millicent was the first to know of Dassher’s soon to be born twins. For Sandra had left Spontoon for England two months ago, as soon as she was certain that she was carrying. Dassher’s wife Katherine had met her at the dock, taking her directly to her own home. Both their homes now. This was the Doctors confirmation that the collies soon to be second wife would present him with twins in a short time. Along with a warning that he must return home quickly, to make Sandra’s position official before the birth. Else the children could never be acknowledged as his own. It was an ancient law, but one still well in force. For the collies first wife was unable to bear pups now. A disastrous pregnancy, ending with a Breech birth that left their son dead, and the mother unable ever again to quicken. He looked up from reading the cable, to see moisture in his couriers eyes.

“Crying?” he asked.

“Perhaps sir” the feline admitted. “I so look forward to presenting Tatiana with her first child, now that Doctor Riverstone is certain that my time in Kuo Han did not leave me barren.”

“Though they tried” the collie reminded his favorite courier.

“Yes Sir. They did try. But I am an Englishwoman. They may injure me, but they could not ruin me.” She did not add that the hot iron in question had done no damage only because her owner’s man had ordered the process stopped, even as it began. Feeling that well used horn holding her open for the irons easy entrance, with a smell of burning flesh to follow had sent the feline into hysterics. She still had nightmares of the event even now. Yet it seemed that her European owner had planned to breed her, along with the American twins that were with her. Thus she carried no scars, no ruined womb. Only Tatiana and Doctor Riverstone knew exactly what had been attempted. Though what had happened to the twins Millicent did not know.

“I would like to be informed, if you will, when you are with kit” Dassher continued. “It will please me greatly to imagine you great with child.” He smiled again. “A woman heavy with child is a most beautiful thing you understand.”

Millicent laughed softly. “And you will be most sad, as the kitten in question will not be yours” she replied.

Dassher blushed, took a deep breath before nodded the affirmative. “Yes, your point is valid. Too late I discovered that secret woman who hid behind the Harpies mask. To my own loss, and the loss of all men everywhere. Though I would be hard pressed to treat you as your wife must. Your affection would be difficult for me as I do not like the idea of harming a woman, any woman. Now that you have such control over that darkness, and I much envy your Tatiana, I have officially informed her that should she every tire of you, to keep me in mind when she decides to discard you.”

“I would prefer the Major” Millicent admitted. “Though bulldogs do frighten me, I have found him quite attractive the more I have known him. But you are a very close second Mr. Dassher. Now please sir, I really must go.”


“A moment.” Dassher moved a book and picked up an envelope from his desk. “Orders for your little pet. Directly from Major Hawkins and Mr. Dassher themself.” He walked around his desk, meeting the approaching feline, the envelope held out in his paw. “She is now assigned to you. She will return to London with you. She is to be your personal secretary until her contract ends next year, or until you yourself cease being part of the service. If you should leave the Diplomatic Service, then you must find the funds to care for her yourself. It is also suggested in here that she study how to be a Ladies Maid as well. It is my, and the Major’s strong suggestion that should you accept her, that you never discard her. She has imprinted upon you as you already know. That in itself is not a major problem towards her living a normal life. But if you accept her, I fear that as you with Tatiana, she will fall hopelessly in love with you.”


Millicent accepted the envelope, noting that its Crest was from an office in London. “So that is where he is” she whispered. “Be certain sir, that I will take the next hour to carefully think this through. And I thank you for your warning, that problem had never occurred to me I fear.”

“Most secret” Dassher again whispered. “Another thing. Should you be accepted for formal training, an allowance for a Secretary will be granted. Thus you may never need to find the money to pay her.”

“I shall remember that.” Returning to a conversational tone as she slipped the envelope into her blouse, which action exposed more than a bit of normally unseen fur, and caused the collie to blush yet again. “You may not send her to Madam Maxine’s” Millicent said. “Yet they were quite effective with Amelia’s little Doe. Thus, with your permission sir. Should I decide to take her with me, I shall dip into my private funds and have her trained there as well. As a Ladies Maid of course.”

“I can see no reason to deny that plan Mrs. Wei. None at all. Oh, and if you do decide that Monica is the perfect fit for your needs, she will be moved to your quarters today. Even though you will be leaving soon. You do have a second bedroom in married quarters, correct?”

“Yes sir. Though it is currently used as a sewing room, the bed is still set up. I have begin packing so there is more room that usual, and I do still have the extra linens. But sir, why then send her to me?”


Dassher returned to his desk, settling back into his chair before answering. “For two very good reasons Mrs. Wei. The first being that if she is going to be your private secretary and maid, then she must learn to be available to you are all times.” He paused then, taking a moment to look out one of his offices two windows before continuing. “Second. She has for quite some time now been pummeled while in her bed. It is policy to keep like species together when possible, and as vixens are very popular with the Consoler General we have an abundance of young, unattached ones. We have been aware of her suffering, though unable to do much about it. You see, she has made no report. Her companions have been unofficially marked of course. Thus unless something serious is done, and soon, they will not continue in Her Majesty’s Diplomatic Service beyond this posting. But she must be protected. The Major believes that you are the one to protect her.”

“But there are no marks, she says nothing when we have spoken” Millicent protested.

“Then undress her tonight, and see for yourself. A report to the Doctor was made by another girl, one who saw her in bath and feared that she had been raped. She is quite bruised and battered. Wither you take her or not, take care of this matter. Or I will have to officially mark those girls. I do not believe that young Monica would be able to defeat even one of them in the Red Room. Not as you did. It would mean her distruction, though not her death.”

A darkness passed through Millicent’s eyes at those words. “Be certain Sir, that those three shall not harm her again. May I have their names?”

Dassher frowned. “Not from this office. And if you have another fight on Consulate grounds, or with Consulate people on Casino Island then it will mean the end of your budding career. Now best you be off young lady. Remember this. They must have no way to prove a complaint.”

Millicent curtsied, preparing to leave. “I fully understand sir” she agreed. Then she was gone, the offices heavy door closing softly behind her.

Dassher smiled to himself. No, Millicent would get no names from him. But her little Monica could never lie to her, never hide from a question. He had seen that kind before. Why, his younger brothers wife was exactly like Monica. As was his older Uncles. Odd that. But three very naughty girls were going to find themselves punished, of that he was certain. Just not on Casino Island. Picking up his cable-gram he smiled. He had leave accumulated, a great deal of leave. As soon as the Major returned he was going to use it completely. His wife was ecstatic in her praise of his choice. It seemed that dear sweet Sandra had taken to his wife as closely as she had taken to him, and had impressed her with her intelligence as well as her bedding skills.

You will return forthwith to complete the rituals, post the bans and officially marry her, or I shall marry her myself. Leaving you alone’ read the lines he had not told Millicent. Of course Sandra could not marry a woman, England had laws against that. At least, he was fairly certain that England had laws against such. His wife though was a long practicing Barrister, and thus well acquainted with ancient laws that still sat on the books. If there was a way, she would know of it. Life though was looking up. In fifteen years or so he would retire as a peaceful old hound to the North country, with children and two loving wives. A man could ask for no more. No, he could ask for no more. Then why did those images of Millicent in nothing but her fur, opening her arms to him still haunt his dreams? Oh well he thought, a hound just must have his fantasies, and should never reach all his goals. It would leave life without any spice. But if he could just once... Shaking his head to clear it the collie returned to his work.


Millicent though continued her own work, well aware that something was now expected of her. Monica had become her responsibility completely due to her own, unintended actions. She had been assaulted, but refused to lodge a complaint. Even should she do so, the answer would always be the Red Room. A place where she would simply be beaten again. As she left her last official delivery the feline went through her options a final time, for she had already decided to accept Monica. She could not touch these girls anywhere on Casino Island. Yet almost everyone visited the other islands on weekends. But could she arrange these unknown three to do so? Absolutely this was a test. Not only of her ability to protect the helpless vixen Monica, but punish those responsible. Punish them in such a way as they dare not complain. The more that she thought, the more she felt that other open within her. Carefully gaging ideas, discarding them or suggesting modifications. It was an interesting, and somehow useful feeling. Finally she arrived at the Secretary Pool chamber.

Walking directly up to the tiny desk that, as Dassher referred to the vixen as her pet, Monica was assigned she waited patently as Miss Green finished her conversation on the phone. When the vixen finally sat down her receiver you could hear a fly breath in the room. All work had completely ceased, all eyes were upon them. Looking up at Millicent the vixens face lit up.

“Yes Mrs. Wei?” she asked, her face blossoming as her fingers rested upon the keys of her typewriter.

Pointedly taking the envelope from her blouse Millicent sat it on the desk before her problem. “These are your official orders. Signed by Major Hawkins himself. Countersigned by Mr. Dassher. You are here-by assigned to me for the duration of your service to Crown and Country. You are to be my private secretary, and will discover that you are returning to London with me for the duration of my own training, or the ending of your employment with the Diplomatic Department. I will arrange two men to move your things to my apartment today. There you will be installed in the extra bedroom, along with my sewing until we depart near the end of this month. Have you any questions Miss Green?”

From her expression Millicent knew that there were no... Public questions. Still the vixen made a careful show to open and read her new orders. “And your personal maid as well” she read. “Until such time as you are able to afford one. Mrs. Wei, will I be able to visit my family and friends as well?”

Millicent forced herself to smile. It was a very foolish question, still. Monica was not the brightest flower in the garden after all. Nor the dullest by far. “Of course. Now, upon completion of your workday you will report to me. You are aware of my desk?”

“Yes Mam. Couriers department. Most Secret. I shall be there Mam. On time.”

“Very well.” Millicent turned, taking in the other girls, all who had expressions running from knowing smirks to awe to absolute hate. Carefully she released a measured portion of the Dometrix that now resided within her. “You may be unaware of this” she said, addressing the room in its entirety. “I was given the choice of any secretary in this room.” It was part of a speech Tatiana had created for her, in just the case something like this occurred. “It was an extremely difficult choice, as most of you possess attributes, skills and talents that anyone who wishes to be successful in the Diplomatic field will require. Most of you are extremely professional in your duties, a pride to the Corps.”

Then she turned to face a girl with a knowing smirk on her face. A very pretty mink who had often made clear her feelings about Millicent’s chosen lifestyle, but who was smart enough to never raise a finger against her. “Aster. I thank you so much for offering to take Monica’s place. It was, I must admit, a difficult choice. Especially as your offer of most personal nightly grooming service is more than Monica has ever offered. However Monica has one attribute you do not. Her voice does not grate upon my nerves. Should you take voice lessons, then please do feel free to re-apply. I am quite certain that I will be able to find a suitable position open under me. ” Then the feline left, leaving behind a seething mink with no one to release her humiliation upon. For Monica was now, officially, untouchable. She had an official Supervisor, one who had already sent two girls home badly injured. One maimed for life. It did though reinforce Millicent’s Harpy reputation, but it hurt the feline more than she wanted to admit. She actually liked Aster. That Aster had a sharp voice was not the girls fault after all, she had never been given the voice training that she needed. Training that Millicent herself had been given. But that she picked on certain of the other girls was a fault that she herself could deal with, and had not. As she left, Millicent carefully pushed down that hungry part of her that had been evaluating the other women.

Arriving back at the desk she shared with the other Secret Courier, Millicent called the woman in charge of Housekeeping on her phone. Could she arrange two very handsome young men to move Monica’s things from her current quarters to her new ones. Why two? Millicent explained to the woman about Monica, and that she hadn’t had a single date since arriving over a year ago. Well, she was told. Usually Sergeant Proud’s men helped with moves. Though two men could be requested, exact details would have to be taken up with him. So thanking the woman in charge of Housekeeping, Millicent hung up, wrote on the blackboard that she would be with Sergeant Proud, wherever he was, then went looking for the Scots Terrier.

She found him just starting a PT session with one of his squads. Could he? Yes. Naked from the waist up would be delightful. Sweaty from heavy exertion? Oh, that would be wonderful. And would they need to remain long enough to insure that all the vixens things were put where they belonged? Of course, but I will be off the Compound for several hours Millicent explained. Have them air out the building after they left? Oh yes, please. Are you absolutely certain Mrs. Wei. Oh yes, absolutely. Why a girl simply must have at least one romantic memory before leaving the islands. Shouldn’t she?

Sergeant Proud almost blushed at the conversation, and exactly how blunt Millicent was being. But he had been around her enough now to know how the Russian had influenced her. “Aye Lass, Aye kno jus tha two ta send. Be assured, ma’ boys kno ‘ow tah keep ther’ muzzles shut.”

Thanking the older man Millicent returned to her desk, to find two messages awaiting her. She was still dealing with the last one when Monica arrived, still slightly out of breath from having rushed. Pointing to a random chair Millicent indicated that the vixen should sit, then continued her conversation over the phone with Doctor Riverstone. It was an important but personal conversation, as the good doctor was again asking about certain parts of her capture, and what had been done to the feline. They were simply follow up questions of course. Still they need to be answered in all their fullness.

When she hung up her phone it was late afternoon, and the room was empty now. Tatiana would be coming soon the feline knew, but there were now new things that had to be dealt with. Day shift had passed on their information and evening shift was already out with their own rounds. Quite obviously Millicent unplugged her phone, then reached over to a picture on the wall. Reaching behind it she ripped out two very fine wires. “Opps” she said as though surprised. “Now how did those get there? I will have to leave a note for Security to check on this.” Only then did she motion Monica to come to her.

“Mistress” the vixen asked, looking first to the wire, then the temporally disconnected phone.

“All places in the Consulate are wired Monica” the feline explained. It surprised her at how easily she herself dealt with such knowledge now. “Including the water closet in my quarters. It is behind the tank. Place the paper you will use over it, it is not that sensitive.”

“Oh” the vixen gasped, her face turning bright red under the fine fur on her face. “I didn’t know.”

“Very good. And call me Mrs Wei please. You are aware of these things now as you should be. So, are you still a maiden?”

Monica’s face darkened further. “Maiden? Yes Mis.. Mrs. Wei. With women. Not so much with men though.”

“Very good. But you haven’t had a boyfriend since leaving London, have you.”

“Long before that Mrs. Wei” Monica admitted. “Melinda and Susan. They would not let me date. They said that it was a bad idea for someone like myself. That I should take care of myself for now. That they would find me someone special when they felt that I was ready.”

“Yet they dated” Millicent asked. ‘And I can just imagine what kind of fur those two would have selected’ she thought.

“Every weekend Mrs. Wei” the vixen admitted. “That they had free I mean. There were always non-native gentlefurs waiting for them.”

“I see. That treatment is intolerable Monica.” Pushing a pad and mechanical pencil towards the girl she pointed at its surface. ‘Write the names of those who beat you’ the page said. Shaking, the vixen did as ordered while Millicent continued talking. “When we are in London you will not date, but you will not ‘take care of yourself’ either.” Millicent felt her own blood heat at her own words. “I have arranged two rather handsome solders today to help you move. They will remain to insure that you are fully settled in. I must leave the compound to speak with certain people, so you will be alone with them several hours. Later tonight I will be with my Tatiana, well away from call. So I will expect you to be... discrete.”

“Yes Mrs. Wei. I will be certain that nothing untoward happens” the vixen promised, still writing in a paw that others would kill to manage. Thankfully she was left pawed, as her right paw was still healing from the Red Room.


Millicent actually giggled, feeling her own face heat up. “Dear Monica, please. This is my present to you. Just air out the quarters before I return, which will be well after sunset. Tatiana and I will be leaving not long after, so should you desire a visitor... Do you understand what I mean?”

Monica felt her knees weaken. “I may.. With them?” she asked in a weak voice.

“Is it a safe time for you” Millicent asked.

“My moon ended two days ago Mrs. Wei.”

Millicent stood then, using one paw to fan air to her own face. “My Tatiana gave me such a gift on our honeymoon” she explained. “And when you desire pups, we will discuses it. Take this opportunity my little pet, and enjoy it fully. I suggest that you deny them nothing. That you open all of yourself to their... study. I myself found the experience, though a touch painful at times, mind opening.” She giggled then. “Things I could not believe that I would allow. Certainly not enjoy. I found myself much mistaken about. I still have sweet dreams about them. As you may suspect, my Tatiana will chose those to give me kittens when it is time. As I will for you. Now, let us go meet your movers shall we? And do try to keep your tongue in your mouth. In public that is.”

Reconnecting her phone, then ripping off the top three sheets from her pad before scribbling a note that she would give security on their way out, Millicent led her new... No she would not claim Monica as a pet. Her new Secretary to her waiting fate worse than death.

Sergeant Proud had done well. The two solders waiting at Monica’s door were heavily muscled, smelled as though they had just run a hundred miles and were as polite to the small vixen as anyone could ask. Millicent spotted their knowing looks, and had to admit to herself that she would have liked to stay. To watch at least, if not to join in. But it really was the wrong time for her, so much too dangerous. Plus Tatiana had not selected them. Instead, once she had let the three into her quarters she went to her bedroom, changed and said her goodbyes. “If anyone looks for me, I am at the Double Lotus” she explained just before shutting her front door. Behind her the lock clicked home as she left.

A note earlier sent to a certain business had brought the mare known as Nikki to the Lotus. There Millicent lead the massive black furred Fillypino to a meeting room. “You have business?” Nikki asked, studying the luscious bit of furred female sitting across from her. “I speak quite clearly when it is woman’s business.”

Carefully Millicent explained her problem, and her desires for justice. “Can this be done. Without putting me in the Poorhouse, or Tatiana knowing the full truth too soon” she asked.

“Only too soon?” Nikki asked.

“I hold no secrets from my wife, other than Crown and Country. She holds none from me, other than Mother Russia. But this I must deal with myself. Otherwise I fail this test” the feline explained.

“Ah, the tests” Nikki agreed. “A weekend as my plaything. No shells pass between us.”

Millicent blushed again. “Nikki. Something like that I would have to clear with Tatiana first, and we both know her answer.”

“It would be no” the mare admitted. “How many shells can you afford.”

“Three hundred and twelve” Millicent admitted. “It will leave me only enough to send Monica to Madam Maxine’s. For the same training Molly had.”

Nikki thought for a while before speaking again. “You have saved almost twelve hundred shells since coming to Spontoon?” she finally asked.

“Two hundred and fifty pounds actually. Some are gifts from father, an allowance” Millicent admitted. “Until Tatiana took me, where was I to spend my meager salary with my Harpy attitude? Also, I must admit that quite a lot is from wedding gifts. What Tatiana didn’t have to use for this semesters Songmark costs. Starling has cut her funds to the bone for some reason.”

“He doesn’t like rich agents” Nikki explained. “If you have that much, he would know. She will need the rest for her final semester Millicent.”

Sighing in regret the feline waved a paw at her defeat. “Then Madam Maxine’s is out, and Monica really does need that training. I had hoped, she is now officially my Secretary and Maid after all.”

Nikki though was still thinking, and wondering how far she could push this one. Not too far she knew. Millicent did truly love Tatiana after all. So she sat quietly, working over in her mind what she could, and could not do to help this delicious feline. Finally she leaned forward. “Open your blouse” she ordered softly.

“What?” Millicent asked, shocked.

“Open your blouse. Then I will decide what I can, and can not do” the mare explained quite bluntly.

Blushing, Millicent opened her blouse, then afraid that it would wrinkle stood and removed it. “You are happy now” she asked as she folded her blouse, a gift from Tatiana. She sat again, wearing nothing from the waist up but one of her SEARS brasiers. “Or must I remove this as well” she continued, pointedly pulling at the strap of her support clothing. Somehow it released, leaving the feline looking down at her own now unbound treasures. “I forgot, I modified them to do that” she admitted, blushing. “For Tatty.”

Nikki smiled at the view, fighting the desire to leap over the intervening table. “You are real then. Not padded. Very well I make you this offer. Fuel will cost fifty shells. Food another ten, fifteen at most. Three players, one hundred and fifty. I have everything else. When you are done, I get them for the rest of the week. Anything I want. Can you operate a camera?”

“A Leica thirty five millimeter. Yes, I do own one.” the feline admitted.

“Then you will take photos while you are present. Bring your flash too. I am well aware of that type of camera. I will borrow it when you return for the work week. You will have it back when we return to Spontoon though not the film. Millicent. You, as I will be nude on that islet. Should they dare complain, I will warn then that I will sell them to a cheap Krupmark whorehouse. I will also arrange publication in Hot Fur of all photographs.” Nikki looked around, as though they were being watched. “I will also send copies of the negatives to certain Fillypino mens and woman’s magazines. Between the two, I will be paid what you cannot. Much more in fact. Of you though, no photos will be taken of you. At least, I will not force you. I will give you my word on that. Film?”

Millicent thought. “Six rolls. I should buy more? And what is Hot Fur.”

“Yes. We need twenty rolls of good Kodak film. Sixty-four ASA, for the grain. Then tell Tatiana in advance. Have her speak to me tonight. Hot Fur is a mens magazine that is illegal almost anywhere it is sold, and it sells quite well. I shall bring a copy for you to read on the way. So, two hundred and fifteen shells. Them for nine days, you for two days. Back before sunrise song the second Monday morning. My word. But I need the nine days.” Nikki grinned, an evil little grin the feline decided. “Were you not Tatiana’s. I would take you. But you are. That saves you. Only that. Your three though are my meat, and I shall dine most heartily. Now. A kiss to seal this deal. Next Friday afternoon, yes?”

“Agreed” Millicent answered before standing and stepping forward to deliver the requested kiss. “If I can arrange the nine days for them.” That kiss though went a great deal further. Nikki, Millicent realized, was exactly like her Tatiana. She considered a kiss a great deal more than simply two sets of lips touching. Though she seemed unsurprised at where that deadly little blade was kept. Or the paw carefully protecting that blade. But only the blade. When Millicent finally left the Double Lotus it was with the realization that, had she not already belonged to Tatiana, she most likely would have ended up in Nikki’s stable. Forever. And probably liked it. ‘That woman’ the cat thought as she headed to meet Tatiana for dinner. ‘Knows how to kiss!. She probably knows how to enjoy a meal as well. Just as my Tatty does.’

“You do WHAT” Tatiana gasped after they had eaten and were now enjoying an after dinner coffee. They were at PERRY’S, a place that had become Millicent’s favorite. Not for the food, as it was only average, but the memories. “Make deal with Nikki. Without me? Nyet! Not happen.”

Millicent looked down into her cup, understanding the sables anger. But knowing that for good or evil her decision was made. She could no more stop events now than Tatiana could, unless Mr. Dassher refused the time off for her targets. “It is a test” she replied. “My choices were very slim and I do not desire to cost anyone their tail again. Yes Tatty, I could beat the three into mudpuddles just as easily as you can myself. But that would only make them worse with their next victim. I must fully humiliate them, make them fear my wrath. Though...” She giggled, “We both know that the tissue fears my nose more than my wrath. Yet I still need to speak to Mr. Dassher about the time and you must speak with Nikki tonight. Before we sale away for our weekend.”

“They all vixens” Tatiana countered. “Not like otter. Not really need tail. Only use attract boys. We sell tails to certain rich Yacht boys. They like have such to blow from mainmast. Only in international waters.” Shoving her cup away from her Tatiana shivered. “Deal. With Nikki. I lose you Nikki. Never see you again. She break, sell Krupmark.”

Millicent snickered, then laughed slightly. “I am quite aware of Mrs. Benevedo’s past history my dear love. Selling anyone anywhere, that she has never done. And yes my dear, I am quite certain that should she desire, Nikki would be able to break me in days. After all, you had no difficulty in doing so. I am now quite aware that I am not the emotional Amazon that I once thought I was. Though it is true that you have little of the experience that she does. I however have a business deal with the woman. With certain guarantees that I believe she will not break. Will you allow this, without knowing everything? Until it is over that is.”

“Plausible Deniability” the sable whispered.

“Exactly” her wife agreed. “As is why I shall be there only the two weekends. What Nikki does while I am not present I will not know. Nor be in any way responsible for.” She looked at the sad smile on her wifes face. “Trust that you shall know absolutely everything my love, from the mares mouth not mine. But after the fact only.“

Snorting the sable took a drink of her coffee, emptying the cup. “We have but the day and next night before I leave again, and your Monica to investigate tonight. Come, you too much the Diplomat now. I fall in love with woman. Not top hat and tails. I speak with Nikki. Then I see you. And little vixen. Then we sail before midnight. I not waste money not use islet.”

“Then you shall have the woman, and only the woman” Millicent agreed as she signaled for their cheque. “Oh shall you have me, in any way you desire me.”

Her time on the islet turned out to be one she would never forget. Nor was Monica’s cat ate the canary expression when she returned Sunday evening.


‘Nine days?’ Dassher wrote on the notepad Millicent had brought with her.

‘Only five, and two weekends’ the feline answered, her paw-writing delicate even in this situation.

For several long minutes the collie sat at his desk, occasionally rustling papers, asking Millicent about her weekend, making small talk. Then abruptly he wrote on the pad again. ‘I demand copies of all photographs.’

“Certainly Sir” Millicent answered vocally. “If it is in the budget.”

‘I will pay the print cost’ the Collie wrote again.

‘Done’ Millicent wrote.

‘They will have the five days. You?’ Dassher wrote.

Will be here to work as scheduled sir.’ Millicent answered on paper. ‘Full written report upon completion sir.’

Dassher nodded his head in agreement, carefully returning the cheap notebook to Millicent before he spoke. “I sent those wedding photographs of yours to my wife” he continued, opening a drawer to remove a large envelope. “With Sandra. And the special one of you as well.” Sitting the envelope between them he indicated it with one paw. “She has promised to take very good care of them. It is not often that an employee I truly like marries, and Spontoon’s climate is very bad for paper. These are of our own wedding photographs. She felt that you might like to have copies yourself. And one of Sandra. She is showing now. When the Major returns I shall be taking much needed leave.”

He stood, picking up the envelope to place it in Millicent’s paws. “I shall insure that a copy of Sandra’s wedding photograph is given you as well.” Then he actually laughed softly. “As well as the Majors of course. We may see little of each other in the years to come, but you are an important friend to us now. No longer simply a tool to be used, played then discarded. Is there anything else?”

“Nothing sir” Millicent admitted, slipping the envelope under one arm. It was much too large to fit into her secrets case, certainly it would not fit within her blouse. She would simply have to carry it until lunch, when she could slip out to her quarters.

“Oh yes” the hound said. “One last thing. My wife would be delighted if you could visit her while you are in London. The address is within that envelope.”

Millicent favored the hound with a smile. “I will be delighted sir. Of course Monica would have to come with me. As chaperone for the travel. It is expected. A young woman traveling alone you understand.”

“Of course” Dassher agreed. “Until this afternoons delivery then. Good morning Mrs. Wei.” He watched her as she left, certain that this woman eventually might put Pfalzgrafin Schwarzkopf to the test. But with woman, not men. Or maybe both, it would depend upon what her wife needed he was certain. Still smiling he returned to his work, but upon opening a certain envelope that smile quickly vanished.

“They will have the time off” Nikki asked. They were again sitting in one of the Double Lotus’s private rooms, rooms guaranteed to be soundproof. Unless someone fired a revolver or the like.

Millicent gave the larger mare a knowing smile, then removed several papers from her issued leather carry-case. “They must first apply for leave time” she answered as she sat the pages down, three completely different styles of fountain pen landing gently beside them. “These pens are from their desks” she explained. Removing a notebook from her case she opened it to a page of dates, numbers and random writings in different paws. Finally she withdrew three folded sheets of paper. Selecting a page and pen the feline began to write. Nikki watched in absolute awe as the Millicent began filling out the first form in a paw certainly not her own.

When she finished with the first page Millicent sat aside both pen and page, selecting another pen and page. Again she began writing, again the paw writing was completely different. When she had finished each form, then restored her pens, notebook and pages Millicent offered the forms to Nikki. “Your opinion please” she asked.

Accepting the three forms, requests for a week of leave she noticed, Nikki Benevedo examined each one carefully. To her eye, the paw writing on each form was completely different than any other, and remained consistent throughout. Returning the papers she shrugged slightly. “All are different” she admitted. “Even the left pawed one. How long did you practice?”

“I don’t” the British house cat admitted. “It is a skill that came with my birth. I cannot draw, though I much wish that I could as I have the most wondrous images in my mind. Images I am never able to translate to the page. It is a fairly useless talent I fear.”

“You.. You did not practice? That is so obviously impossible” the mare accused.

Smiling Millicent pushed her pad over to Nikki. “I must have an example to go by, but it is the truth Mrs. Benevedo. I do not practice. Write something, then I shall write a completely different piece. And Mrs. Benevedo? Please sign your name normally as well.”

Nikki laughed, drawing the pad to her as she withdrew her own pen. “It is impossible little feline. I would hazard a bet that you can not do what you claim.”

“A wager?” Millicent smiled, and that should have warned the mare. “You will pay Monica’s training if I can fool you, and your wife.”

Nikki paused. Though she had a rather hefty discount at Madam Maxines, seeing as she had every one of her students go there for something they needed, it would still cost quite a bit. “My partner as well. But if you should fail?” she asked.

“Myself. As your pet” Millicent answered. “The weekend before I depart.”

“No rules” Nikki asked as she began to write.

Millicent shivered, actually setting back in her chair before answering. “I am not my Tatiana Nikki. You would break me in two days, most likely only one should I allow no rules. I have no fear of that. Tatiana broke me easily, certainly you, with your greater skills would need no more than two days. My body, my unrestrained acceptance. No breaking.”

Finishing the page Nikki pushed the pad back across to her companion. “Agreed. I have no need for another Crystal. In any case, should I do something like that.” The black furred Fillypino mare herself actually shivered. “Either Tatiana or her mother would destroy me. Now, what will you write?”

“Your pen please?” Millicent asked softly, holding out her paw. When Nikki had given it to her she carefully tore off the page Nikki had written on, then reached into her carry-case. From it she withdrew a box of writing papers, her very own personal stock. Taking out a blank page she closed and replaced the thin box, then placed that page onto her now closed notebook. “The tables here are a touch rough” she explained as she started reading Nikki’s page. “And I have no writing slope with me.”

“How delightful” the feline whispered as she read. “And no, I will not allow you to take photographs of me doing that.” Looking up at the mare Millicent blushed. “I might actually like some of this. You do have an awfully randy mind Nikki. Very well, I shall start now.”

As Nikki watched, occasionally sipping at her drink (or ordering another) Millicent Bryzov-Wei worked on the document that she was creating. Fully three quarters of an hour passed, until finally she returned Nikki’s fountain pen to her. Reaching into her case yet again the feline removed a small book. It looked exactly like a diary, mainly because it was one. Then selecting one of the three pens from her original work she continued. Her final act was to return to the three forms, taking yet another pen from her case before writing upon them. Satisfied, she pushed the forms aside to dry. Her last act was to replace all her pens, her diary and other items. Only then did she offer the now dried page to Nikki.

Nikki smirked, then read. Turned the page over, then back and read again. Finally sucking in a breath through her lips she shook her head. “If this fools Malou and Katherine you win. If not, you are mine.”

“I have already agreed to that” Millicent reminded her companion. Gathering up her now dry forms she replaced them into her case before standing. “Shall we discover if I am the proud owner of one Chinese siamese female, or must surrender myself to you.”

“Yes” Nikki agreed as she too stood. “These other signatures?”

“Mr. Dassher is second in charge of the Consulate. He agreed to allow me to use his signature. Mrs. Heartford is in charge of the Secretary pool. Tatiana of course is the killer in this page. It is dated today yes?”

Nikki looked again at the paper. “Yes, it is. And.. No, Tatiana is already on her way to Guam. She will not return until late the week. That is publically known, thus she could never have signed this.”


Swatting the unsuspecting mare on her rump, an act which more than startled the Fillypino, Millicent reached for the rooms door. “That proves the letter a lie. You could not possibly have lost your wife to me in a wager this day. One of the witness’s is hundreds of miles away. Malou is quite safe.” She giggled. “This time. Besides, you are the only female she would freely give herself too. Sold or not. Exactly as I am the only female my Tatty will give herself too. Now lead me to my riches my pet. I hunger for the taste of fresh siamese on my tongue.”

It was as Nikki had feared. Malou read the letter, carefully comparing it to many examples of her wifes writings. Even forewarned that it was a forgery she returned the page, looking at Millicent and giving her a wink. Turning to look up into her loves face she gave a sigh of great loss. “So my stallion. You have finally tired of me. Do I take our son with me, or leave him for you to sell later.”


“I have no use for a child not my own or Tatiana’s Nikki” Millicent slipped in. “He is yours. Now, a leash for this delicious kitty’s collar? I am quite hungry tonight, and much look forward to sharing her with my own Monica.”

“There still’s Katty” the mare reminded her visitor, returning to that horrible accent she had spent three years learning. “‘till she says, yah not gonna toch mah woman.”

Again warned, even the dalmatian Katherine shook her head in disbelief. “It is yer pawwriting” she said, still comparing the page to other writings. “Perfect. Even tha squiggle you hide in yer O’s.” Returning the page to Nikki she looked to Millicent. “On tha first try? Oh Millicent. Thank tha Gods yer no criminal. We’d all be homeless.”

“Thank you Miss McMaster” Millicent answered. “But other than to cause trouble, the skill really is useless.”

She opened her carry-case to remove her notebook, taking out the page Nikki had written, then tearing out the two following pages. “I do not have a photographic memory Nikki, but I could reproduce that correctly, with this material. You will arrange Monica’s training?”

“Yah win” Nikki admitted, wadding up the pages in her large paws. “Ahn tha isn’t ah useless talent. Noh where yer going. Noh, tea?”

“I would wish, but I must return to the Consulate. I am almost late already.” She turned to say good-bye to Malou to find the feline standing naked, a leash attached to her collar and offered to Millicent.

“I am your property Mistress” the siamese explained, lowering her beautiful eyes..

Nikki gasped, Katharine laughed while Millicent held up her free paw in rejection. “You are not mine Mrs. Benevedo” she gasped, only to see the glint of humor in Malou’s eyes. “But if you were, I would be the most honored woman alive.” Walking to the door she looked back at the three. “Next time you wager with me Nikki, I shall not leave so obvious a mistake. But I promise you that I will leave a mistake, one more time. One you may not find until too late, for your wife is a very desirable feline. Even though she would not be willing, she would be worth the having. It would be a great, great honor to have her in my bed and in my employ. Until the weekend, good-day all.”

“Ah think” Nikki said as she absently took Malou’s leash. “Tha I have been most carefully warned.”

“You have my stallion” the siamese agreed as she molded herself against the mare. “If you ever sell me. Please not to a woman. I beg. But if it must be to a woman. Be it that one. Please? She understands.”

Nikki snorted. “Sell? You? Ah’d cut mah own throat first.”

Mr Dassher examined the papers in front of him, smiling in such a way that the feline Most Secret Courier standing across from him was happy that he was not thinking of her. “Perfect, even my own signature” the collie admitted after setting the pages aside. “With this skill, Special Operations would take you in a moment.”

“I would refuse to work sir” Millicent answered. “I wish to...”

“Work as a Diplomat. Yes, I understand” the Border Collie finished. He shook his head, looking up at the waiting woman. “And I will have back what? Three broken slave girls?”

True horror crossed the felines face a moment at those words. “Sir... I have been a slave.” she reminded her superior.

Dassher fully understood, but pushed a bit anyway. “And would never do that to anyone. Not even your pet Monica?”

Millicent grimaced at those words, an expression that did not fit her sweet face at all. “Sir. Monica, as it has been explained to me, has been Impressed. She accepts me as her superior, her pack leader. She does not see me as her owner. Nor would I allow her to do so.”

“But she is falling in love with you” Dassher added gently.

“Yes sir. As you warned me. I went to the Doctor. He explained it too me most carefully” the feline admitted. “Monica has always needed a strong personality in her life. As I... As I needed someone like Tatiana. When that other me bit upon her neck. When she felt my fangs enter her flesh, draw blood. She knew she was dead. That there was no possible way for her to win. She had, in effect, been defeated by the very one she needed. Her entire being rejoiced at finding exactly what she needed. Thus she surrendered herself. Completely without reservation. Exactly as I did with Tatiana, though for a greatly different reason. I am, I fear, saddled with her as the American’s say. But she is not a slave. Should I order her to do so before she fully falls in love with me she could, and would live a much normal life. To the end of her natural days. Yet she would be empty inside, knowing what she had lost. She would never be truly happy.”

Dassher was impressed. Millicent had not only listened to the Doctor, but understood what he had been saying. Tatiana was the perfect one for this woman he now understood. She had brought out the best in Millicent, casting out the frightened young girl that had hidden behind a harpy’s face. “She would always need you. Won’t she” he asked.

“Yes sir.” Millicent agreed, fully aware of the live microphones around her. “Once her love matures fully. If I should cast her out then, after having accepted her as my personal servant. Which, in her mind means the first of the pack next to my mate, she would most likely die. Not by her own paw, but from pure rejection. Still sir, she is an excellent secretary. In all truth I would have had to find someone anyway. I can trust her not to speak of Tatiana or my business, no matter what it is. Also, with these papers I have arranged her to be trained as the perfect Ladies Maid.”

“Exactly as the doe Molly Procyk?” the collie asked.

“Exactly sir” Millicent agreed. “Mrs. Benevedo will be paying for her training. I fear that she lost a wager with me.” Millicent let a twinkle show in her eyes for a moment. “She did not believe that I could copy someone’s paw writing so well, without a great deal of practice.”

“I see. About your preparations for London young lady” Dassher continued, changing the subject. “Have you enough packed? It is a rather long trip from Spontoon to England, even through America.”

“Tatiana has purchased me two very sweet gowns sir. I am beginning to believe that she likes seeing me in pretty clothing. But with the gowns, a full weeks worth of serviceable dresses are packed. Much of my things, as little as they are, are already on their way home. I will pick them up the first chance that I have. Am I correct to believe that you will have packages for me?”

“Quite correct. Several Diplomatic parcels. Tilamooka and Rain Island of course. As well as the United States. Nothing Most Secret, still I would prefer that these items did not fall into the paws of anyone, other than the intended recipient of course.”

Millicent thought for a moment, wondering just what she would be carrying. Knowing the collie she could be carrying catalogs, mens magazines or highly important communications. She preferred to believe the latter, though any of her other choices were just as possible. “Of course sir. I shall do my best as always. I assure you.”


“I am certain that you shall Mrs. Wei. I am certain that you shall. Dismissed.” After Millicent left Dasher turned his attention to other things, but in the back of his mind was a nagging worry. Just what was Red Lily going to do to his three young ladies, just what would be returned to him when she was done. Sorting out his mail he was delighted to find a radio-gram from the Major. Opening it he read, to discover that the Bulldog would be returning next week for two months. Then he would be returning to London again. Reassigned.

‘I do hope that his wife likes London’ he thought as he picked up the next envelope. ‘She’s going to be living there a very, very long time.’ Still, if rumor was true the American Otter would need a place to settle down. As rumor said that she was already with pup. Now that would brighten up the Major’s day.

That next Friday afternoon Millicent walked to Madam Maxine’s. Beside her followed the slightly younger Monica Green, the young vixen more than a little nervous about what was going to happen to her. She trusted Millicent, as the feline was her Pack Leader. It was a term that the Doctor had explained to her, and she had to admit that knowing what was going on within her mind and heart was helping her to deal with these strange feelings. “Mrs. Wei” she asked softly as they had approached the building.

“Yes Monica?” Millicent answered, stopping to speak with what she knew now was going to be her life time servant.

“Will it hurt Mam? I mean, hurt much?” the vixen asked.

Millicent giggled. “Oh my dear Monica. It will not hurt at all. In fact I slept through my own sessions. I do not even remember them.”

“Oh. Okay then” Monica replied, the tenseness in her body relaxing quite a bit. “I was so worried. About being hurt I mean.” ‘By anyone but you’ she finished in her mind. From Millicent she now knew, she would accept anything. As long as it pleased the feline.

“Don’t worry Monica. I have spoken with another woman who went though training here. She explained that you must sleep in order for the training to be effective. And no, that is not why we are coming in the evening. It was the only time that Nikki could arrange before our own departure.” She started walking again, still talking. “You are an excellent secretary from the reports I have been given, and I will need you in that position all my life. There will be many times that I will need a Ladies Maid, mainly in those foolish parties where I cannot dress myself. Yet most importantly I will need a companion as I travel. As my Tatty cannot always be that person, you must stand in her place.”

By the time Millicent was through talking they had finally reached the steps leading up to Maxine’s business. “I cannot afford two servants Monica. Once your contract with the service is done, paying your salary out of my own small pay even with fathers allowance will be difficult enough. Paying for two servants? Impossible. Now we are here, so do try please not to embarrass me more than I tend to embarrass myself.”

“Certainly I shall not Mrs. Wei” Monica agreed. She followed the feline into Madam Maxine’s, surprised at how normal the place seemed. Here she would be trained in just one night how to be the perfect Ladies Maid. Monica felt disappointed though, as she had expected something exotic, oriental, perhaps even devilish. Yet other than the pretty skunk at a desk, it could have been the entrance to any normal school.

Millicent went to the desk, smiling to Carla and surprised to note that her normally disagreeable scent was missing.

“You are no longer in training Mrs. Wei” the skunk answered that unasked question. “I may wash again, and drain myself.” She turned the ledger around for Millicent’s use. “Sue Li will care for your servant. Mrs. Benevedo has selected several other skills that she feels your servant will need.”

“Several?” the felina asked, her pen hovering above the ledger. “I am aware only that she will require the skills of a Ladies Maid. May I see what else that Nikki has chosen before I sign away my most precious possession?”

“But of course Mrs. Wei.” Carla opened a drawer, quickly selecting a folder that she offered to Millicent. “These have been arranged, at no cost to you or your servant” she explained. “It will require until Sunday afternoon to complete the course. Perhaps five PM. I promise you that we will take very good care of your servant Mam.”

“Her name in Monica Green” Millicent replied absently as she read the forms given her. “Please call her Monica, she has not yet earned Miss Green.” There were, the feline discovered, nine different skill forms in the folder. “These..” She looked up from the pages into the skunks eyes. “Nine thousand pounds?”

Carla laughed softly. “Mrs. Wei, that is the Euro tourist price. Native is a quarter that, and Mrs Benevedo has earned quite a discount on her own right by having sent us over a hundred full paying customers last tourist season alone. I believe that her cost for all this was only three hundred pounds, if that. She mentioned some photographs, and making ‘a sweet profit’ from them even after this cost.”

“I see” Millicent decided. “I had best insure that these photographs are of the highest quality. Very well then.” She returned the page to Carla. “As long as Monica is not harmed. If she is, I shall be quite angry you understand.”

Carla nodded in agreement as she replaced the page in its folder, then stood. “I shall take possession of your servant now Mrs. Wei. You will be here when she is ready? She will be quite confused I fear, this is not like what was done to you. No pocket will be made in her mind. She will have full access to her training at all times. Which, I will tell you, is probably for the best. Should you not be available to give the code phrases she would be helpless. This way, even should she leave your employee she will have full use of her new knowledge and skills all of her life.”

Turning to face a curious and somewhat frightened vixen Millicent took Monica’s paws into her own. “It isn’t to worry dear” she explained. “They will give you the instruction as a Lady’s Maid first. That is a total of twelve hours, with breaks for food and mother nature. Then sleep. Saturday you will be taught first aid, basic survival, bartering in other than a British market. How to act in high society other than a maid and several things related to your primary job as a secretary. You are certainly an excellent typist, but that is all at this moment. You will learn how to schedule my appointments, to say no and make it stick...” She gave the barely younger vixen a smile “And when to know that something is very important, when the carrier of that appears very unimportant.”

“I will still be myself, yes?” Monica asked. She was actually shivering at the moment. “I... I won’t become a mindless thing, like in the American movies will I?”

“You will be yourself. In fact, if it is anything like I went through, you will be more certain of yourself. And quite more useful to me in the future. I will never do anything to you that would alter your mind. I much prefer you as you are right now. Now please go with Carla, and I really think that you will like Sue Li. She is very polite, and very friendly. But not too friendly.” Giving the vixen a kiss on her forehead Millicent released her, watching in silence as the skunk lead her vixen away. And just why did Nikki think that Monica would need to know Arabic dance she wondered. Or what was popularly referred to as Belly Dance. Or the Hula for that matter. But that had been the mares decision, and she... Looking at her watch the feline gasped. She was supposed to be at Kart Toombs in less than an hour. Why, she would barely have time to change and grab her luggage, as little as that was. Thank God that she had purchased the film, bulbs and batteries yesterday. Hurrying out she sent a prayer to God that Monica would still be Monica when she returned. The little vixen had become a rather good friend, her self subjugation aside. Besides, she played a mean paw of Cribbage.

Nikki didn’t even look over when Millicent arrived. At the moment the mare was busy talking to three very handsome looking pumas. As she was speaking Spontoonie, and Millicent still only understood a very little of the language, the feline went into Kart Toombs office to wait. There she found the American hound Florence Farmington going over a chart with her co-worker, the American vixen known only as Crystal. Millicent had to admit that the Kart Toomb’s issued flying outfits looked comfortable. None too tight, they were liberally sprinkled with pockets and seemed well suited for their job. Unlike the very tight uniforms those Air Hostess on Pan American wore. One could almost believe that those were painted on.

“Miss Farmington” she said when it seemed appropriate to speak. The Songmark hound turned quickly, examining Millicent’s outfit with a flicker of her eyes before speaking.

“Good choice” the hound said after taking in the felines clothing. “New boots?”

“I have worn them for four days now” Millicent answered. “Over the last two weekends. I believe that my feet will begin recovering their feeling in another day.”

Florence laughed in response. “Good answer Mrs. Wei. Crystal an I will be flying you two to that island. We’ll pick you up tomorrow at noon. Then back next Sunday mornin. All according tah schedule.”

“And the packages?” Millicent asked gently.

“Zo, Herbert and Longbeard will deliver them just after midnight” the hound answered. “Nikki assures me that you will help her set things up. The packages will be picked up again next Sunday afternoon, about four hours after we return to Spontoon. Weather permittin, all packages will be delivered here by three am local time Monday morning.” She looked into Millicent’s eyes. “All as wanted?”

“Yes” the feline agreed. “How does it feel to be a slave owner?”

“Crystal, go help Nikki” Florence ordered abruptly. Almost instantly the older vixen vanished. Florence though waited unto the office door shut before answering. “I outta slap you for that” she near barked. “Where do you, Miss High and Mighty, get off askin me something like that? You think I wanted to be a slave owner? You think I LIKE it? You think I would be, if ah had any choice other than sending her tah Krupmark for life. Or worse. Kuo Han?”

Millicent raised her paws, palms outwards. Florence could take her down in a moment. Break her neck if she wanted too. She had certainly not expected a reaction like this. “Please Miss Farmington” she explained, hearing the fear in her own voice. “I was a slave myself. I know what its like from Crystal’s side. Or at least the worst of it. I only wanted to know how it felt from the this side.”

“Humiliating. Absolutely humiliating” the hound answered. “I could be thrown out of Songmark for this. I probably will be. All its taught me Mrs. Wei, is to be damn careful what I sign from now on. Damn careful. But that’s not the only reason. Is it.”

She was though calming down the feline noted. Picking up her case Millicent sat it on a chair, opening it. From it she withdrew a legal sized envelope, offering it to the hound. “These will be signed before the packages are picked up, or they will not be picked up. Ever” she answered. “Freely signed. No force, they won’t even know they will be left behind if they don’t sign. That is the situation at this moment. It will probably change.” She watched as Florence opened the envelope, its little red string so commonplace today. “Nikki has promised me that they will sign. I cannot see the why, all they are getting is a week of Songmark first year physical training. No Songmark girl would ever sign those papers, no matter what her future would be if she did not.”

Florence carefully read those three pages. Pages Nikki had written and Monica had most carefully typed up. On official papers. “I” Florence read, “Print name above. Hereby sell my body, heart, mind and soul to 0ne Mrs. Millicent Holmes Bryzov-Wei for the sum of one farthing.” She paused, looking up at the feline. “How much is a farthing” she asked.

“One quarter of an English penny” Millicent answered. “One 960th of a pound. About half a penny in American money. It is a near useless sum. By selling themselves for this sum they admit that they have no more value than a scrap of used bath tissue.” She closed her case, setting it aside. “It will shatter those hard hearts. At least I hope so. May I sit?”

Her answer was a nod by Florence before the hound returned to reading.

“They beat Monica. Nightly. All three of them, every night just after lights out. Beat her because they knew she would never report them. Beat her because she surrendered rather than allow my other self to destroy her. Beat her because she couldn’t defend herself. That was my job to protect her, and I failed most terrible. Because she didn’t tell me either. When I saw what they had done to such a precious young woman, I wanted to rip their throats out. Right then.”

“Beat her like you did the other two?” Florence asked, setting the pages aside.

Millicent nodded no, taking a breath before continuing. “Melinda lost her tail, at the root” she continued. “She’s an otter, that’s a sixth of her full body weight. She almost died, may as well have died. I mutilated her for life. They told me that when she realized the truth that she tried to kill herself. I did that, no one else. I did.” She reached over, picking up the papers the hound had set aside. “Susan will heal. But Monica. Monica is still recovering. She lost her spleen, her right paw is still healing. Those pads will always be a little numb Doctor Kiwi informs me. They knew better than to touch her paws, but her breasts and... well...” Millicent absently accepted the envelope from Florence, slipping those pages back into them. “It is true. That only a woman truly knows how to truly hurt another woman. Thank God Monica is left pawed.”

Florence sat, the hound glancing out the office window a moment. “So you plan to crush them? Sounds like yah fought like ah Songmark girl. Why not just beat them up too?”

“I was taught by Tatiana” Millicent admitted. “And Sergeant Proud. But I could not stand against a finished first year. And I must let her out to fight at all. No Miss Farmington. If I let her out, after what they did to Monica. For why they did it. I truly fear that they would end up as bad as Melinda, or worse. I could not allow that again.” She smiled sadly. “And I fear that I would fail this test had I done so. There would be no London for me. No Diplomatic training.”

“I see” Florence tapped her knee, thinking. “Who is ‘her’, and just what will you do with three slaves anyway Mrs. Wei.”

“Why nothing” Millicent laughed. “It will be an object lesson. In truth I will burn those papers. They though will never know this. It will hang over their heads the rest of their lives. A more fitting punishment I can not, at this time, think of. As to whom ‘her’ is, she is my dark side Miss Farmington. I trust you have heard of Madam Maxines? My Tatiana sent me there for training. There was a small mistake with the paperwork.”

“I see, dead subject then. Millicent, yah gotta know this. Ah week of forced Songmark training is no week of joy” the hound reminded Millicent. “Up before dawn, ground into the sand day after day, then a hard bed. Food that has no taste, Nikki bought a case of La Soupe. That’s Great War tinned French rations by the way, from a local dealer. One who was really happy to get rid of it. They will be eating that, with one small lemon each every morning. No Mrs. Wei, it’ll be no days of joy for those three. But you just might keep those papers. Crystal has sorta grown on me. She’s exactly what I’m gonna need when I get out of Songmark. Pre-supposin I graduate. So you just might need these three some time.”

Millicent closed her case, shaking her head no. “I’ve been owned Miss Farmington. I know what its like from that side. Nikki and my mother in law have been careful to explain that, for your Crystal there is no other path. She was born to be a slave. God decided that, not her. Not her mother. Perhaps she is paying for some evil that she did in a past life. Not bad enough for Hell, too bad for Heaven. And since His son closed Purgatory, this then is her punishment. Perhaps you were chosen to care for her. To insure that she was not abused beyond what God desired. But own someone? No thank you Miss Farmington. I do not know if I could ever justify such an action.”

“All right then. Nikki’s ready, so iffin you don’t mind.” She waved and Millicent watched as the vixen Crystal ran back to the building. There was a smile on the American’s face she noted. A smile of pure happiness. For her, this was the perfect life. For Florence, no. But she had acted without thinking, and it was going to cost her. The rest of her life. One thing though the English feline thought as she watched Crystal almost leap to follow the hounds slightest order. Florence would never make that mistake again. Not with this facing her every day.

LOUISE settled down in the barely protected lagoon just over an hour after takeoff. They were South-East of Spontoon, somewhere near the Albert Islands. Millicent herself wasn’t certain exactly where, but was certain that her three companions knew. She watched in silence as Crystal noted in the aircrafts logbook their location and time of arrival, even as Florence gentle grounded the ship onto a wide, sandy beach. Behind them a single male passenger remained silent. He was on his way home. To Albert Island. The supposed land of Cannibals. Yet he looked nothing like a cannibal, wearing a brand new suit with cane. Still, he had very pretty teeth she noted. Not as pretty as her Tatty’s fangs, but well capable of ripping cooked flesh from bone.

“Time tah go” Nikki yelled over the engines noise. “High Tide. Crystal’ll dump out our gear. They’ll pick you up on the return trip from Albert Island tahmorrow.”

Signaling her understanding with one paw Millicent grabbed her bag, it was quite waterproof she had been promised by the seller. As they were the same people who sold to her Tatiana and almost all the other Songmark girls, Millicent had decided to believe them. Jumping out into the knee deep water she tossed her own bag onto dry sand, then turned to help Nikki with the remaining cargo. Knowing that it was high tide told her that anything placed on dry sand would remain dry. Songmark girls knew so very much more than she did. Even working as hard as she could, the feline was unable to move a fifth of the materials that Nikki did. Before her second load was on dry land LOUISE was being pushed back into the water by Nikki. Grabbing the last box, one that had sunk underwater, Millicent dutifully managed to carry it to the beach as the aircraft that had brought her departed.

Dragging herself up onto the beach she watched in amazement as the black mare gathered up two boxes, one of which the feline had barely been able to lift, and headed inland without a word. Understanding that they were not done, and dreading the work, Millicent picked up her own bag. With that and another longer canvas bag that rattled as she started following her companion.


“Yer too soft” Nikki snorted when the feline collapsed after carrying her second load to the mares selected campsite. “Sittdon ahn rest.”

Millicent looked up from the ground, her crest heaving as she sucked in air. “My Tatty likes me soft” she countered. “Our contract” she continued, “Says I must help.”

“Also says yah do what ah say, tah a point. We know tha point. Noh rest, then get outta them wet cloths. Can’t send yah home sick. Noh’ can I?” Nikki herself was already naked, her wet clothing hanging off a branch. It was, the feline decided, a very impressive sight.

Millicent simply nodded her acceptance. It was the truth, that she was not in any way used to such physical work. All the heavy things in her life had been done for her. Why, even her Tatty had carried the heavier loads on their honeymoon. While she recovered the feline watched as her mare companion easily carried in loads that she herself could never more than drag a few feet. Finally, when she could feel her paws and feet again, she got to her feet and started undressing. Their contract did say that she would be naked while on the island, though why people always wanted her naked was a puzzle. ‘Maybe it is my breasts’ the feline thought as she hung her SEARS bra to dry. Lifting the heavy weights that grew from her chest she pondered having them cut off. ‘But Tatiana would be horrified. They are her pillows, her resting place. She would hate me for taking such pleasures from her.’ She lowered her paws, listening as the Kuo Han manufactured rods chimed against each other. ‘Besides, I like them too’ she decided.

Nikki looked over at the bells sound, her mouth opening in surprise. “Kuo Han?” she asked gently, after staring for a bit.

“Yes. These were given me while I was a slave Nikki” the feline explained. “Tatiana liked them, and asked if I minded keeping them. I found no reason to deny my wife her pleasure, and other than the time needed to keep them clean I have come to like them myself.”

“May I examine them” Nikki asked, shifting to her clearest speech pattern.


“You have me naked as long as I am on this island” Millicent responded. “I can see no reason why you cannot. Just please, I am still quite sensitive in places.”

For several minutes the mare closely inspected Millicent’s odd jewelry. “Solid rods not bells. Won’t bend or flatten, ring when they hit each other. Impressive deign work. Expensive as well.” Then stepping back, not having touched the feline at all she snorted again. “Platinum yes? It fits your fur.”

“My purchaser was a rich Euro. Most likely a Noble” Millicent explained. “The American twins that were purchased with me were given exactly the same. It was” she took a breath. “Painful. I wish Tatiana had been able to rescue them as well, but it was all that she could do to rescue me. I fear that he has them now. I promised them that, if I could, I would find them and rescue them.” She brushed at her fur, looking out past the small jungle towards the nearest beach. “Like I, their minds were depressed. Not destroyed as dear Molly’s was. A hell for us, watching from within as our bodies did exactly as ordered. With no control over any of our actions. Unable to even close our own eyes should we desire.” She looked up into the mares dark eyes. “Truly prisoners within our own minds. Only Mother Oharu’s magic saved my mind, and only Madam Maxine’s other saved my life. It is a rather long story. If you wish to know it, please ask Tatiana. It is no secret from friends, but it is a story that I am still not comfortable telling.”

“Ah will. Noh you get dress’d while ah set up camp. Saw wha I wanted, no need yah prancin about, getttin mah blood boiling. Malou wouln’ like it.”

“Thank you” Millicent answered, walking over to her bag to pull out the dress that she had brought. It was one she had worn many times to work since her arrival on Spontoon. One of her older dress’s, she did not intend to take it back to England. She had chosen it just in case. Neither knew how the three arriving vixens would react to their soon to be captivity. So Nikki had warned her to wear her oldest serviceable clothing, as there just might be a bit of fighting in their future.

“Oh look at that beach” the two waiting women heard as a medium sized boat slowly approached. It was long past sunset, though a half moon had risen in the East. Nikki flickered on and off her flashlamp, its dark red crystal lens partially hidden by the grasses Millicent held before it. An answering red flash came from the boat, this one not hidden at all. “Turn away” Nikki warned. “Let her free and close your eyes.”

Nikki’s habit of switching from her heavily accented and very false way of speaking, to the clearer, more desirable voice she had been using most of the day was still confusing to the feline. Even though she knew the why. Turning her back on that beach she both closed, and covered her eyes with her paws. Then reaching inside her she whispered the two words needed to waken that darker creature that had accidently been created by Madam Maxine, and the wrong form. Seconds later a brilliant white beam flooded the beach, to the squeals of delight voiced by three young, and very foolish English vixens. Moments after that the sounds of three bodies splashing in the water came to the waiting two.

Sounds of laughter, splashing water and finally of bare feet on sand came. Abruptly the brilliant light flashed out. Only then did the three vixens realize that the boat they had arrived on was moving away. Was in fact over a hundred feet away by now. Screams, calls, curses and begging were heard, but the big boat simply powered up its engines and headed South. Away from the island, away from the three girls now stranded they knew not where.

“Now what Susan” the fatter of the three asked. “No one knows where we are. All we have is our swimsuits and I bet that Krupmark or Kuo Han has a ship on its way already. We won’t even be missed for over a week.”

“Actually, no” Millicent answered. For once the search light had shut down the two had simply walked to within a few dozen feet of the three. “You see. I am waiting for you.”

“Who?” All three turned to look into the darkness, but the search light had ruined their night vision. What, until only a few minutes ago had been a wonderful week off with three very desirable native men was now a nightmare. But they recognized that voice.

“Millicent Holmes?” the shorter girl asked. She was shorter, but still would have stood a good two inches over Monica Green. “Is that you?”

“Close” the feline agreed. “If you had half a brain, you would remember my marriage. I think I shall call you Apple.”

“Apple?” the girl repeated “My name is Geraldine. Geraldine McCaffery. Not apple.”

Her answer was a whip snaking out, cracking hard against her belly. Nikki had spent hours training Millicent how to do that, and it was time very well spent. With a scream of pain the vixen fell to her knees as Nikki’s flash lamp lit, no longer covered by the red lens. It came to rest on the other two, whom by their expressions were now frightened out of their wits. What they had that was.

Millicent walked to the closer girl, the heaver of the three. “You are Orange” she told her, then abruptly back pawed the third girl, slamming her into the sand. “You are Cherry. Answer to anything else, you will be sorely unhappy. Any questions?”

“Why?” the girl labeled Apple asked from her place in the sand, her paw still held over her stomach. “Why?” she repeated.

Millicent laughed, and it wasn’t a pleasant sound. “Because I can” she answered, repeating the answer given her when she asked the same question after being raped the first time. “And because the three of you have been beating Monica Green for over two months. She is my property. Didn’t you think there would be payment due when she finally told me?”

“But... She’s just a stupid submissive” Apple said, only to have the grip of that whip slam into her head. Millicent then brought her knee on the other girls neck, forcing her face, and her still open mouth into the dry sands.

“And you are just my meat” she answered as the girl fought to breath. “You will pay for hurting her. Oh you will pay.” Abruptly she moved away, taking the opportunity to slam her elbow into the still standing girls sternum. In seconds she wasn’t standing anymore.

Lifting her head from the sand Apple coughed, spit and tried to breath. Her sinus’s were clogged, her tongue caked with sand and she felt like her neck was near broken. Just as she felt that she could breath again the feline’s knee slammed into her left ribs, near cracking them as she was lifted from the sand. With a whimpering cry she folded up, her will to fight used up.

Cherry though came up with two pawfulls of loose sand, throwing them at the, to her mind, mad feline. Her answer was two paws in her swimsuit, claws digging into her breasts. The pain she abruptly realized, was unbelievable. Still she swung at the apparently blind woman, only to have Millicent’s skull impact her nose.

It was a very powerful, and painful impact. She fell away in mind numbing pain, not even hearing the tearing of her cheap swimsuit. As she hit the sand two knees found her stomach. All fight left this girl as well, as she retched out the meal she had last eaten.


“My name is Mary Louise Sanderson” the third girl stated. She stepped into a boxing stance, ready to defend herself from this mad woman. “Not Orange. We beat Monica because she gave herself to a woman. You damn Sappo’s have no business living. Its against Gods word.” She turned to keep Millicent in sight as the feline calmly brushed sand from her face. There was a second person out in the darkness she knew. But that one hadn’t made a move to help anyone, other than turn that light on. A light that had gone off as soon as the sand had been thrown.

“Really” Millicent asked as she stepped back a few feet. “And where dear sweet Orange, does it say that in any version of our bible.” Grinning the feline slipped a foot into a loop of her whip, waiting for the answer. “And please. Do not quote that old piece in Leviticus. It says nothing of women.”

“It means both” Mary snapped. “It means BOTH!”

Millicent laughed. “The bible is to be taken word by word. If is says something, it means that. If it does not, then it does not care. And dear Orange, simply because our God says something, does not mean that any other God or Goddess does. And does not make it the rule of law for this entire world.”

Millicent’s left foot snapped up and she caught the whip. A spin placed the grip in her paw and a moment later Orange tasted its power. Not once, twice or thrice. But until she screamed for mercy. Only then did the feline roll up her whip, walking to the center of her three victims.

“Your lives of pleasure are over” she said, and the hate that dripped from her voice would have burned holes in armor plate. “You will be punished these next days. You will learn your real value, and you will accept it. There is no place in this world for your kind. No place for those who beat helpless women simply because they can. Your darkness ends on this islet, and your new lives begin. Nikki, read the form these foul creatures will sign before they ever leave this place.... alive.

From the darkness Nikki’s flash came on, followed by a sound of paper being unfolded. The everyday sound filled the abrupt silence. Then the mare began reading. When she had finished the light went off again.

“I will not be your slave” Apple gasped. “I won’t. You don’t know...” A boot in her face shut the vixen up.

“Know what a slave is?” Millicent asked. “You really do not know anything. You really do not pay any attention. I was captured by Kuo Han. I was enslaved. I was raped, beaten, branded, trained. I WAS SOLD!” She turned slowly, watching as all three cringed away from her. “Oh yes, I do know what a slaves life is. Thus I will sweetly give you two choices. You will make them of your own free will. Neither of us will force you to choose. Sign that paper, get your precious Farthing. You may do anything you want with it. Don’t sign and accept what is waiting for you. The choice will be yours. And if you are wondering, my authority to do this comes from the top of the list. Look at who signed that form she holds, before anyone else ever saw it. Look, and understand what you have done to yourselves. Now get out of those swim suits, wrap a stone in them and throw them into the ocean. Then follow the Red Lily. I need to rest.”

Hours later Nikki returned. “They looked” Millicent asked softly, for she was nearly asleep. For Nikki the day had been simple, easy. For the feline Millicent though it had been hard. Not nearly as hard as her days as a slave, but hard. She was physically exhausted.

“Who ahm ah speakin too?” the mare asked before entering their shared tent.

“Millicent. The other is asleep again. I hurt them, didn’t I?” she asked.

“Not as badly as some would have” the mare admitted, her words now as clear as the night. “Is that really his Honorships signature, or one of your fakes.”

Millicent sniffed, wiping away a tear before offering Nikki a large mug of water. “Mr. Dassher assures me that it is quite genuine. Mary would know, she has handled a lot of his correspondence lately. I really do not know how he managed it, but I am covered. I have a separate letter. One held by Songmark themselves. It is signed by Mr. Dassher and the Major. It absolves me of anything I do regarding this matter. Even if I kill them. No Nikki, I did not create it. It was given to me just before I allowed myself to be captured.” She managed a snort of laughter. “I simply forgot to date it.”

“Would you?” the mare asked, taking a drink as she looked back behind her. “Kill them I mean.”

“No. Not for this” the feline admitted. “If they refuse to sign I will take their tails, though I will leave no stump. They deserve that. Then sell the preserved tails to playboys to fly on their yachts mainmast. This though, it does not deserve death. If they do not sign, they return to Casino island free. Maimed yes, but free. They will return to England in two months. They will have healed physically by then. And no matter what story they may tell, only you and I will know the full truth.” She rubbed her face, getting a few more grains of sand from her fur. “They will quickly be seen as nothing more than spiteful young women who were fired for cause. No one will hire them, and only the darkest would think of marrying them. You will make clear to them of this after I leave tomorrow. So I fear nothing from them. But if I do take their tails, I fear that I will fail this test.”

“You should keep the forms” Nikki reminded her friend. “I force marched them around the island, twice. To prove to them that there is no way off. They are sleeping on that spit of sand we met them at. Or they will try too. It is cold tonight, and they chose separate places.” She held up Millicent’s camera. “I have some very interesting flash photographs already. And not one of you.”

Millicent giggled softly. “Maybe you will get one, if you promise not to share or sell it. And Dassher want’s copies of those photos of them. He has already promised to pay the printing cost.” Millicent yawned. “But not of myself, no one but the Doctor, Tatiana, Monica and you know about my jewelry as yet. Well, there is a Chinese mouse, but she was delighted by them, and already has her own. Still I would like to keep it that way. For a few more weeks.” She yawned again, obviously close to sleep. “Sandra, Dassher’s soon to be second wife, apparently likes that sort of thing. Probably his current one as well. Now I need to sleep. Please wake me when it is my turn to stand guard.” She then laid down on her blanket, soon falling into a deep sleep.

Sunday, near noon, Millicent with her packed bag waiting beside her watched as the three vixens struggled to move a large stone. “Is that really the only way to do such” she asked Nikki. The two were sitting on a log under shade, letting the breeze cool them. Nikki had a large mug of fresh water in one paw, the girls before them hadn’t had a drink in the last half hour. Nikki sipped before answering. “If ah ordered yah, how yah do it” she asked calmly.

Millicent looked at the stone, it had to weigh nearly as much as the three girls combined. They had wrapped it with paw-made vine ropes (badly made at that) and were using small lengths of bamboo to roll it onward. It had taken them since sunup to move the thing half way from the North beach to the South beach, a straight line distance of fifty yards. Unfortunately there was a stony ridge between the two beaches, so they had to move it uphill a full thirty feet as well. Looking around her Millicent thought, remembering stories that Tatiana had told her.

“First I would make a raft of these four inch bamboo” she answered. “Then a sand ramp reinforced with those little bamboo they are using. Lash it to the raft, then carefully walk it around that point at high tide. In all, I would think that the easier method.”

Nikki laughed, causing the three exhausted vixens to look up at them. “Yep. Why yer sittin with me, noh don there helpin. Ther’s ahnother way, but no better. Then, yah could cut ah path through tha rock. Its coral, so take ah day maybe.” Her right ear suddenly flickered. “LOUISE is commin” she whispered. “Time tah play.”

Millicent closed her eyes in imagined pain. This was not her way, she wasn’t this... but she thought the words that woke the other. Felt herself slide back into her own mind as that other woke. ‘Fear not sister. I will only scare them. A bit’ she heard the other promise. Then she was looking out her own eyes, feeling, hearing. Her senses full, but other than that single phrase that would send the other back to sleep, as helpless as she had been in Kuo Han.

The three heard her coming long before they scented her. That whips crack unmistakable. They had all felt its bite more than one time. Two had been beaten until they begged mercy. Now they truly feared the sound. “My transportation is arriving” the feline snapped as she stopped just within whips reach of the three. “Mine. Not yours. You, if you are lucky, will earn your transportation back to Main Island. On your backs.” She tossed the whip to Nikki, who had followed her. Walking up to the one she had named Cherry she grabbed the girls hair, pulling her face around. “There was an easier way to move that thing. Think about it next time, because you three belong to Nikki until I return. Short of killing you, she has Cart Blanch to do whatever she wants to you.”

She lowered her voice so only Cherry could hear her. “A hint little one. Please her in all things and your punishment will be less. Fight her, I’ll return to find you hanging from the trees, with the birds pecking your eyes out while you are still very much alive.” Then she forced the vixen to kiss her. A long, deep kiss that had the vixen gasping for air when it was done. “Oh, I will like you. A very lot” Millicent promised the now very frightened vixen. Releasing the woman hair she reached down, picking up her case. LOUISE had just landed and was coasting up to the beach.

“They belong to you Nikki until I return” she called. “If you sell them, I get half.”

“Deal” the mare responded, then waded out with the feline to help turn LOUISE back to sea. She glanced over, to see Millicent shaking her head.

“She sleeps again” the feline informed her mare friend. “Oh God Nikki, am I really doing the right thing? It feels so very wrong.”

“Yer committed” the mare answered in a low voice. “Righ, wron, don’t matter. Its what you decided. Kno tha’ and sleep free. Cause what else could yah have done? Short o’ maiming ‘em for life?” Then she helped Millicent into the aircraft, walked back to the beach for the felines bag and easily tossed it to the waiting Crystal. As the aircraft started back out to sea she turned to face the watching prisoners. For prisoners they were. “WELL” she screamed. “WHO GAY YAH A BREAK?”

Wednesday afternoon Millicent made her last delivery to Mr. Dassher’s office. She found the collie speaking with two young women from the secretarial pool, so instead of their normal conversation she simply gave him a rundown of his delivery, waited until he had inspected each piece then signed her slip. Thanking him she accepted the slip, to feel an envelope held beneath it. Managing not to say anything she slipped the two items back into her pouch, sealing it with her key.

“Mrs. Wei” the collie said as she replaced her key about her neck, letting it drop into the deep valley between her breasts. “As this is your last day I am promoting young Harman into your place. I fear he shall not be as delightful to chat with as you. But now I need to replace him.” He indicated the two girls with one paw, one a fitch, the other an otter. “Which shall it be? They are both quite qualified I assure you.”

“Sir” the feline answered softly. “It is never the place of a courier to determine such an appointment. Not even a Most Secret courier.”

Dassher smiled, it was the answer he expected from this one. Now. Last year? She would have fallen over herself to voice an opinion. Yes, young Millicent had grown a great deal since her first meeting with the Russian sable. Grown, and showed great promise as she accepted more and more responsibilities. “Humor me Mrs. Wei” he said. “Were you to find yourself needing to trust either of these two. Which would it be?”

Millicent looked at the two girls, both of whom she knew, but not well enough to make such a decision. Still, it had been a direct question. “Sir. In all honesty. Of what I know of these two, both are perfectly trustworthy. I have heard no evil voices about either. In all truth sir. Either will serve you well. They are true daughters of England.”

Behind the mask of his professional face Dassher almost screamed in joy. Millicent had become what the Major had said she would. Still, he must push her in front of these two. For the show, or his own amusement if nothing else. “Choose her Millicent. That is an order” he commanded.

“Sir. With my most deep regrets, for I am in no way qualified for such a decision. Still, as you demand sir.” Millicent didn’t move, she simply studied the two girls. Though she did so for several minutes, in truth nothing between them caused her to prefer one over the other. So well had Dassher chosen that she could not find anything to prefer one over the other. Finally she turned to the collie. “An impossible choice sir. They are equals. Still, as they are so equal and you have ordered me to choose. Therefore I would choose the fitch, as you have a preference for shorter women. Add to that her natural ability to defend herself, should she be advanced upon” She turned to smile at the girls, noting the otters disappointed look. “Though sir, you would do yourself, and the Crown a great disservice by discarding the otter.”

“And why is that” the collie asked.

Millicent raised one eyebrow. “Sir. To start, she is extremely attractive. As with the fitch, she must be of more than average intelligence, and you will need someone to replace me at the Consulate parties.” Looking to the fitch Millicent gave a sad smile. “Regrettably sir. That which makes the fitch more desirable as a courier makes her less welcome at such events. Between the two however, you will have all that you need.”

Dassher laughed. “So you will saddle me with two, not just the one.”

Still facing the two young women Millicent gave them a knowing smile. “Sir. It will take the two of them to keep you in line. And they will find themselves exhausted in the doing so.” She was rewarded with deep blushes by both women. As well as a thankful look from the otter.

“Very well Mrs. Wei. It shall be as you say.” Turning his attention to the two girls the collie took in their expressions, realized the double meaning in the felines words and almost blushed himself. “Victoria. You will follow Mrs. Wei to the Couriers office. There you will be instructed in your duties. Maxine? I fear that you are in for a week or two of social training. Along with your normal duties as a secretary, you now represent us as the face of our youth. I think though that you will have a wonderful time.”

“Just beware of the American and Cipangu fox team” Millicent warned. “It is their desire to bed every young female that they may manage. Though they failed with me, you are a much more delicious target.” She looked to her superior. “I am not to attend the party Friday evening?”

Dassher raised one eyebrow for a moment. “It is, as I recall, your going away party Mrs. Wei. I could not ask you to avoid it. But please do take young Maxine with you. Introduce her, and give her some slight instructions. If you would be so kind.”

Millicent nodded her understanding. “Very good sir. Maxine, I will expect you at my door Friday afternoon. No later than five PM. In your best if you would please. It will not be good enough, but Mr. Dassher has an account that will allow you the correct dress’s later. If I am not home my secretary Miss Green will entertain you until I arrive.” She looked over at the hound, amused by his look of shock. She had finally managed to one up the man, and he was a professional at this sort of thing. “Mr. Dassher? I look forward to seeing Maxine in her new dresses. You will send me photos yes? Then Good day sir. Victoria? You are with me.”


Later, after having signed out for the day, Millicent took her leave of the compound. Her mind was disturbed by the images that fluttered within it. What the three vixens must be going through under Nikki’s none too gentle tutelage. There really wasn’t anything for her to do at the Consulate, other than process Monica and her traveling papers tomorrow. They would be leaving before sunup Monday on the S.S. PINECONE, a small Rain Island tourist ship. As it was Monica had almost everything prepared, the girl had turned out to be a wiz at packing. After Madam Maxine’s training that was. All that was left were the few last days that she would have with Tatiana, and to pick up final presents for her family. Tatiana had agreed to meet at the Double Lotus, as was normal lately. Then make their way to Tatiana’s small room at the McGee resort. It was the same room that the mouse Oharu had once lived in. Like mother, like daughter the feline thought. Even though they shared only a short time as such, and no blood at all.

Tatiana though was running late the feline discovered. With the sables current employment, that was to be expected. Ordering tea, for Millicent never drank alcohol alone, she withdrew that small envelope from her blouse pocket. It was unusual for Mr. Dassher to give her such, in fact this was the very first time. Maybe it had something to do with Victoria and Maxine’s presence. As she opened the envelope, her back currently against a wall, Millicent wondered if she had given her superior the best of her ability. Maxine would have been excellent in both positions of course. But she just didn’t want to hurt anyone again. Not right now. And it would give the fitch her nights free, unlike Millicent’s own. Orange, Apple and Cherry were enough on her plate. Even now Millicent couldn’t think of them by their real names. Maybe later, after her anger at them had time to cool.

Opening the well known paper she read. ‘Steamed Stones’ the page said. Nothing else. Accepting that it must be some code she would need at a later date the feline committed the phrase to memory, then touched the page to her tables candle. A flash of bright orange light answered her action, followed by laughter from the few patrons already here.


“Hey” a bovine yelled. “Next time you wanna burn ah hot love letter, warn us. We wanna watch too yah know.”

In answer Millicent lifted her glass of tea, tipping it slightly in the others direction before taking a sip. A salute, one that Tatiana had taught her. It was hard to imaging the Russian sable sitting here, too frightened to move. Having escaped Songmark in an attempt to discover some great State Secret. Only to be dragged back by Angelica and her crew. Now Tatiana was a known visitor. Welcome, and moved easily about the establishment. But she never touched any other female than Millicent. Even so the feline felt so much like a cheap movie spy. Like something from some badly written magazine story. Still the little excitement was over, and conversation had returned to normal while she waited for her love.

On an islet near Albert Island three exhausted vixens carefully prepared for their next stone. Their days so far had been monotonous. Woken by that demon of a mare well before sunup, given nothing but one lemon and a can of cold Great War vintage vegetable soup, they had been given exactly fifteen minutes to eat, police their area, answer natures call and be ready for the morning march. And march it was. As the sun rose they would be half-way around the islet. Packs with twenty pounds of sand on their backs. The very first morning they had been given used boots to wear. Boots that oddly fitted each almost perfectly. The second day a straw hat, to keep the sun from boiling away what brains the mare admitted that they might have. Ten force marched laps around the islet later they sat their rucksacks, hats and shoes aside. Then they swam out to the coral reef and back. Once that was done they were given one canteen of water each. The first day they had simply drank the contents, after that they used a bit to rinse their more delicate areas of any salt.

All the while that mare had her camera out, never posing them. Simply taking a snap now and then. At every chance reminding them of how useless they were. Doing in minutes tasks they had spent an hour on, and doing it right. “Bloody BOOBS!” the mare would scream. “Dog food. Tha’s all yer worth. Dog food. Ah outta gut onnayah so that others can have ah half decent meal. Now MOVE!” When she had explained that she would be selling the negatives to Hot Fur all three had nearly died with humiliation. All three knew that the male members of their families read that magazine, even though it was supposed to be illegal to sell in England. Their reputations were now worth exactly what Millicent had told them they were worth. A farthing, if that. And they were quickly beginning to believe that.

Having swum they were allowed ten minutes to rest, answer nature or do whatever they wanted. Then it was clean their rucksacks with sea water, set them to dry, dress with what they had and make their way to the islets wide spot. Here they gathered wood, stones and cleaned up the leavings of other parties. That some of the things they found had been salted by the mare they never suspected, but finding that fur brush with the broken handle had been the high point of their second day.

Lunch was another can of that vile French soup, and two small, fist sized, very hard biscuits. They were allowed an entire half hour for lunch, and after the first day body shyness had vanished. After all, their latrine was in full site of everyone. The afternoon was worse. Another forced ten laps of the islet, again with filled packs. No swim after, clean the packs, prepare their little campsite. Following that an investigation of the flora and fauna of the islet. What was edible, what wasn’t and what could be used for medicine. And how it was to be used. Then being expected to remember everything the next day. Always whipped when they could not answer a question correctly. Low tides were the worst. Then they were out in the sand, removing rocks the size of their heads, carrying them one by one to the high tide mark. The rocks they discovered were coral that had been broken by storms, boats and other things. For this work they were loaned rather good gloves. Gloves that did nothing to protect from cuts, bruises and bangs on the rest of their bodies. Nor was this a day job, for low tide came twice a day, and often that proved to be at night.

And that was only the beginning, for the hot afternoon work was the absolute worst.


By Wednesday evening the three were at the end of their ropes. Twice they had all three tried to get it over with. To just sign those papers and face their fate. But Nikki would have none of that. “Tell me wah yah givin up yer livs tah tha woman. Then yah can sign. Ahn it won change nothin here” she had warned. Obviously they hadn’t understood as yet. Now knowing that even signing, that their lives would continue as such, they continued to try to find a way to earn some value. Even that of a single farthing. Gritting their teeth from the pain, caring for each other wounds, brushing each others fur. Helping each other when they could. Unknown to the three, they had stopped being companions. They were becoming a team.

That night a storm passed through. They watched as the waves broke on the rock wall that they had built above the high tide mark, keeping their campsite from flooding. For the very first time they understood the why of something, not just ‘because I said to.’ Still they were wet, cold and shivering. Within the hour they were holding each other for warmth as though lovers. Thus another wall fell.

During the same storm, which Tatiana promised Millicent was as minor as they came, the two were making their way to the McGee resort. “But I left them..” the feline began.

“With Nikki” Tatiana ended. “No better teacher. No better protector they have. Better than I. Now. They safe my love. Just as you safe my arms. My word.” They reached Tatiana’s cabin, to find the door open. Not much, perhaps two fingers wide, but open. A single light was one in the main room. It took no signal from the sable for Millicent to step back, gently removing her blade from its now comfortable hiding place.

Slipping into the room Tatiana rolled on the floor, her own firearm out. To her surprise she discovered a well known bulldog waiting, his unlit pipe in one paw, a book in the other. “Good evening Tatiana” he said in greeting. “And by your delightful presence, am I correct that a certain rather delicious feline is waiting outside?”

“Dah, ist Pravda” the sable agreed, holstering her revolver. In a slightly louder voice she called to her wife. “Millicent. Come.” In a moment the feline joined them, her deadly little blade still in her paw. Upon seeing the bulldog she relaxed, almost absently returning her weapon to where it belonged.

“Major. This is rather... Unexpected” the feline admitted.

“Yes, and this is the only place not yet bugged, where it comes to you two” he answered. Closing his book he put it away into a jacket pocket. “Please sit, this will only take a short time.” When the two were comfortable, on the bed Major Hawkins noted, he began.

“You see Millicent, having only just returned this afternoon I found it rather interesting, your choice of punishments for those three. Have you any idea what I had decided upon?”

“No sir” Millicent answered, absently taking the sables paw into her own. “Mr. Dassher did not mention such. Only that their fate was up to me.”

“There is a rather remote outpost” the bulldog continued. “In Udder Predish. It sits on a mountain side, watching a rather unimportant pass.” He tapped his teeth with the pipe stem. “I had decided that they could spend their healing time there. Say four or five years?”

“Healing? Sir?” the feline asked.

“The standard punishment for their actions is twenty years at hard labor, or twenty lashes and black discharge or reassignment. At the commanding officers pleasure” Hawkins explained. “I have never been one to lash a woman, but twenty years at hard labor would kill all three. I am not that fond of killing women either. Therefore I chose the lessor of two evils. They would, of course, be transferred to the Observation Corps. With ten years service required. That though is a great deal easier upon one than twenty years at hard labor, and what else would have come with it.”

He stood, looking down at the two. “Instead you give them the choice of selling themselves, or having their tails removed. Then being cashiered ‘for cause.’ Very interesting. They can’t come back at you because they are disgraced. Any claims by them are considered spiteful. I would hazard that even their families would disown them. All the while they are being crushed you are here, in the public eye. Very well done young lady. Quite well done in fact. And how, may I ask, did you come up with this plan?”

“I do not know sir” Millicent admitted. “When Mr. Dassher told me about what they had done, I wanted to take them all to the Red Room. Unfortunately I could not, due to the rules already in place upon myself. For a while I planned to trap them on South Island, but then they would have proof. My own injuries from such a fight if nothing else. My orders were that they would be unable to retaliate.”

She looked to Tatiana, then back to the bulldog. “When I remembered how being a slave felt. I felt it perfect, and though I will destroy those papers, they must believe that they always exist. That at any time I could produce them. To destroy their lives forever.”

Hawkins nodded his head in agreement, again tapping his teeth with his pipe. “And the value you placed upon their lives young Millicent?”

Millicent blushed. “Sir. The papers state life, body, heart and soul. They would be mine to do with, too and for as I please. Sir. The amount is one farthing each sir.”

A slow, low whistle escaped the bulldogs lips. “You take from them everything, and give them one farthing for it. Nasty. Very nasty. Are they aware of the other door?”

“The tiger sir? Yes sir” Millicent answered. “Their trainer informed them after I left. I do hope that they chose the farthing sir, as for myself and Monica. This will end the matter. If they chose the tiger, I will lose this test.”

“No, you have already passed that test Millicent. They have no way to prove any allegation against you. Even should they choose the Tiger. That was the true test and you have passed. Most successfully I might add. There will be others once you return to England. But my word, no further tests until you do. Now, Tatiana, would you be so kind as to fill me in on what your plans are this next year? Seeing as your wife will not be available to take up all your free time anymore. You see, I have an offer.”

Friday evening Millicent found Maxine at her doorstep. The dark green dress she wore was, as Millicent had suspected, not truly suitable. “Come, we must see Mrs. Robinson. Immediately” she told the waiting girl. “That simply will not do. Perhaps there is time, it is still three hours before the party.” She turned to Monica, who was waiting behind her. “Bring my wrap and card case to Mrs. Robinson’s, then enjoy the night for yourself. I will not return until noon.” She then took the otters paw and led her off.

“Mrs. Robinson’s?” Maxine asked as they walked. “She is a Seamstress?”

“The very best” Millicent answered. “She completed my wedding dress just in time. It is over here, to the right.” They walked up to a door, Millicent knocking on the door. When it opened an elderly lioness looked it.

“Millicent?” she asked. “And just whom might this be?”

“This” the younger feline announced with a flourish. “Is my replacement for the parties. Her name is Maxine.”

“I see” the older feline agreed as she studied the otter standing next to Millicent. “Maxine whom, may I ask.”

Millicent blushed, then held a paw to her lips. “I forgot to ask” she admitted. She turned to the otter with a smile. “And the rest?” she asked softly.

“Maxine Ruth Jansen” the otter answered. “From Brighton.”

“Ah” Mrs. Robinson said, as if understanding everything. “And your father?”

“He is a Conductor on Brighton’s railroad Mam.” Maxine, Millicent noted, seemed embarrassed by that. Her attitude though changed with Mrs. Robinson’s response.

“Why, my Brother is a conductor on the 4472. The Flying Scotsman? I love listening to his stories. Now you may tell me your fathers stories. We shall share. Oh it is such a delight.” She paused. “But of course you are here for some other reason?”

“Her dress, the party” Millicent explained.

“Oh my. Come in. Come in. That will certainly not do. How long have we dear Millicent?”

Millicent started following the lioness, nearly dragging the otter with her. “Three hours, less Mrs. Robinson.”

“Then I must hurry. You turn on all the lamps. I will get my things. We will transform that drab little thing into something acceptable. And please, have a seat” she finished as she vanished into her own sewing room.

“Trains” Maxine gasped as she looked around her. For there were models and photographs of trains everywhere. “She really likes trains.”

“Do you?” the feline asked as she began turning on light.

“Oh I love them Mrs. Wei. Simply love them” the otter admitted. “I have a train at home.” She giggled. “Well, it is my fathers. A Garden train. But I built most of it. I just love trains.”

“Then I think you two will get along quite famously” the feline decided. “Ah, here she comes.”

Not quite three hours later, and more talk about trains than Millicent could stand, the two arrived at the party. It was held this time at the English Consulate, being as it was for one of their own. In Millicent’s opinion Maxine’s dress still wasn’t up to snuff, but a great number of changes had been made. Changes that also brought it much closer to the style that was current. She would not have Maxine be labeled a country bumpkin. It was a label she herself had avoided, but barely. A fact that the feline learned only after her marriage. Maxine would avoid the errors she had made, if Millicent could manage it. She wanted to leave something good behind her.

“And these are the twins” Millicent informed Maxine as two young male foxes walked up. “Nakamura Sadaharu and Grant Underwood. It is their sworn mission to bed every female their age, or near enough, that they can catch.” She noted the expressions on both young men. “They are a team, first one, then the other. Their style is to keep you off balance. The best way to avoid this is to either ignore them, or only speak with one each party.”

“There is ah third” Underwood laughed. “Yah could be Sapphic, ahn marry the scariest Songmark student around.”

“Maxine is not Sapphic Mr. Underwood” Millicent responded. “Her full name though is Maxine Ruth Jansen. She is under my protection until I leave. And should you not treat her with the same respect that you treat me, it shall be I. Not Tatiana who meets you on South Islands beach. We are at an understanding?”

“We are” Sadaharu answered, bowing to the two women. “I believe that I may be more than a match for you Mrs. Wei. But I know of your Mother in Law. I would not be so foolish as to anger a full Shinto Priestess. No matter what she may call herself. Miss. Jansen. Until we may spar in earnest.” Nodding to Millicent the Nippon born fox walked away, leaving the American alone with them.

“You scare him Millicent” Grant admitted. “Ahn anyone who can rip an otters tail off with her own paws scares me. But who is her guardian. Once you leave I mean.”

Millicent simply reached out, touching the fox on his elegant nose. “That sir. Is my secret. She will have a guardian. But as to whom it may be? Cross the line and you will discover. Should she give herself to you, that is one thing. But to take? No.”

Grant laughed then. “Mrs. Wei” he said softly. “We have won many women in our time. Some we cherish even now. But to take a woman. No, my father would horse whip me until I bled to death. Sadaharu would be allowed to take his own life.” He turned to study the confused otter. “Yes Miss Jansen. We shall play. But please, do not fear us. It is a game, nothing more. And we both understand the meaning of the word no. But I think that I would like to know you better. I understand that you like trains?”

“Yes. I do” Maxine admitted. “Why?”

“Because my father owns a third of the Southern Pacific is all” Grant answered. “Not even the vaunted Millicent knew that.”

“Forty-two and a quarter percent” Millicent said softly. “And plans to buy out Martin Lewis of his twenty-one point nine percent this month. Making him the majority owner with fifty-seven point one five percent of all Preferred stock. If the numbers Monday were correct.” She smiled at the shocked fox. “I have my sources as well Mr. Underwood. I wish your father luck. Of course, this will make you the prime target of every unmarried young woman on the island. Not to forget the unmarried young males.”

“I.. Uh. Damn. Sorry.” Grant waved his paw in a signal of defeat. “I surrender to the very beautiful, and very intelligent English feline. May I withdraw now to make repairs, or will you again rake my hull.”

Millicent giggled. “It was in the business section of the New York Times” she explained. “My duties do leave me free time, and I do love to read.”

Grant managed a half smile. “Raked, de-masted and hulled deeply. I surrender and cast down my flag. Miss Jansen. Until we meet again. Mrs. Wei? May we never meet upon the battlefield. Good night ladies.” He turned and staggered away, holding his paws over his heart as though gravely wounded.

“He seems nice” Maxine admitted. “For an American.”

“He can be nice” Millicent admitted. “And very intelligent. But like us, he is still young. Give him time to mature before you throw your grappling hooks.” She giggled behind her paw. “He will make an excellent catch for you. If you truly want him. Now there are others we must meet.”

“You are not mature” the otter asked as they walked towards a woman dressed somewhat severely.

“I was given no choice” the feline admitted. “Like the lady we are going to meet. I was forced to grow up rather suddenly. I have asked Mr. Dassher to allow you and Victoria the time to mature upon your own. I can only hope that he will.”

“Fraulein Jarvinia Schwarzkopf” Millicent said in introduction. “Agent of the German High Command, Intelligence Officer Supreme, Spy to the German Empire and my friend. This is my replacement to the parties Jarvinia. Please allow me to introduce Miss Maxine Ruth Jansen. She very much likes trains. And please do not treat her as you do me, she is a maiden in these things. At the moment.”

“Jah. Ahn not as pretty” the otter agreed, holding out her paw.

Maxine took the paw, and discovered that Millicent had been quite correct. The paw-shake was firm, a little over firm in fact. Retrieving her paw she check to insure that all five fingers were still attached. “Your friend?” she asked, rubbing her paw. “Whom do you call you enemies?”

“Kuo Han” both women answered in unison.

“Oh. I, uh. I see.” She gave the German girl a smile, then backed away one step. “I am pleased to meet you Miss Schwarzkopf.”

Jarvinia laughed, then lowered her voice. “This is one I must protect a year?” she asked.

“Only a year, from Monday” Millicent answered. “That will pay our debt in full, though I still look forward to your visiting London the year after.”

“And your home?” the otter asked.

“Certainly. I will feed you the best meal you have eaten. Outside of a swamp” She giggled. “English food is known as the worst in the world. Having eaten Spontoon food, I will grant that as a truth. Still I am looking forward to seeing you again. You are a friend that I can truly trust.”

“Millicent” Maxine asked. “May I trust her?”

Her answer was both women looking at her, then each other. “No” they both admitted.

“Oh” Maxine gasped. “Then who may I trust?”

“No one Fraulein Jansen” the otter answered. Her voice was tougher than it really had to be. “We will use you, discard you. Be on guard at all times. Millicent. She does well to introduce you, was more than she had. Now we see if you are good enough to replace her. Jah?”

Maxine swallowed her fear, but could not hide it. “I.. I see. Millicent, I fear that I must return to my rooms now.”


“No” Millicent answered. “There are still others to meet, food to eat. Only then may you leave.” She paused, looking around her. “Besides, Russia and Germany are the most dangerous. And the Russian as you already know has the brains God gave a cockroach.”

“You insult cockroach world wide” Jarvinia hissed. “They be most angry at you.” Then she too looked around. “You take Pinyin Jinghua, the Chinese with you?”she asked softly.

“I fear no. I expect her though. She has promised. But I cannot take her. It would be too obvious. Oh, and Tatiana sends this.” She produced a card from her blouse. “I believe that the two of you had a bet?”

Accepting the card Jarvinia first sniffed the card, read it, then slipped it into her own neckline. “Maxine. Not to wager with these two. They cheat.” Then she sighed, “But payment is fun. Now go see Canadian. Is stuck up he is. I go chase American. Grant fun to chase. Maybe one day I let him to catch me. Goodnight.” She again offered Maxine her paw, and fearfully the otter accepted it. This time though the paw-shake was gentle. Nothing like before.

Much later the two English girls were walking back to Maxine’s quarters, Millicent having decided to escort the still green otter. “I have so many cards” Maxine admitted. “I fear I do not have the storage space you have Mrs. Wei.”

Millicent smiled, feeling the cards held against her fur. She would read them on the ship Monday. A last memory of Spontoon. At lest three had been offers of a goodbye night. One from a mink that had never spoken to her before. Hopefully they all had address’s, for Millicent loved to write letters. Last nights, she realized, were strange things. “They are more trouble than they are worth at times” she admitted. “But Tatiana loves them, so I will retain their services.”

Maxine burst into laughter, finding herself unable to walk further. “Have you any idea how many ways your words can be taken?” the otter asked. “I had so much trouble not laughing at the party.”

“Of course I do” Millicent admitted. She gently lifted her breasts an inch. “Having to feed and care for these, to accept the interest that they bring is a great weight upon my shoulders. Still I solder on, knowing that they do have their uses. Especially when I have my own kits. But to be honest, sometimes my back does hurt after a days work. I would truly wish that God had granted me slightly smaller pillows for my Tatty.”

Still giggling the otter stopped at her door. “I want to thank you for introducing me to all those people” she said, still giggling a little. “Especially Grant. Your right, he does look rather.. Tasty. And Mrs. Robinson too. Of I really must talk with her more often. To find another woman who likes trains. And I will read the papers more thoroughly now. Information really is useful. Good Night Mrs. Wei.”

“Good night Maxine” the feline replied before turning to walk to her own quarters. She was feeling bittersweet. It would only be two more full days here on Spontoon. There were so many places she should have gone too, and so many people she wanted to see one last time. Mother Oharu. Yes, she would see her tomorrow. Even if she had to go to Scared Island. Tatiana was with Jarvinia. It would only be for four hours, but it was four hours that Millicent dearly wanted. That her wife had rearranged her entire schedule just to be with Millicent warmed the felines heart. And what was she to do about that Chinese mouse? She had picked up a great many details about life in the Chinese Consulate that were not known, else she would have done as Jarvinia had with the Russian skunk. Caught her, then released her. But the information had proven very useful to the bulldog Major Hawkins and the collie Mr. Dassher, so they had ordered her to continue.

“Do not push” the collie had instructed. “Talk as friends. Should she offer State information, remind her that you should not know such. It would be a test in any case. But do tell us what you can about daily life.”

So a single nights tryst had turned into two, then three. By the tenth Millicent could see the change in the mouse’s eyes. The way she moved, did things. Her choice of words. Tatiana had laughed when she had expressed her concerns. “You Donna Juan is Pravda” she had laughed. “Make many women love you.” Last week Jinghua has whispered that she was in love with her, which had shocked the feline. Well, she needed insight into other cultures, and it seemed to amuse Tatiana, so she accepted it. Though she still refused to talk about state secrets with the mouse. Any state secrets.

When she arrived at her own door Monica opened it. “You have a visitor Mrs. Wei” she announced, closing and locking the door behind them.

There, sitting gracefully in the chair Millicent had bought for Tatiana, sat the Chinese mouse. “We must talk. I am to marry. I do not wish too. Is way can marry you? This night?” Jinghua announced in that delicate voice of hers.


Orange looked at her swollen paw. How easily the bamboo had snapped back, slapping into her paw with force enough to bruise it. A week ago she would have screamed and run crying to the Doctor. Today she simply watched in silence as the black furred Nikki attended to her. Carefully explaining each step she was taking, and why. Orange sucked in air when pain struck, but refused to complain. It had been her own fault she knew, and these days of madness had taught her that she had to accept her mistakes. Accept them, learn from them and move on. After all, they were on their own. For not even the mare had a way to contact the outside world. So she believed.

“Is it broken Mistress” she asked calmly. Further away Apple and Cherry were busy completing the basket net that she had been helping with. They might have fresh roasted fish tonight, if it was completed in time. Nikki had promised that, if they caught eatable fish that she would fillet them, then they could roast them over their little fire.

“Yer no slave, yet” the mare answered. “Ahn no. No break. Buh no rock fer you todah. Mahbe noh tomorro.”

“Thank you Mistress” Orange answered. She looked the mare in the eyes when Nikki turned on her. “Paper or not. I know what I am. I have looked hard at my life, at what we did to Miss Green and why. In light of that I must agree that I truly am worthless. I have come to the decision that slavery to Millicent is a better choice than losing my tail. She will own me completely. I will have no free will lest she grant it. I accept this. But there are other matters, very important matters that I must balance in my choice. I understand this. And though losing my tail will be only a short pain, the humiliation of being cast out in disgrace from the Foreign Service is too great a thing for my family. Slavery is beyond my control. It happens, and one continues. Just as it did to her. If she could endure such, could endure what Kuo Han does to women, I can endure what she will offer me. But to be so foolish as to be incompetent. That, to myself is unacceptable. I may be worthless, now. But I have never been incompetent. Perhaps, should I make a great effort, I may have value. That remains to be seen.”

Nikiki finished wrapping the paw in silence. When she finished she looked back at the vixen. “You are fully aware of what she will do to you?”

“I am. An.. Your voice?”

“This is important” Nikki answered “When it is important and involves women I am most clear. You are aware of what she could do to you?”

Orange took a deep breath. “Please Mistress, correct me if I am wrong. She may bed me, though something I strongly dislike I will learn to like it. She can kill me, she can make me walk the streets of London naked. But she will not rent or sell me.”

Nikki reached out, lightly touching the vixens nose. “She will not kill you, nor will she humiliate you in such a manner. She will not make you sell your body just to survive. Even should you deserve it. Millicent is a Lady, in all that title should mean. She will try not to treat you as slaves, as long as you remember what you are. And she will starve herself before making you go without. Unless it is punishment. Treating you badly would bear darkly upon herself anyway. She will use you yes. Only a fool wouldn’t. I would love to use you, all three of you but I made a promise to her. Like Millicent, my word is my bond. Yes you will serve her. She has already listed in what capacity. It is my understanding you like to cook?”

“I do” Orange admitted.

“Then you will be her private cook. When she is in a position to need such, so learn. And you are correct, she will not sell, rent, loan or gift you to anyone else. She will not wager with you. She will, I fear, love you. It is her weakness, that she can not hate long but she loves forever. Yes, you are her’s. But remember this, what is her’s is Tatiana’s as well.”


Orange nodded in agreement. “We had thought so. May I sign that paper now?”

Nikki stood, holding a paw out to the vixen. “Les go” she answered, returning to her rough accent. “Ah need tah photograph it.”

Thus, on a Saturday morning, did Orange become the last to sign her life away. For the grand sum of a single farthing.

Sunday morning the LOUISE landed gently in the lagoon’s calm waters. When it came to a stop three naked vixens rushed to help make it secure. They ignored the three dressed females that exited the aircraft, working hard with paw made lines to ensure that the precious machine would not drift away, to be crushed on the islet’s tiny reef. Behind them the three from that craft reached the beach, one, a vixen as them selves, stopping to watch.

“All signed” Nikki reported, offering the leather case Millicent had left.

“All three.” The feline looked back at her three victims. They looked fitter, stronger. “I wonder what they would think if I told them this was all a bluff” she asked.

“Wasn’ Nikki corrected the feline. “Yah mad ah contract. They don sign, ah cut.” She watched the surprise in Millicent’s eyes. “Contact ah contract. Member tha nex time.”

“I shall. Especially with you” She looked up to where the campsite was. “May I help you pack now?”

“All don. Tha work hard noh” the mare reported. “Fon ouh its faster tha way.”

Millicent simply looked at the three vixens, now picking up their rucksacks to continue their daily run. “I see. Well, I do owe you at least one photograph. Shall we?”

“Delighted” Nikki answered, headed up the hill.

“She’s in an awful hurry for a photograph” Florence noted as she followed the feline.

“Because it will be of me. Naked” Millicent answered. “Would you join me? As a treat for her? She has worked very hard this last week.”

A face splitting smile filled the hounds face. “After what she did to me with Crystal? And to see you in the fur? Oh yah, you betcha by golly.”

Behind them, still standing on the beach the vixen Crystal look up after them, then down at her watch. High tide was at four pm, which was when the vixens boat would arrive. It was her responsibility to teach them the proper stance to be in when it arrived. Or they believed that they would be left here until the next fishing boat wandered by. In a week or three. LOUISE of course would leave at noon, after feeding the vixens their last meal on the islet. It was waiting in the aircraft, and included a chocolate cake with the number zero on it. Zero, indicating the end of their freedom, and the beginning of their lives as slaves.

Hours later, at near eight angles Millicent carefully opened her case. In it were three very legal papers. Papers she had signed in front of each girl, giving them their single brand new farthing. She had also given them their first real instructions. Their first orders as slaves. None of the three complained, so before signing she had informed them of what the Major had planned for them as well. “Which would you prefer” she asked each seriously. “Though all but my signature is on this form, I will allow you to choose of the four.”

Each and every one had quietly asked for their farthing, then thanked her before making room for the next.

Closing her case she had looked carefully at the three. They wore nothing but old boots and now worn straw hats. Their fur was bleached from the sun, and all three had lost at least a stone each. “I am leaving you a gallon of water. Your transportation is due at four pm. You have been taught how to welcome your transportation. They have orders to leave without you should you fail. As you have no real money, bartering payment for your transportation is up to you. Try offering to work your way as crew first, your bodies last. I will meet you on Main Island when you arrive. With clothing for you. You will then return to Casino Island and the Consulate. Mr. Dassher is waiting to talk to you tomorrow.”

She paused, studying the three one last time. They were all of average looks, over weight in her eyes and still needing exercise. So she then ordered them to continue such. “One circuit of South Island each day. Twenty pound packs. You will meet with my wife twice a week. She will adjust your training as she feels free. You will obey her exactly as you obey me, or I shall recall you myself. And as I have no money at present to support a second servant, how you will earn your keep will be up to your imagination. Now kiss your instructor and rest. Four hours is a short time, when compared to the lifetime that awaits you.”

She had lied about the ship. Those same three Albert Island puma’s that had dumped the girls just over a week ago would pick them up, in proper position or not. And they had already been paid to return them to Main Island. But what Apple, Orange and Cherry didn’t know was Millicent’s secret.

“Tossin ‘em out” Nikki asked from the seat next to Millicent.

“Regrettably. No” the feline admitted. “Mr. Dassher and his superior are required to see these first. I have asked Mr. Dassher to destroy them for me.” She closed the case, looking over to Nikki. “Thank you.”

“Fer what? Those negatives gonna make me more shells tha this whole caper cost. Ahn ah had fun, though Malou’s gonna be sore inna morning. This long without.” She gave the surprised cat a smile. “Nah, ah didn’t touch em. Noh tha way. They played, buh noh with me. With each other, tha last two days.”

“You” Millicent answered, with a lofty tone in her voice. “Are incorrigible. May I at least have my camera back?”

Reaching into a pocket of her jacket Nikki withdrew the camera, checked to make certain that she had removed the final roll of film, then returned it to its owner. “Thank’s for tha last five shots. You ah Florence. Who’d a thunk it. Ahn Crystal tha last shot. Yer tha incorrigible one.”

Millicent laughed. “Florance does taste good” she admitted. “But she still needs practice kissing. See to it that she has it.”

At two am Monday morning a native boat arrived at the small village of Pangai on Main Island. Though a single light burned at the docks end, it was fairly dark where the ship tied up. Instantly the village Custom’s officer went aboard. Warned in advance, he was delighted to note the three naked vixens waiting to be allowed to debark. Quietly the ships Captain turned over their passports. Passports given him by Nikki the week before. Checking the girls faces against their photographs the Wolf stepped aside, letting them past. “Lost ah bet?” he asked.

“With Red Lily” the Captain answered, smiling as the wolf cringed. “Could have been worse. Not wearing collars noh are they?”

Walking up the dock the three were happy to see Millicent step into the single pool of light. They hurried forward, for though used to being without clothing now, that had been on a deserted islet. This was Main Island, and though natives were known to walk around thus, they were not natives.

“In there” Millicent said softly, pointing to an open door. She followed them in, shutting the door behind her. “From this moment on, to Tatiana and I you are nothing but Apple, Orange and Cherry. To anyone else you are nothing but your birth names. Geraldine, Mary and Susan. Do not make the mistake of answering incorrectly. You will be punished.” She pointed at three outfits hanging from a pole. “Your own clothing. Taken by me from your rooms. They are untouched.” Then she tossed a small coin purse to Cherry. “Water Taxi fare to Casino Island. Exactly enough for the three of you at this time of night. Your farthings?”

“Nikki has them Mistress” Apple answered. “We asked if she would take care of them until we returned, having no place to safely keep them ourselves. She promised to make necklaces of them, that we would always have our true value with us.”

“I would have done the same” Millicent admitted. “I am afraid that Monica and I leave at high tide. You have just over two years yet left here. To finally prove yourselves to the Foreign Office and yourselves. You have your orders. When I want you, I want you fit, able to travel and full of energy.” She licked her lips, looking at the three still naked vixens. “Very full of energy. I wish to taste all three of you. Often. Now, have you any last questions?”

“None Mistress” the three answered together.

Millicent gifted them with a radiant smile. “Never forget, that is my address when we are alone. When others are about?”

“Mrs. Wei” they responded, again as one voice.

“Very good. Males of any species are forbidden you from this moment onward. Unless I decide to breed you of course. And I may. I ask that you make me proud. Return to England with glowing references. Be the best you can and never give up, no matter how difficult the path. And do not ever beat a woman unless she truly needs it. Now good-bye. For now.”

She walked out of the borrowed customs house, walking nearly a block before whispering two words to herself. To any who watched it was as though she had a sudden head pain, then moments later she continued on her path. The Other was again asleep. Soon Monica joined her, a very worried expression on her own face.


Monday morning Millicent stood on the stern of the S.S. PINECONE, looking back as Spontoon slowly fell below the horizon. “I will miss that land” she told her companion. “And I already miss my wife. So very, very much. So many things changed since arriving there.”

“So many?” Monica asked. “All that has changed for myself is finding you. Finding my place in this world.” She sighed contentedly. “I have now all I need to be happy. A stable position that I am well capable of preforming, and a true Lady to serve. I am happy, but I do understand Mrs. Wei” the smaller vixen beside her agreed. “We leave behind us so many friends. Yet we still have each other.”

“Yes. Yes we do” Millicent agreed as the last smudge of smoke from Main Island vanished. “We have each other. But you are no Tatiana, no Mother Oharu. And I known now that I am the less without them. Because I do love Tatiana. And I do respect, and need Mother Oharu.” She turned her back on what had been, looking forward towards the ships direction of travel. There were no other tourists on deck this early. Not for another half hour at least. Perhaps longer. Most had boarded so intoxicated that they needed assistance to their cabins.

“I arrived knowing a darkness was taking my life” Millicent continued. “Hoping to find he whom would feast upon my love. I had no hope of living this long dear Monica. My darkness was taking me, and I could not defeat it. I already knew that I would not return to glorious England. Not alive. Then my Tatiana came into my life. With her Mother Oharu. My life changed. I married a woman, I survived becoming enslaved.” She paused, letting those memories flow over her. “I took a dangerous German Agent and made her a friend. Still dangerous yes, but we have an understanding now. We enjoy each others company. And I have you.”

“The Chinese woman as well” the vixen reminded Millicent.

“Oh yes. Pinyin Jinghua. Granddaughter of the Chinese Consoler. As in love with her country as Tatiana is to Russia, as Jarvinia is to Germany. As I am to England.” She laughed softly. “We love our countries, not those who rule them. Jarvinia cannot stand the current Chancellor. She feels that he is mad. She looks forward to the day voting is allowed again. For she intends to see him thrown out. Jinghua fears the Communists, and what they would do to her country should they take power.”

Monica hugged herself, for the wind was beginning to cool her, and she knew that these were things she should not know. They were though, secrets that she would take to her grave. For unlike Millicent who was loyal to Crown and Country, she was now loyal only to the feline and her sable wife. “Is she not to be married to a Communist?” she asked. “As she told us after your party?” It was more to insure that her information was still correct, not skewed by a personal desire that the vixen asked this.

“Her Grandfather has arranged such. But the tiger is in London. Thus he is sending Jinghua to London in two days. We though will arrive well before her, as she is taking a ship the full distance.” Millicent giggled. “So much I have changed. I took her, not once, but over a dozen times. She has sworn herself to me, but I love only Tatiana.” She reached over to lay a paw on the vixens shoulder. “That does not make you unimportant to me. I do love you. I desperately need you. I just do not love you as I love my wife. I will love no one that way, but my Tatty.”

Those words were a great comfort to Monica. She was loved. Oh certainly she had never hoped to be loved as Tatiana was, it wasn’t possible and she was fully aware of that. But she was loved, she had hoped but never truly expected. “China” she said, pushing that emotion behind her for the moment. It was one she would glory in. Later. “Germany. You are collecting the Nations for Tatiana. What will be next?”

“I do not know” the feline admitted. “Madam Maxine awoke within me something I never suspected existed. My Tatty needs the intelligent around her. She needs those she can trust. For when we face that red feathered vulture. When we rip his black heart out and save Tatty’s Russia. It will be with the strength of the knowledge of nations. Not just ourselves. Now, it has been a long night Monica. Shall we have breakfast, then retire until lunch?”

“Or Dinner” the vixen agreed, for she had been with the feline on Main Island, and had watched as the Russian sable Tatiana had held her crying mate until they had to board the ship. Monica was fully aware of what had happened to her tormentors. Had watched as they walked off that ship. They were slaves now, and her desire for vengeance was fully sated. She had no more hate for those tree. In fact she looked forward to working with them in the future. Now that they knew their place. Sadly though, she couldn’t help wonder if one day Millicent wouldn’t do the same to her. She would like to be as certain of her position with the Wei’s as those slaves were, though she really didn’t want to be a slave. But at the moment Millicent could discard her in a moment, for there was no written contract between them. Only an understanding. Perhaps that would change in time. Maybe before they arrived home. She certainly hoped so. Not knowing, that made her nervous. Uncertain. Silently she followed her Mistress into the ships dining area, and her new life.

Even as Millicent and her servant were retiring for the morning, the collie Dassher was studying three young vixens standing smartly before him. ‘Nikki does excellent work’ he thought as he studied the three, noting that their clothing hung a bit loosely about them today. “So” he started, having killed the microphones in his office yet again. “You go out and sell yourselves. For how much. How many thousands of pound will your families receive for your bodies.” he asked.

“One farthing each sir” the three answered as one.

“One... farthing” he repeated. “Do you have any idea how little a farthing is worth?”

“We do sir” Mary Louise Sanderson, the one Millicent had named Orange answered. She had always been the leader of these three the canine remembered. More voted leader than natural. “It has no real value. We have no real value. We are Mrs. Millicent Bryzov-Wei’s private property sir. Charged with serving the Crown, and you to the very best of our ability. We are to earn our value in her eyes. In your eyes. In the Crowns eyes.”

“And I am supposed to trust you?” he asked. “Why. Because Millicent says so? Millicent is gone.”

“Yes sir” the vixen admitted. “Millicent Wei is gone. Tatiana Wei remains. She will punish us should we fail to serve the Crown to the best of our ability. And sir? We really do not want to spend another week on that island sir.”

“I see” the hound replied. “Very well. I have seen those documents ladies. Examined them quite carefully. You were in Albert Island territorial waters and their laws apply. I fear that those documents are fully legal. Thus photographic copies are in the archives, and another set are going out in Fridays dispatch to London. Do not think that she may have a change of heart and release you by destroying those papers.” Now Geraldine. You like to Garden. Correct?”

“Yes sir” the vixen answered. “Very much so.”

Dassher nodded in approval. “Very well. Martin could use a helping paw. Report to him when you leave here. You are now officially an apprentice gardener.”

“Thank you sir.” The relief in Geraldine’s voice was evident.

“Now, that leaves Orange and Cherry. What say you two?” he asked calmly.

To the girls credit they ignored him, until he smiled. “Just testing. And I will, now and then. Mary and Susan of course. . Mary. You like to cook?”


“Yes sir. Very much sir” the vixen answered.

“Report to Mrs. Harrison. Change into more serviceable clothing first. I am certain that you will be doing nothing but scrubbing pots for the next month. At least.”

“Thank you sir” Mary answered, though not quite with as much excitement. Scrubbing pots was where everyone started, and it was going to ruin her paws. What if Tatiana wanted her before they healed?

“Very good. That leaves Susan. The bookworm as I recall. To the Library with you. You are going to learn it from the dust bunnies up to the ceiling spiders. Any questions?”

“Sir” Susan asked. “We are to run the beach on South Island once each day. Will we be allowed the time?”

“Your off at five pm each day” Dassher answered. “Just like before. What you do until seven am the next morning is your business. As long as you do not embarrass your country. Any other questions? None? Then get out of my office you worthless lumps of fat.” He watched them leave, noting the slight droop in their shoulders at his last words. He had asked Nikki personally how to treat them, and was amazed at how easily that treatment came in regard to them.

“Nasty hound” a well known voice said from behind him.

Spinning around Dassher’s face broke into a rare smile. “Welcome back Major. How long this time?”

“Just two months I fear. Time to marry my American, if she will have me. Settle things in this arena, then back to London. She will follow when her contract here is over. It’s a change of posting for me. The old man says he needs me in London. I shall miss this posting.”

“And the pretty girls” Dassher laughed. “I fear I have bad news for you sir.”

“Bad news?” the bulldog asked. “What bad news?”

Dassher shrugged. “Rumor is sir, and from very good sources, that a certain American doctor has missed her last two moons.”

“How... good” Hawkins asked softly.

“Doctor Kiwi himself sir” the hound answered. His reward was seeing the unflappable Major Hawkings land in a chair, a poleaxed look on his face.

“This is not a joke” the bulldog asked softly.

“No sir. This is not the kind of joke I would pull on you Major, and you know it. I fear you will need a best man.”

Hawkings signaled his understanding. “I offer you that job. And after? Your returning to London?”

“My flight leaves Friday. I have two months, so we will cross on our returns I fear.”

“Not for long Dassher. I’ve put your name in for my staff. You may find yourself remaining in London. With me.”

Laughing the collie sat as well. “Poor Millicent. She thought herself free of us.”

Hawkins laughed as well, reaching into his jacket pocket for his pipe. “I may take up smoking again, if Annette will allow. But Millicent. Oh I have plans for her. And that sable of her’s. Not to forget her three little slaves. Very, very important plans. I just wish that I could be your best man as well. Congratulation on the twins by the way.”

“Thank you sir” Dassher answered. “And as the microphones are currently sleeping. What news from London?”

Aboard the S.S. PINECONE Millicent slept alone, her dreams that of her love, her sable, her Tatiana. She had no idea what was awaiting her in the future. For if she had, she would have leapt over the railing and swum back to Spontoon.