
An explanation

Hello there, yes both of you.

This is a new section titled TOSSOFFS, and it means exactly what it says. Often I write what I call Tossoffs. These are short pieces, a page to a few pages long. Rarely quite a bit more, that I never intend to finish, or once finished I normally erase. A TossOff is simply meant to flush an idea out of my mind in order that I can do other things. Very rarely they end up being published. This is unfinished and has been on my hard drive nearly a year. So I will publish it for now. Artists call this scribbling.

I have decided to post these random collections of jumbled words, so that anyone interested can see where my rather bent mind is going (and when you find out, please inform me. I’m still hunting it.) Since I am currently working most heavily in the Spontoon Island universe, a large proportion of these shorts will be related to that world. Still my wandering mind is not limited to that Share World.

There will be no real order in how these are listed. Only that each piece was probably written after the one before it. You will note that the story DOLLY has been moved from Spontoon Island, Random Works to this area. That is because this is where it truly belongs.

Okay, enough of the chatter. Enjoy yourself, and remember. No one is making you read the stuff. Really, so ignore the mouse with the jar of warmed marshmallow cream. She really isn’t there, so she really isn’t wearing a skin tight rubber suit. Besides, have you ever tried to get marshmallow cream out of fur?

Hey, the Daytona 500 is next week!

Mr,. David R. Dorrycott

February, 2009 C.E.


Throwaway Dream Sequence

A Closed Web
A Shattered Soul
A Simple Little Mistake
Brightwater Mountain
Nova Life
Seven Diamonds
The ISIC and World War Two
SDD 01 Dacatur (We Didn't)