Invitation, A Polite Decline

By Mr. David R. Dorrycott

            LR => JC



Kalith cut the connection and focused on Snowaters as she sat in her command chair. <Your not seriously debating going to an unknown planet populated by obviously unbalanced beings are you.> it asked.


Shaking her head no Snowaters accessed the ships galley files. "I'm not that stupid 'Lith" she replied. "Being eaten alive once was enough for me."


Kalith accessed her terminal, noting she was paging through the candies section. <Yes, and they appeared to be such a polite race of canines. Their communication made mention you were invited for a diplomatic dinner. Just not as the main course>.


The human/feline shivered at the thought. "Yes, well.., that was a couple hundred years ago. Llets forget it ok?" She tapped the screen. "Dotty, four hundred pounds delivered with my written reply."


<<400 pounds, acknowledged>> came a mechanical reply.


Captain Nantello was shocked at what materialized in her reception area. It was a large crate, fully two meters on a side appeared where she had anticipated the orbiting ships Captain. An envelope of some parchment like material was prominently displayed. Walking over to the crate she sniffed the air. "Chocolate, nuts, sugar, something else I can't quite figure out" she told herself.


Pulling the envelope down she glanced at her screens that were locked on the alien ship. It faded, appearing to twist within itself and was gone. "Well, that wasn't a Romulan cloak" she muttered, opening the message. Unfolding the single page within she sighed, turning away from the crate.


Captain Nantello;


I must regretfully decline your delightful invitation to dinner as an important message has arrived. Perhaps another time we may meet and talk. Until then, please accept my apology, and this gift of Fantasy Fudge, I can assure you that no animal protein was used in its manufacture. I look forward to our next meeting.




