by; Mr. David R. Dorrycott

Atlantia copyright Scott Alston


"Ok Kalith, let's get on with this" Snowaters said. Her voice was still rough after Atalanta's handling. "The sooner we get this combat happy Amazon home the better."


<Ready, you better make sure she understands the risks.>


Snowaters turned to Atalanta, who was standing on the transporter pad. "Last chance. There's a real possibility you won't survive this, sane that is."


Atalanta looked down into Snowaters eyes. "Look, anything is better than staying here. I want to go home, you brought me here so send me back" she answered.


Snowaters shook her head. "On your own head be it then. Kalith, on my mark three seconds then transport back the way she came."


<On your mark plus three seconds. Diamond transporters on-line at maximum power. Giga-jule pulse ready.>


Snowaters completed her primary settings, took one last look at Atalanta. "Athena be with you my friend" she said. She then pulled the pre-stage levers down. "Mark, plus one, plus two, plus three". She slid the levers full up.


Atalanta faded into a swirling roll of sparkling motes, then the second beam took effect. Within moments nothing remained on the pad. 'Kalith' Snowaters thought.




Did we send her home or did we kill her?'


<Feedback parameters are not exactly as anticipated but within accepted limits. I would say that about now she is materializing somewhere within two meters of her original position.>


'You know, we forgot to replace her clothing, I hope she isn't mad about that' she smiled a moment. 'But she looked so pretty in that outfit.'


<I would have to say that..wait.. >


'What is it?'


<Feedback along the transporter path, its breaking up but we have at least one viable echo.>




<Yes, apparently when the beam passed through the Orion Nebula it was split. With part being reflected back to the Klipper. Other parts may have been reflected to other directions>


'What about the original?'


<Original beam attenuated somewhat. She may experience some temporary loss of memory or motor skills. However nothing permanent.>


'And the echos?'


<Unstable, attenuating the main echo now. Recovering signal. Re-phasing. I strongly suggest you alert Medical. We have a phase shift. Attempting to compensate.>


Snowaters flipped on the intercom, selecting the symbol she recognized as the Klippers emergency medical channel and spoke. "Transporter Room Two to Medical, Transporter Room Two to Medical. I have an incoming Transporter emergency. Subject is female, may be violent."


In front of her the pad sparkled again, Violet's and blues interlace with the normal silver sparkle. She reactivated the signal capture process. Slowly, with Kalith's help the signal approached normalcy. Atalanta stood again on the Klipper, yet a slightly different Atalanta although Snowaters could not put her finger on the difference.


Atalanta looked surprised. She took one step forward, wavered, and began to fall. Snowaters rushed forward and caught her but the heavier tigeriess forced her down to the deck on her back with a thud. Snowaters rolled Atalanta out from under her and kneeled beside her. Just then the medical team rushed into the room.


On the sands outside Al Lidam the winds whirled in a sudden dervish. An old man tending his goats shielded his eyes from the expected sting and was surprised when he felt nothing but a sudden chill. Opening his eyes he was astonished to see a beautiful woman appear by magic. Clad in a ransom of silks and brocade she stepped forward, looked at him, and asked in a voice like water flowing through a creek. "Where? When?" she asked. Before he could answer she fell to her knees, struggled, then collapsed at his feet.


Cornell Devonston liked to walk the moors at night. The muted sounds caused by the fogs helped her forget the war and the chance they could still lose. She was surprised by the sudden swirl of light near her. 'Fairies' she thought, grasping great grandmothers amulet lying against her breast. She stepped forward to get a better view and was shocked to see a tall woman appear out of nothing. Clad in fairy clothing she stepped forward and looked Cornell in the eyes. "Where? When?" she asked. Then she collapsed in the moor at the young girls feet.


Atalanta started her shower. 'Home again' she thought, 'Home and away from that crazy leopardess'. She set the water warmer, gratified to be rid of that Harem outfit. As she relaxed she felt something strike her in the belly. Shocked she opened her eyes. Nothing, yet... she could see Snowaters trying to catch her as she fell. At the same time a goat herder in some desert.. 'Arab?' she thought, and a small woman in some kind of misty peat bog at night. Then blackness fell over her. She had time only to cry out Alexanders name before she slipped under the engulfing blanket of unconsciousness.


Snowaters watched the medical team rush Atalanta out of the transporter room. 'Kalith, what about these echos?' she asked.


<Total number of long term echos, fifteen. Viabilities as follows. On board echo is extremely stable. Two semi-stable, four unstable, eight ghosts. All other echos have ceased to exist by this time.>


Snowaters exited the Transporter room, turning towards the turbolift. 'Guess I better inform Dang about this' she decided. 'What about these echos?'


<Viable echo onboard Klipper. Two semi-stable echos will remain in place for an undetermined period of time, from months to years depending on local events. Four semi-stable echos will remain for days to weeks, Ghosts will remain at specific locations undetermined period of time. Snowy. Rum-Ulan test program running.>


'Rum-Ulans? Oh this will help a bit. What about these ghosts?'


<To all extents they will appear as traditional ghosts, unable to communicate other than by lip reading & sign language. Lifespan of ghosts is less than four years. At that time they will fade away. Warning Snowy, Atalanta is in mental contact with all echos.>


The turbolift stopped. 'Better warn medical, they will need to know or she may go insane.' The doors slid open and she stepped out on the bridge. On the screen she could see the Rum-Ulan ship.


<Acknowledged, transferring data to medical computers now. Good luck.>