Gee.. It was Just A

Tiny Little Mistake.....

by: Mr. David R. Dorrycott



Phileana stomped down the corridors fuming, a year, a WHOLE YEAR Crestly had ignored her. She was determined she'd do something to teach him a lesson. Turning a corner the Teddy Bear was almost knocked to the deck by a speeding Eoi, desperately trying to find someone to get the slime out of his fur from Slim's joke.


Staggering for a moment she regained her balance, seeing the little fluffball for her first time. "Mygoodnesswhatareyou?" she asked.

Eoi, caught off guard just grinned (a sometimes frightening thing as he can give Little Dragon a run in the ivory department) "I'm the embodiment of Insanity, currently looking for a shower to get this crud out" it answered.


Phileana shook her head. Eoi was beyond even her experiences. "Embodymentofinsantiy? Can'thelpyoutherebutIcancleanyourfur, IwasabutetiononServonIVforfiftyyearsonce."

 Eoi staggered, this girl talked in a single word, perfect it thought. "Um, ok but where?"


Reaching out she snagged Eoi in one paw, hauling it to the nearest ladies room. "GoteverythingIneed" rattled off the android as she turned on warm water. Reaching into one pocket she withdrew a small blue tube. Soaking the surprised Eoi she spread blue goo over it, rubbing the sudsy lather created through out its gunk encrusted fur. "SomethingIgotfromagirlnamedHollie" she rattled as her fingers worked the crud out of Eoi's fur.


Eoi had to admit it felt good, even the suds tickled, not burning its eyes in the least. A quick blow dry, brushing and it felt as good as new. "SeeItoldyouIknewwhatIwasdoing" Phileana gushed as she held Eoi up to a mirror, "Gladtohavebeenofhelp, gottagonow" rattled around the small chamber as she left. Eoi felt happy, content, but something itched. Maybe the bear had missed a spot.


A shaft of pain struck Eoi suddenly, with a scream it dropped to the floor. Shaking off the effects it floated back up, feeling heavier that normal. 'Ow that hurt, what happened?' it thought.

Lifting back up to mirror level it was stunned. Staring back was good old Eoi.... Good old Eoi with shimmering golden Pegasus wings.



                                                         Phileana copyright Mr. David R. Dorrycott

                                                         Eoi copyright Mr. Danny Barnett

                                                         Holle copyright Ms. Lynne Witten