

by Mr. David R. Dorrycott

    sssshhiisshhhhh "That's one small step...." sssshhhhissssss

    Teesha hated her present position, trapped between magic and technology....

    Zzzzzzzz KRAK "By the power of.... zzzzzzzpop...

    Every since she'd been frightened by that Egyptian.....

    sssshhhh "Gremlins do not exist E.T." sssssssssshhhh

    Everything she'd tried had failed, everything.

     Xark POP "..and your little dog..... Crack hissssssss

     It wasn't the drifting that bothered her. God no, after all she'd stopped aging...

     hissss "Eagle One, this is Alpha Control...." xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

     She'd even gotten younger, which was surprising. Now she had the body.....

     Krrizzzxzzz "..Give me the crystal Kyla,...." zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

     ...of a sixteen year old. If she didn't escape soon......

     Qureellerrrrr... "Gate opening in three... two... one.... KRACK....."

She felt something grab her, reality twisted again as some technological race opened a worldgate. She had a glimpse of something insect-like, black with an aura of purest evil, then she was falling through another tunnel. There was a flash, something to see again other than the formless grey of her prison. With a shock she realized she was falling, falling from a great height. To her left the sun was setting over a grey ocean, below her was a cliff, strange white flowered plants covering the ground and an ancient ruin. For an instant time seemed to change, the castle rebuilt. 'Scotland?' she thought. 'Am I home?' Warm air flowed over her, she looked down. Granite Cumulus was less than three seconds away. With a rush she spoke the spell that would save her life.

Darkness came in instant later.

Sharrown Chattan was on his first true vacation in years. He was taking his evening walk along the cliffs when he first heard the sound. It was almost like a bagpiper clearing his pipes, when the shadow fell over him. A fast glance up told him all he needed to know, dodging to one side he barely missed being flattened by the falling body. There was a heavy thud, felt more than heard. Then... silence.


Sharrown was a strong man, well acquainted with life and death. Still it took him a few minutes before he could martial the courage to pear through the heather where the body had landed. Taking a deep breath, expecting the worst, he peered over the flowering plants.

A very young girl in overlarge clothing was lying a few inches below him, her body having made a substantial crater. Surprisingly there was almost no blood, only a tiny trickle from her mouth. As he watched the chest suddenly convulsed, slowly settling down to a regular, if shallow rhythm Somehow, she was alive.

Teesha work to a dark room, the sweet smell of heather heavy in the air. Slowly opening one eye she glanced around. The room was... primitive, a hearth across from her was filled with a cheary fire. She could see a heavy, rough worked table and dried plants hanging from the rafters. She wasn't certain, but the roof appeared to be straw, or reeds. Carefully she slipped her hand under the covers, not really surprised to find herself in her slip. With a soft sigh she opened her other eye. Might as well face the music she decided.

Sharrown stood from his chair at the slight sound. Walking slowly he moved a chair next to his visitor. Sitting slowly he looked at the woman. "Well Lassie" he said, 'An' how ye be feeling this fine mornin."

Teesha stared at the wildcat. His clothing seemed to have come from an exploding psychedelic factory. Blinking her eyes she groaned, he couldn't be colorblind, it had to be a statement of some kind. She tried to speak, only to release a croak. Smiling in embarrassment she swallowed and tried again. "Where?" she asked, "Clothes and my?"

“Ach, That's the Doctors doon ta' be sure" Sharrown answered. "Strange ye na' broken bones 'tall. Eho ya bee lassie, an' where froom."

Between Sharrown's heavy drawl and her aches, Teesha found it hard to understand him. Still, with patience she made sense of his words. "Teesha called am I, mother from am I" she answered.

Sharrown's face broke into a grin. 'Good one lassie" he said, his voice suddenly clearly understandable. "And what happened to you?"

Teesha's worry subsided, she licked her lips, carefully giving the male a toothless smile. "Boring it was well, I was kind-a where. Thought I'd so just I for a visit drop in."

Teesha Copyright Mr. David R. Dorrycott

Sharrown Copyright Bruce Grant