By Mr. David R. Dorrycott

First Brawl Posting


[Snowy... Contact....90,000 klicks and closing.]


"ummmm..??" (crawling out from under the covers) "Ok, which ship??"


[Transponder shows as KLIPPER Snowy..]


"KLIPPER!! (Sitting bolt upright), Cloak the ship, code red, battle stations!!!


[Cloaking, Snowy, we don't have any weapons....what's up?]


"Oh...yes...that's right...(standing up, wrapping the thin blanket around her)... Maybe we can pull a joke on that group of madmen... What's in the decoy rack?"


[KL-7, KL-8, SR-71. Snowy, you still have not answered my query]


"Pop the KL-8, 15K Klicks, program CP. Access file LOVELYANGLES2."


[Decoy launched, Accessing....... oh my.......]


“Right, see if you can get us under them and tap their internal comm system while I get dressed."


[Working, they seem to be having internal difficulties, this should aid the attempt.]


"Ok, do I have time for a shower?"


[No. Unless you want to be soaking wet if a problem occurs]


"In my ship? That's only ...."


[A fifty-fifty probability]


"Right, coming up now."


[Coming under their sensor net now, they show be picking up the decoy in seven seconds]


"Lovely, how long before lock?"


[Lock...... NOW]


(Slight shudder as the STAR DIAMOND matches the KLIPPER's course & speed.)


[Accessing internal communications... Unusual Security Program, appears to be an AI of high degree, bypassing. Minimal access. Running CP program]


<On board the KLIPPER's bridge>




The bridge screen shows a monster starship fading in less that 20,000 Kilometers from the KLIPPER.




<Onboard the STAR DIAMOND>

“How are you doing K'?"


[Access difficult... They appear to be discussing some type of plant and how to control it. Command appears to be trying to communicate with the drone]


"Ok, let's get out of here before they discover it's only a decoy."


[Understood, departing]


(Sudden shaking of the ships hull)


“What was that?"


[Ummmm...You remember I told you there was a 50-50 chance of problems]


"Oh Goddess.... What happened?"


[We are no longer cloaked]


(whimper) ""

