By Mr. David R. Dorrycott

She stood quietly in the bus, ignoring curious looks from the natives. Certainly not many offworlders wandered out to these lands, there wasn't any transportation designed for any but the native centaur population, nor were their acceptable accommodations. Still this was where her inquires had led her.

Grinding to a halt the vehicles driver glanced back, motioning to the silver furred teddybear. "Miss, this is as close as we get" he said. "Are you certain you want me to leave you here?"


Phileana2(#2, pronounced Phi-le-Anna) smiled at the elderly centaur. "Yes. I'll be fine, I assure you" she replied. Gathering up her single knapsack she stepped out into the late Autumn weather. Moments later she watched as the bus rounded a curve, leaving her alone beside an empty crossroad. Turning she read the faded sign. THE MEADOW 9km. "This is the place" she told herself. Reaching into the knapsack she withdrew an aged wallet, something she had found while visiting planet Montana. Flipping open the huge litter of pictures she whistled slightly to herself. "I didn't know centaurs could move that way" she giggled. Returning the wallet to its hiding place, she shouldered her knapsack and started walking.

Lorecifer spotted the humanoid long before her arrival. Remembering a certain horse mages last visit, he quickly shooed off his more.... personal herdmates. Cantering to the gate he awaited the bright-things arrival, at least Mare-ody wasn't around this time to ruin his ... fun.


Phileana2 smiled as she approached the gate, taking in the ragged too-often worn T-shirt and its faded message. 'Top Stallion' she read, and giggled. Another Dom wanna-be. This was the person she wanted to see. Reaching the gate she extended a hand. "Hello Lorecifer. I'm Phileana2. I've come to ask for your help."

“Pie-e-andy huh" Lorecifer hissed in reply. "So tell me why I should help you little girlie."

She nodded to herself, just the attitude she'd been told to expect. Withdrawing the wallet she let the pictures unfold just out of the centaurs reach. "This" she said, pointing at one very interesting photo, "Is why. The what is getting to the Klipper where Crestly is hiding, maybe help me find him." she replied. "You have access, I'm almost out of funds" she finished.

Lorecifer stared at the pictures. "Impossible" he whispered. "She CAN'T have them" then at the plump little woman. "whh.... whhh.. Where did you get those!" he demanded.


Phileana2 smiled, shaking her head no, "You get me on the Klipper, I'll give you... ohh... this one" she pointed to a less interesting photo. "You get me Crestly's love, how about these two. As for the rest, those I keep. After all. Who knows. I may need a stallions services again in the future, even one with your... tastes?"


                                           Phileana2 copyright 1996 Mr. Davir R. Dorrycott

                                           Lorecifer & Mare-ody copyright Melody Rondeau

                                           Harry the Horse copyright Joy Riddle

                                           Klipper, Crestly & Wallet of really embarrassing pictures
                                          (last seen in the May 1991 DBU) copyright Mel. White