Melanie's Peace

by Mr. David R. Dorrycott

Melanie Dracaenea, fresh out of Wilmore Genengineering's medical recovery section, stood looking out the triple glazed window of her rebuilt home. Scents of fresh paint, new wood and still curing concrete came to her sensitive nose. Nothing in strong enough concentrations to affect her still delicate health, her homes new filtration system was seeing to that, but enough to bother her.

Outside was dim, watery sunlight. Winter had passed while she had recovered, now the spring rains were here and as bad as the winter before them. She could see the lakeshore slowly slipping away as the man-made lake overfilled, somewhere around the bend sluice gates were wide open, fighting a losing battle. The main road had been cut several hours ago and still the water rose. Steamboat hadn't answered her letters, and Snowaters had taken her ship to another reality several weeks ago. Locked in to her home by the weather she was beginning to become depressed.

"Warning" a soft male voice called, breaking into her daydreams. "Floodwaters have reached level one".

She spun her pot around, searching for the unknown voice.


"Initiating level One screens" the voice said again. There was a hum, what sunlight that had been coming through her windows dimmed a bit, the patter of rain ceased moments later.


Turning back to her view, she could see a wavering in the sky. Water slid in sheets along its surface, striking the ground with strength. 'Well, that explains the strange concrete ring' she thought to herself. Bringing her gaze to the water she was astonished to see it slowly rising up into the air, creating a solid wall of muddy brown against... nothingness?

Turning back to the interior of her home she rolled slowly to the rooms center. Stopping, she put still healing hands against the spring-fresh leaves at her hips. "All-right" she said, her voice as stern as she could manage. "Come out come out whomever you are."

A sparkling vortex formed before her, slowly coalescing into the form of a young male. She looked closer at the blue clad figure. 'Make that elf male' she thought to herself. "Who are you and why are you here?" she demanded.


"I am your house servant" the figure answered. "Steamboat convinced Snowaters that you would need assistance, at times when no one could get to you. His idea was myself, a computer 'housesitter'. It is my function to insure that you are never again placed in danger, while at home."

"I see" the plant-woman replied, reaching out with one hand to touch the figure, only to find her fingers sliding through air. "Can you become more solid?" she asked.

"No" the figure answered, "That would have required more power than your systems can currently supply. A matter-antimatter generator was discussed, but Steamboat decided it would simply make you a target for terrorists wanting your 'bomb.'" It paused, seeming to think. "I've just contacted the Station Weather Beau, this rain will continue at least a week longer. You should be safe here, but I've taken the opportunity to notify Wilmore & Steamboat."

"I see" she answered. "Is there nothing you can't do?"

"Honestly mistress, there isn't that much I can do" replied the little figure. "I'm really nothing more than a house security system, with a few add-ons."

"All right" Melanie said, her mood brightening as she made a decision. "You can go, I'll be fine as long as your around."

She turned away from the fading figure, a smile slowly growing on her face. 'Trust Snowaters' she thought, 'She didn't forget me after all.'


Melanie & Seamboat copyright Mr. Scott Thomas