Who? ME?

by Mr. David R. Dorrycott

“Your friends back"


Tani Icedance's comment caused P2 to abruptly stop her inventory. "Friend? You don't mean Lorecifer do you?" she asked. Concern flickered across her face a moment.

"In the flesh."

 She leaned back against the small chambers wall, a soft sigh escaping her. "I'd hoped he'd find out too late. Oh well, that just adds another figure to the equation."


"How long do you think you can keep avoiding capture?" the human netrunner asked. Although not personally involved, Tani was finding this new event interesting. At least it was fun, not like the invasions previously and the ships sensors had detected that everything P2 was using had both been used before (in fact, coming out of leftover stores) and, except in the case of an accidently large dose of LP#9, temporary in effect.


P2 started shoving things back into the grey/black rucksack. "Thirty-three minutes is the best I can expect, now that Lorecifer is involved." She selected an empty shatter-sphere, carefully unscrewing the upper section. "He's probably the most dangerous, what with his temper and Mareody no where around to calm him down." She carefully poured a tiny dollop of LP#9 into the sphere, then finished filling it with a light blue liquid. "But this ought to slow him down for a while, the Nine will only last a couple of hours tho. Still, it cuts off an avenue of escape I'd banked on having." Finished she carefully screwed the sphere back together.

"What's the blue stuff?" Tani asked, for there were no sensors in the small mop room.

"Helium Seven, de-stabilized of course or they'd never get through that corridor again" the silver furred teddybear answered, hefting her rucksack as she turned towards the door. "Brings the friction in the affected area down to a negative number, but it'll only last two minutes." Cracking open the door she spotted Lorecifer turning the corner only thirty meters away. Stepping out she tossed the shattersphere. Its soft pop lost in the sound of her call. "Oh Lorecifer" she called, waving. "Looking for little 'ol me?"


The Centaur's reaction was typical, with a roar he charged the waiting figure... Making about twenty meters before hitting the almost invisible pool. Legs & hooves went in all directions as he found himself suddenly skidding on his back towards the waiting woman. Three meters from her, he came to a stop as normal friction returned. With another growl he fought to stand, looking up to.... to... to face the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen. "Hold this for me, will you love?" P2 asked. Lovestruck, he accepted the tiny sphere from her, watching mindlessly as she turned and ran away.

Seconds later the Gender-Bender bomb detonated soundlessly in his hand....

* * * * *

Dr. Jill staggered out of the shower, busily using a thick, heavy towel to get the most of her fur dry. Once she'd found an unoccupied stateroom (the ship seemed full of life, yet empty staterooms abounded) she had cleaned up. Something in the gook must have been a bit toxic because she felt funny, her fell tingled all over. Her center of balance kept shifting too, and her eyes kept unfocusing. Still wrapped in the luxurious towel she accessed the computer. "Where am I" she asked.

"Stateroom J-27293-A, Section 91, Deck 9166" came the reply.

'Huge?' the Skunkmorph thought. 'Try fantastically immense.' "No, I meant, what's this places name..." It took almost ten minutes to get all the information see needed, except as to how she'd gotten here in the first place. In that time the gooks effects seemed to wear off. Dropping the towel she pulled her clothing from the auto-cleaner, only to discover they seemed to have shrunk, becoming several sizes too small. Something fluttered from her blouse as she struggled to get it on. Almost absently she captured to tiny pink label in mid-air. Turning it over she read the inscription. 'FANBOY DREAM Mk VII, 24 hour Reaction per Dosage, 200 doses. Pat. Pending.' Blinking, she turned to the full length mirror, discovering just why none of her clothes fit anymore. Her jaw dropped as she viewed the dark blue-eyed overdeveloped bombshell looking back at her, platinum blond hair cascading down to her ankles. "SOMEBODY'S GONNA DIE FOR THIS" she screamed at the figure.


Elsewhere, a panting P2 leaned against the ships inner hull "I'm beginning to wish I had sis's body" she gasped, sucking in deep gulps of oxygen rich air. Beside her a speaker suddenly clicked on and Dr. Jill's scream came through clearly. Looking towards the speaker she giggled. "Think they'll just draw and quarter me, or is the meat grinder being warmed up" she asked. In answer a tiny screen flickered on, the image changing as it showed the effects of her actions against each of her targets. The sight of Dang discovering his... HER new body was enough to send the ex-android into a giggle fit. Suddenly a voice from far up the corridor broke into her laughter. "There she is, get her!" someone screamed. "Well, no rest for the wicked" she laughed as she headed towards the ships stern, scattering Stupor String traps behind her as she ran.


Tani Icedance (c) Kay ("Tani would NEVER get involved!") Shapero

Dang & Klipper (c) Mel. (who's probably still inna dark on this one) White

Dr. Jill (c) John ("I'll Kill-yah!") Cornetto

Mareody & Lorecifer (c) Melody (the slow) Rondeau

P2 (c) Mr. David R. ("Who? ME?") Dorrycott

Various chemicals, bombs & attacks (c) whomever first used them