He's Here!

By Mr. David R. Dorrycott





Runner marveled at her new clothing, the being Kalith had explained the specialized equipment when it noticed her searching, first thinking she was hungry. Healed or not, the idea of food at the moment didn't quite make her stomach feel happy. Running one hand along the silken texture of the gown she stretched. "Kalith, is there anything like a gymnasium around here" she asked, fighting the wave of sleep that battered at her. Tired or not, she really didn't feel like sleeping at the moment.


<Exit your chambers. Turn right. Follow the light> Kalith answered distractedly.


Runner noted the distraction, mechanical or not some things carried. Not knowing the standard shipboard situation she let it pass, certain the ships controller would inform her if something was amiss. Leaving the chambers assigned to her by Kalith, what it called the Guest Room, she turned right to be greeted by a floating

ball of brown light.

"Impossible" she muttered. "Brown isn't a viable light emitter". Still the little ball bobbed in front of her, brightening (Browning?) and dimming as it waited. Shrugging her shoulders she followed the little pathfinder.


Kalith had good reason to be distracted, although Snowaters was healing as expected her illness was compounded by exhaustion. She needed at least twelve hours of sleep to avoid an attack of physical exhaustion, but the universe they were in was one of the deadliest Kalith would allow her to visit. Right now they were in the middle of space Kalith knew to be controlled by a very deadly race. Ones Snowy insisted on referring to as saltshakers on wheels. As well, there was that troublesome Doctor that popped in and out in a manner the silicon alien found.. disquieting. Rechecking the scans it noticed at least seven ships vectoring on the old freighter. Engaging standard cloak it set the tired old ship on a high speed run across two of the incoming ships path. High speed being relative considering the tiny warcraft packed away in a cargo blister could run rings around the old tub, still it was faster than anything that existed in this reality.


Runner stepped into an empty chamber. "What is this place" she muttered, unsurprised by the echos that answered her, the room was huge.


"Good afternoon Runner" came a light, sexless voice. "You have entered SRVR Deck, visitors are regulated to threat level nine or less. Please state your desires."


Runner looked around trying to spot the speakers she knew had to be there, unable in the monotonous black and silver to spot anything. "What's threat level nine" she asked, certain the speaker had to be only a few feet in front of her but sensing nothing.


Threat level nine. Danger, possibility of injury" came the reply. "If you desire a higher threat level, up to twenty, you will have to request the Captain's permission."


Runner reached out, feeling nothing. "Twenty?" interest obvious in her voice. "What is level twenty?"


"Kobar Planetary invasion is equal to level twenty".


Runner shuddered, she remembered that event and didn't think she ever wanted to experience anti-matter devices as sidearms again. "Anything else then humm... Ok, how about Candy Land if your so good" she answered.


There was a shifting, more of light than space and the elf found herself in a sickly sweet scene, her feet mired in several inches of white icing. The overpowering smell of refined white sugar filled her senses. Combined with the 'mornings' events she almost lost what little her stomach held. "Arrggghhh No get me out of here" she screamed, closing her eyes against the childhood dreamworld.


"Program aborted" the voice answered. "Have you another selection?"


Breathing deeply to clear her senses of the sickly white sugar smell Runner grinned and began detailing her requirements. "This place is going to be fun" she thought. "At least, as long as I keep my mouth from running off".


Kalith evaded the final enemy ship setting the Diamond on a climb to Z North. Few races every managed to be comfortable with much of three dimensional space and the salt shakers were the worst of those who did. Still anything greater than Z plus 10M was beyond their tactical systems. All in all, the alien felt rather comfortable. Snowaters was resting comfortably and the alien Runner was having fun in a rather unique VR program. Then alarms screamed along its network, if it could groan it would. Still two words did pass through

the intercom systems.


Runner came to a staggering stop as the intercom spat two rather rude words. Looking around she was struck by a vague feeling, then a grinding sound started filling the room. "Kill program" she ordered. Turning to face the noise, spotting a blue box materializing as her SRVR world faded like wisps of smoke. There was a thump, followed by quiet. Runner was distracted by the flashing blue light and almost caught unaware as two beings, a man and woman, exited the strange craft.


"Welcome to sunny South England" the male was saying as they exited. "Just like I promised Sarah I've brought you home."


The woman coughed, pointing at Runner, "Doctor. I don't think this is England."


The man stooped, ignoring the Elf as he looked around, running his hand along the deck. "I think.." he started, "Program D-19357-HA-B43 Zeta he ordered. The room flowed, becoming a soft meadow glade with a castle in the background. "Yes. I thought so."


Runner looked at the two, astonishment in her face as she watched the man, obviously at home, walk towards her. "Who???" she managed.


"Yes" the man answered, holding out one hand as the other gathered an immense multi-coloured scarf in. "But just plain Doctor will do. Now where's that cute Captain of yours at."



Runner copyright Rodford E. Smith

Snowaters, Kalith, Star Diamond copyright Lord Rees

Dr. Who, Sarah Jane Smith, Daleks copyright BBC Entertainment