Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6
Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9
Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12
Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15

Dragonet, a new Hero or Dark Evil?

© 1998, 2011 Mr. David R. Dorrycott

Reported by: Thomas Maxium Feilding

Greater Perth Herald

Lizards... It was rarely lizards that people thought of when needing help. Certainly not when thinking of Heros. In fact, it is almost never lizards one turns to. Oh yes, costumed figures are thought of. Those with odd powers, the police or even occasionally the rare true hero, those without unnatural powers who arrive to save the day. Once or twice one might even call for the military.

But lizards? Reptiles from the far past?

Yet those who studied the ancient legends were always aware of hints, whispers, odd glimpses into some forgotten legend. An ancient native legend that claimed that, for this land, the Dragon would always send a child to defend those who needed such. Yet defend what? Whom? Dragons mythology in Australia is acknowledge to be the oldest. Reaching as far back as sixty-five thousand years ago. Yet the Australian dragon is more serpent that true dragon. Even the New Zealand dragon suffers a metamorphosis between sea serpent, shark, whale and lizard. No great leather winged reptiles weave their ways through stories, no flame breathing dragon stands carved as if high in the skies. Only the Bunyip appears as Europeans might think of a dragon. Then only in a cartoonist manner. Then why these whispers? Why the barely noticed hints?

During the colonial days, when England shipped her convicts South to force colonize this, Earths smallest continent, one man had stood against the English army in its oppression. At least it was claimed to have been a man. A man wearing perhaps a croc’s skin, with made up wings of roo hide. No one believed the stories that this ‘man’ could fly, only that he helped crush the English hold by striking at English patrols oppressing ‘Free’ colonists.. When the troubles ended ‘Croc Man’ seemed to have vanished.

When Germany and Japan became an aggressor in World War II, yet another stood with those few costumed crime fighters standing for good. This man too was thought to wear a croc skin, to have recreated or rediscovered the original ‘Croc Man’s’ costume. He drifted across the skies at night, helping keep the peace while military forces strove this time not to oppress the Australian people, but save them from destruction. He too vanished when the troubles ended. Or was thought too have. There were rare reports of his existence until well into the late fifties. Those few crime fighters who continued to work after the war admitted they had met him, even worked with him. Then those stories too passed, replaced by more popular reports of UFO’s. Flying Saucers. Aliens from Mars come to invade. For man had entered space, having done so the public’s mind followed.

Silence followed, the stories forgotten by all but a handful. Then again in the seventies another ‘croc man’ appeared. This one worked with another small group of heros, helping to fight crime. Photographs of this one seemed to prove he wasn’t wearing a costume either. Adventurers and scientists soon fanned out, searching the outback for some ancient forgotten tribe of reptiles. Some tribe of perhaps intelligent descendants of dinosaurs. Though no one found any such evidence (we won’t dwell on the obvious frauds) this new ‘croc man’, as all others before, rarely had contact with the public other than to leave some battered criminal in front of a police officer.

So rumors abounded.

One popular rumor was of a mist shrouded magical valley only ‘true believers’ could enter. Another of a strange magical stream that could change any human into a flying reptile, but only for a night. Yet the one taken most seriously was of ancient caverns, deep near or below the city, where such a tribe could exist undetected. This rumor slowly became story, then legend. It had within it all the ‘facts’ needed to explain a mysterious appearing then disappearing flying ‘croc man.’ Why he would only be seen at night, never day. One born & raised underground would have little protection from the sun of course. It also explained how he could vanish without a trace. Searches even discovered a few deep natural caverns, though none showed any evidence of habitation. At least not in the last twenty-thousand years. Still the entrance had to be nearby. This supposed entrance had to be located, thus even our military became involved for a short time. Yet like all other such attempts to locate what did not exist, each project eventually closed with ‘No Evidence’ stamped on its folders. About all these searches ever proved was that yes, there were previously unknown caverns deep under the city but no, there was no way short of drilling to access them.

It seem’s however that no one ever bothered to examine any of the long abandoned mines dotting their cities hills. At least, not those held on private lands.

Now a new age is upon us. Dusting off piles of long ignored texts we discover this new reptile ‘hero’ bears much resemblance to those of pasts days, yet perhaps not as much as we should expect. This reptile however is more open, has permitted close examination by qualified medical people. This reptile is no male, is no croc and certainly has no roo hide wings. For this reptile is a woman. More importantly, medical evidence places her body more in the genius of True Dragon than croc or dinosaur. And she has no fear of the Sun as did the older incarnations.


So we are left with a mystery. What are these heros who are more reptile than human. Have they accidently stumbled across some element, some ancient water or device that changes them forever into this form? Why always as a force for good? One would expect at least one of this line to have been a criminal, yet none are. This leaves us wondering about our new visitor. A creature once human, mentally still human. Did she retain her soul? Or is she, as some Priest’s are already claiming, an embodiment of the evil one. A succubus sent to try mens souls, to turn us from God? Is she even still human?

This reporter isn’t certain, yet this reporter has seen with his own eyes the one called Dragonet enter a church of her own free will. To display respect, to offer communion with God. Certainly had she been what is claimed she would have been destroyed. Wouldn’t she?