When the Sun Turns to Darkness

by Mr. David R. Dorrycott

copyright 2002 - 2006 C.E.


Chapter Three

No Rest for the Guilty

Rebecca woke to the sound of her name. Still groggy from the drug it took her a bit to remember where she was and why she felt so light. Her stomach grumbled as she managed to release the velcro straps holding her in bed. Still someone was calling her name. It took a few more long seconds to locate the speaker, stagger to her feet under the low gravity them discover a pushbutton built into the device.

“Wilkens” she half gasped, then half moaned as the universe spun about her.

“Wilkens. I’ve been trying to get your attention for ten minutes. XO wants you in his office ASAP. Forward, two levels below command. Out.”

A click indicated that whomever had spoken was no longer available. Looking at her clothing she made a decision. There wasn’t an officer born who would wait for you to change clothes. Her stomach complained again. Or wait until you’d had something to eat. Taking a moment to swallow water from her cabins tiny head Rebecca headed out.

It took her almost as long to find the office she was headed for as to be woken by that young male voice. Only by asking questions and once doubling back (some corporals idea of a joke) did she even find her destination. Oddly there was no outer office, simply an airtight hatch that opened into an office. An office that had certainly once been a dumpster from her observation. Papers, books, devices. You name it they were stacked everywhere. Rapping hard on a small wooden panel glued to the corridor wall and noting its slightly hollow response, she waited.

A head popped up. “Your?” a deeper than expected voice asked.

“Wilkens, Rebecca Wilkens” she answered. “Reporting as ordered.” Her stomach grumbled yet again. Water had not appeased its wants after all.

“Ah. Yes. You’re my new MEO. Welcome aboard Seems my last MEO got caught between a BDB and a closed hatch. Messy business. Computer puts you next in line. Congratulations. I understand your husband has taken a slot in Medical. May only be a vet, but any medical training is better than none. Besides, we’ll needs vets when we get where we are going. What I want... Wilkens? WILKENS! Medical, I need assistance in my office now.”

“Excuse me” a woman’s voice asked. “But who is that and where is your office. What is the emergency...”

Rebecca barely heard all this as she slowly fell to the deck.