When the Sun Turns to Darkness

by Mr. David R. Dorrycott

copyright 2002 - 2006 C.E.


Chapter Eight

Getting the News

Rebecca carefully stood in a loose form of attention as the ships Captain walked into his office. It was impossible under such low gravity to hold strict attention, she knew. She’d already tried several times. "MEO Report sir" she announced before he could say anything. "Shuttle Bay One is in use. Main power is back on. Hull is nearly sealed. DISCOVERY's command section is being tied into the ship as we speak. Already on-line. Forward bay doors functioning and the jump field array has been rebuilt. We're packing BDB's in as fast as they arrive, venting all remaining unusable gases out the back doors. You can jump anytime you want as far as Bay One is concerned. There's only three BDB's waiting outside and COLOMBIA's due in forty minutes." She sat her laptop on the table, its Velcro patch sticking to its mate already there. "We need five, six weeks to finish repairs. Maybe longer. A lot of wiring got fried. Its not pretty but we got you back on-line as fast as we could. I've two people out for injuries. James White with a broken arm and Patricia Nicks welded her left hand to a beam, third degree burns to three fingers. Medico says she'll lose the little one. That's my report sir, anything I missed?"

“At ease. From your end MEO, nothing I can think of” Captain Marchand answered. “You heard the news about our little religious nut bomber?”

“Yes sir.”

“She reentered the atmosphere about forty minutes ago above South Asia. Probably made a pretty sight to those down below. Vandenberg’s still holding on but they only have two BDB’s left and are running out of things to stuff in them. Those ships are not man rated, even in this emergency. There’s nothing left to turn another shuttle around so what comes up with those two ships are it. Need anything special?”

“Everyone on the planet Sir?”

He looked away, towards a photograph of a large family. “Yeah. Wish we could. Can’t. Nothing then?”

“If they can sir. Something special. For my wife.”

“Ah yes. You are my little Don’t Ask Don’t Tell aren’t you. People downside have been demanding that you two, and the rest I’m aware of like you be sent back down immediately. Considering that would mean following that reporter. I don’t think so. You’ve both worked as hard as anyone, your coming. So name it. If its on the base, she’ll get it.”

“A pair of wedding rings sir. Plain gold will be fine, and the tools to resize them if they are too small. Her size and mine are on file.”

Marchand considered her request. “That is actually a very good idea. I’ll have the BX stripped of all jewelry, if any remains. Won’t be that much mass or space either. If I can do it MEO, it will be done.”

“Thank you sir. Any word on our departure?”

Marchand settled into his chair, carefully snapping the safety belt as he did. In low gravity it was easy to jump up and hit ones head after all. “I just came from ordering passengers into those tubes. That should take half, three quarters of a day. When that is done I want you to double, triple check those tie downs. We may have to move some things around to balance the ship. No more than a week, maybe less. Official jump is in three weeks. We’re going to fool anyone planning a last moment attack. Also. I’m turning this ship into Navy, as of noon. I’m tired of having to refer to my section heads as MEO for example. A ship can only have one Captain after all.”

“Yes sir. It does tend to make things confusing. I wasn’t Navy sir, so my rank would be?”

“Lieutenant Commander. Your wife is listed as a Lieutenant. I see she’s also listed as a fully qualified large animal Vet and currently acting as a Doctor. Right, I’ll arrange training to bring her up to speed with humans. Biggest breeding animal we’ve brought along is a cat. Normally she’d remain at her rank, but I can’t have a couple with that kind of rank difference.”


“Yes MEO?”

“Kaths a medical doctor. As such she outranks me even if I was in your seat. Add to that she’s a civilian thrown into a military world. Wouldn’t basic training be a better idea?”

Marchand chuckled. “Oh I can just see us trying to give basic training on this ship, in this gravity. Your right though. Procedures and history are important. Once we are jumping, crew remains awake. Classes will start. All right LC. Get back to work and please try not to get killed. Your too fuin and too cute.”

“Not important sir?”

“Not yet. Dismissed.”

Snapping the best salute that she could under the conditions Rebecca made her way out, then had to return. Captain Marchand looked up as she reentered his office. “My laptop Admiral” she explained, recovering the device and hurrying out. Not though too quickly to heqr the man reply.

“Admiral. Not a bad idea that.”