When the Sun Turns to Darkness

by Mr. David R. Dorrycott

copyright 2002 - 2006 C.E.


Chapter Eleven

Confronting the Nun

"So. From what I see here, your paperwork states that you want to be declared a lesbian" Kathleen told the woman across from her. She was sitting in an empty passenger room, its other occupants having been processed and now waiting for their individual Stasis chamber to be readied. "Why? There's no advantage to it. In fact there are tons of disadvantages. Even on this ship. One of those being that you can be spaced right now to make room for a heterosexual woman.."

"I won't have to.. to.. to couple with a man" the woman answered, as if that explained everything. “There are no further ships. They will not do such a horrid thing to a woman.”

"Oh really?" Kathleen asked, amused. "What gives you those ideas Miss?"

"Rosa.. Mary Rosa" the woman supplied. "Its common knowledge that lesbian's don't.. don't do it with men."

"Uh-huh" Kathleen grunted. "Mainly that's true. Unless we want kids, which a darn lot of us happen to want no matter what public belief is. But we do 'Do It' with women. How are you going to explain not having a partner?"

"I.. I thought I could move in with you, and your..." Mary Rosa swallowed. "Wife."

"Oh, I see. You want to claim to be something your not, move into Crew Quarters with Rebecca and I so you can act like you really are but never actually do anything 'like that.'” She shook her head no. “Your wrong about the Captain spacing women. For one example, a rather nasty little GNN reporter discovered that, after she was caught planting bombs. Her reason? God, yes GOD wants all humans to die. We should not refuse God’s will. Listen Sister Mary Christian. Who the hell on Earth picked you for this? Some dried up old maggot of a Mother Superior? If God didn’t want us to escape then He, She or It would never have allowed this ship. This Ark to be built. Would he."

"How? You shouldn't.. Oh my..." The woman seemed confused, which was fine with Kathleen. "Your not a very good Christian you know. Nor is your lover."

Kathleen stood, towering over the other woman. "Listen little nun" she snapped, suddenly no longer amused. "To start your not attractive at all. I spotted you when I screened you. That iron ring of yours is a dead giveaway. Not to mention a dozen other things, like crossing yourself and praying every three seconds. Second. No I'm not a damn good Christian. In fact, considering what is going to happen to Earth, my friends. I'm giving the whole idea a serious second look. And Rebecca? She worships Athena. Now you listen to me. Unless you want me to notify the Captain right now he's got an unwanted undesirable guest on his ship, you dump that holier than thou attitude, lose the ring and forget being a... Lesbian. Your not good enough for us to start with. We don’t want your kind near us, or our families."

Mary shivered in fear. She had never been spoken to like this outside of the walls and it frightened her. But her mission was all important, to insure the ship had a devoted Christian leader aboard. The memory of Cardinal Raymond's dead body being discovered upon arriving in space, her decision to remain... She was supposed to be acting like a wife, her true identity hidden yet this.. this woman had spotted her in seconds. "How" she asked softly.

"My two sisters are nun's" Kathleen answered. "You sorta recognize it after living with it a third of your life. Now you have a few options, but first you have to understand one thing. Every woman on this ship will have children. That means you too. Hell girl, Rebecca's looking forward to it. So am I. You don't have to 'do it' with a man. I'll admit you into the insemination program myself, just like Rebecca. But you start one church meeting, you pull one religious trick, you have one hidden agenda you violate one ships law and I'll sic Rebecca on you in a second. Then you'll find out if you are or aren't, but you won't like it either way." She tried to force an evil expression on her face. "Becky likes her lovers... resistive. Make an appointment with me. I'll examine you, determine everything we need to get you on the program. I'll think of an excuse but.." She reached over, grabbing the womans left hand firmly. "We get rid of this. It goes out the airlock back to Earth where these things belong. We no longer have the ability to support slackers." With a forceful twist that brought tears to Mary's eyes she removed the iron ring. "Even Becky says the Gods have turned their backs on Earth, and she's the most devote woman I've ever met. Goodnight little lost nun. I've got a warm willing body waiting in my bed that I for one do not intend to waste."

Standing abruptly Kathleen left, taking the ring with her. Mary sat on her bed in shock. It'd seemed the perfect plan. She'd discovered Kathleen was Scots, thus most likely Catholic. Rebecca.. from the name she'd assumed Jewish. Certainly those two would have protected her. She looked at her hand, the impression of her missing ring shown deeply in her flesh. There really wasn't anyplace to turn now. Kathleen had her, and by morning Rebecca would know too. It'd seemed so... perfect. As if it'd been meant to happen. "Oh God my father" she prayed. "Why do you forsake your humble servant in her time of need." Her sleep that night was broken by nightmares of being thrown into space by a cackling ships Captain. Without a spacesuit.