When the Sun Turns to Darkness

by Mr. David R. Dorrycott

copyright 2002 - 2006 C.E.


Chapter Twelve

Enemies Move

Three days later a dark spirited meeting was being held. A meeting on Earth between two middle aged men. A meeting held in a most forbidding part of Mother Russia.

"Then it is agreed Comrade?"

"Dah. Twenty Hundred hours. Ve launch."

"Good. Until then." The old general hung up his red phone, picking up a thick cigar. Before him were several photo's. Some of SS Explorer, others of the sun. Those of the sun showed massive changes, notes with them indicated only a few more weeks before Earth herself would begin to feel effects of the fast closing black hole. That it would pass out of their system uncaptured was something his scientist had only today determined, though it would take Mercury and Venus with it. Or at least send them into the sun or deep space. Orbital Mechanics were simply complex to determine without a supercomputer. Something Russia no longer owned thanks to the Luddite mobs. At least the two planets were almost opposite the sun and behind Earth at this moment.

Those photos of of Explorer, made from 'Earthwatch' satellites showed recent damage. "So my good friend, your special agent failed. Like I thought." Briefly he thought about calling his 'friend' in Washington. But since Washington would be radioactive rubble in four hours. Why bother?

A knock on his office door brought him from his thoughts. "In" he barked. Two men entered, both wearing the white lab coats of scientists. Scientist's he knew and respected well. "Report."

"Honored General" the older scientist answered. "We have asserted beyond doubt that this Command Center will survive the coming destruction. It is more than deep enough, and has more than adequate supplies."

"And the target?"

The second scientist spoke next. "Three of our largest mirv ICBM's have been refitted with single warheads sir. It will take three orbits to bring those warheads close enough. At detonation each warhead will release 100 megatons of power. Since only a close or direct hit will destroy the ship we have planned for the weapons to detonate fifty kilometers from it. A resulting radiation flux will kill all life aboard and disrupt all unshielded

electronics. That will be the signal for our hidden ships to approach, board and capture."

The General thumped his desk. "Wonderful news. Once our troops send the clear signal launch all the hidden transports. I want our people aboard, in control and out of this solar system before the American’s can effectively respond. How much time?"

"Two days sir, no more" both men answered.

"Good, good. The foolish American's have launched all their missiles against China. They have no more to send. They will be helpless to stop us. Lenin was right, Communism will survive. Anything else?"

"One thing sir" the older scientist remarked. "We have too many people here. Food supplies will be inadequate unless we can retake the surface."

"Stasis chambers?"

"Sir, you filled them with woman. There are sixteen hundred women in stasis, another three hundred in the base. Perhaps if we got rid of the Chinese captives and put our troops in their place?"

"NO" the General barked. "They were chosen for their beauty. No, I will find a way. That is all." He watched as the two men left, then picked up his phone. Calling an internal number he waited. "Sergive? You have my list? Good good. Two minutes after the missiles launch, execute every name on that list. Yes yes, I know many are respected members of the political bureau. Do you remember what they were going to do with your daughters? Yes? Then do it. You know them, you know their tastes. Good good. When it is over let us wake a few of the Chinese. They will be much fun don't you think? Yes, so do I. Goodbye Sergive, I'll see you in six hours then." He hung up, Sergive was one of his few trusted men. Having saved the mans daughters from a political officers 'barbecue party' last month the man was dedicated to him. His daughters, already in hidden stasis chambers aboard Explorer would be going to the new world with him. Aboard a ship that he would rename RED STAR. As for his list, what need did they have of a few hundred fat bloated old men and women?