Chapter One   Chapter Two   Chapter Three  
  Chapter Four   Chapter Five   Chapter Six  
  Chapter Seven   Chapter Eight   Chapter Nine  
  Chapter Ten   Chapter Eleven   Chapter Twelve  

Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen   Chapter Fifteen  
  Chapter Sixteen   Chapter Seventeen   Chapter Eighteen  
  Chapter Nineteen   Chapter Twenty   Chapter Twenty-One  
  Chapter Twenty-Two   Chapter Twenty-Three   Chapter Twenty-Four  
  Chapter Twenty-Five   Chapter Twenty-Six   Chapter Twenty-Seven  
  Chapter Twenty-Eight   Chapter Twenty-Nine      


There is a New Villainess in Town

© 2011 by: Mr. David R. Dorrycott

Chapter Two

Rebecca woke in a bed, a real bed not some castoff army bunk. It felt like a full sized one at that and the sheets were starched clean. Groggily rubbing her eyes to clear the sleep gunk from them Rebecca waited until her eyes adjusted to the rooms light. Very bright light, which was probably what had woken her in the first place. Gingerly she stretched her limbs, to discover that they were both unrestrained and apparently naked. Groaning with what felt like a hangover she grabbed the top-sheet and sat up.

She was in a normal room bedroom. There was a chest of drawers, wardrobe, a small desk, two comfortable looking chairs and a night stand which held a hard wired phone. A single wide full length mirror was attached to one wall while two doors led out of the room. One had a rather tough looking deadbolt attached to the inside the other was simply a door.

Inside, the deadbolt was inside not outside, that made a big difference because it meant that she could lock people out. Still right now she needed a bathroom and odds were that was what the second door was for. Wrapping her naked body in the bed sheet, there was no chance that there were not hidden cameras and microphones everywhere, she made her way to the second door. It was a bathroom, though utilitarian. Rebecca found the standard bathtub/shower combination, a sink and a low flow toilet. In the Medicine chest above the sink she found a toothbrush, toothpaste (not her brand) mouthwash and a container of floss. No deodorant and there was no soap or shampoo by the bathtub. Though there were two thick towels waiting and a matching washcloth. Interesting. There was also a very thick bathrobe hanging on the back of the bathroom door and when she had turned on the light a vent fan came on. A very quite one she noted, not cheap. “So, shower I guess” she said to herself. “But after I answer Mama Natures call.”

Without the benefit of soaps her normal quarter hour cleaning took about fifteen minutes longer before she felt ready to face the world. Not that Rebecca was a clean freak, but her hair had been oily and she hated that with a passion. Drying herself off, then wrapping the second towel around her head she slipped on the waiting robe and reentered the bedroom. A minute or two later the phone rang so sitting on the bed she answered it.

“Miss Feinstein, are you ready for breakfast” a mans voice asked. There was no attempt to disguise his voice so she was pretty certain that he was nothing more than a hireling at best. Hireling she thought, wasn’t that how villains referred to their expendable muscle? Was she going to be reduced to referring to people like that? It was degrading for both of them.

“Yes sir, I am. Will someone be available to answer a few questions today?”

“I don’t know Miss Feinstein, I can ask but if I were you Mam, I wouldn’t expect any answers from me.”

“Then don’t bother, I’m stuck here so what happens, happens but please do send something to eat and thank you.”

She hung up the phone then looked at her hands. She was a cat bugler, she stole from the rich and she always gave half of her take to a charity, never the same one of course. Her stomach growled reminding her that her last meal, also a breakfast, must have been a long time ago. She rubbed her tummy as though to assuage its feelings, it growled back and she laughed.

Why had she been chosen Rebecca asked herself as she walked over to the wardrobe. It was empty, so were the chest of drawers. Figured, where would she go naked? But back to her question, she wasn’t a violent woman. In truth she had aborted three thefts simply because someone was in the room and she had never hurt anyone, not even a slap to the face. So what had marked her for this mad project.

“Face it girl” she said to herself. “They will tell you, or they wont and that’s that.” That decided she returned to waiting patiently.

Her patience was rewarded, eventually. At a knock on her door and her call to enter a young woman brought in a tray of food, she was masked Rebecca noted and didn’t come near the bed. Instead she sat the tray on the rooms desk, always keeping an eye on the rooms one occupant so Rebecca didn’t move until the door shut again. There had been a hallways beyond that door, hallways painted that sick green the military seemed to love so the bedroom was a lie, what an expected surprise. She stood and went to the food. Drugged or not she needed to eat and the food looked delicious.

About an hour after she had eaten there was another knock on the door. This time it turned out to be one of those masked black suited men. “Follow me please miss Feinstein” he ordered as he tossed a pair of hospital style slippers onto her bed.

“Good aim” she countered as they landed beside her. “Its what, a whole ten feet from the bed to where you are?” Still taking the hint she slipped on the cheap shoes and naked under her robe followed the man. Like she had thought, the hallways they passed through, or as the military would call it corridors were all painted that ugly light green color. There were numbers at each intersection, covered plaques that probably would have told her nothing and amazingly LED lighting. She had expected the mind gnawing buzz of florescent lighting with bad ballasts.

They eventually arrived at what could only be called a blast door. Swiping a card through the reader her guide led her into a laboratory that stank of strange chemicals even with a constant airflow coming from above. Oddly no one was in the room she noted, in one corner of the room she noted a rather large cylinder with masses of cables going to it. Its size and way too many movies informed her exactly what it was for. It also explained the reason that there had been no soaps in her bathroom.

“Oh no” she said, backing up until her back hit the blast door. “Deals off. I’ll take the horrors of Turkey before I become some kind of movie monster.”

Her guide turned to her, apparently sizing her up. “Your father and mother are still alive” he noted softly. Very softly Rebecca noted. “As are your two sisters and three brothers so lets save your toys for last shall we? I understand that Mary is with child. Her third, correct? She wouldn’t miss one would she, say Paul? He is three now isn’t he, such a terrible death that would be, so protracted as the insane pedophile has his way.”

“I” Rebecca countered, “Am going to kill you.” Her right foot snapped up, her slipper flying towards the man as her robe gapped open even as she spun, she intended to throw the robe at her guide.

Her foot never encountered the man. Instead she felt a terrible pain in her crotch, one almost causing her to double over in pain. Instead of falling to the pain she completed the turn, releasing the robe to blossom over the man. He spun it aside only to encounter the heel of Rebecca’s right hand as the Karate blow struck with full force.


He staggered back, his mask knocked off his face to shatter as it hit the floor. Still it was no where near over, Rebecca could barely move because of the pain in her nether regions while her guide was trying to return to reality himself. By the time she had control over her own pain he was back in the fight. A fight that neither pulled any punches in. Rebecca was good, she was a black belt in both Karate and Ju-Jitsu but her guide was a lot better than her. Though she managed a few more rather impressive strikes eventually she lay bleeding and unconscious on the cold tile floor.

Her guide backed up, sitting in a chair while he pulled out a standard cell phone. Pressing two buttons he waited until there was an answer. “You saw?” he asked, listening to the others words. “Yeah, tougher than we thought. She reacted exactly as we thought and she ignored her broken pelvic bone till near the end of the fight. No, no Mam, I wouldn’t want a re-match, she broke three of my ribs and I think I may have lost two teeth. Yes Mam, it was the tank that set her off, some kind of deep seated fear I guess. Better send in the volunteer so she can see what’s going to happen to her and a couple dozen martial artists to strap her into that tank before she wakes up. A new mask Mam? No, she knows what I look like now so it won’t matter. Good-bye Mam.”

He hung up, forcing himself to breath shallowly. Rebecca, he realized, was very inventive. She hadn’t bothered to try and use her nakedness as a weapon, she had simply gone all out. There had been at least three times where she had combined the two schools she was Black Belt in and all three times she had broken one of his ribs. If it hadn’t been for the small size of the now shattered room she just might have kicked his ass. Finally he heard others coming, so for just a moment he studied the naked woman before him. Yes, she was a damn good looker he decided, better than his own wife. He wondered if she would look as good in her new form. At least her broken bones would be healed by the time she came out. Strangely, her wished her good luck.